BB Bold :: Receiving Messages From Unknown Sender?
Feb 23, 2012
I keep receiving messages from a sender, Alice Rewe, on peer-to-peer. I don't know the sender and it sends me with links for some NEWS UPDATES or BREAKING NEWS How do I stop receiving messages from this unknown source??
I can receive text messages from any sender and get the message just fine and able to read fully. One sender's messages are all blank. I receive the message and my phone acts like I have one, but all the words are gone. And this sender is the person I text and talk the most to. I pulled the battery and that didn't help.
I keep on receiving an empty text message or a text message with different characters (examples are the following: @PF, #, Q"_$ ...) from an unknown number. This happens every time I send a text message to anyone on my contact list. The unknown number keeps on getting longer with every text message I send. What should I do to make it stop?
Every once in a while I would get one SMS message from an unknown number which was spam. Today, for the last 4-5 hrs, I've been receiving numerous spam SMS msgs from 2 area codes in the Atlanta, GA area that are 3 different mobile numbers, and some of which are from the same repeating mobile number. Is there a way to block any spam text messages? I've just been deleting them, but didn't know if you can filter or block SMS msgs like you can with emails. I have a Blackberry Curve 8520 through AT&T
I got this problem after i upgrade my bold to OS .I received 1 txt message and everything seemed fine.. at least I thought so ;A bit later I got a second txt (SMS) message but the content of the msg didn't make any sense as it seemed only relevant to another person in my contacts...
I had one sms in my SMS/MMS inbox and all SMS that came in after that appeared to be from the same person although they weren't! .... In other words, I get the threaded SMS but showing ALL incoming messages as being from the same person (the first one that sent me SMS after I installed the OS!
The Bold 9700 has a big prblem with its SMS service because it only shows the 1st sender only and I always think messages coming are from the same guy!! I can not answer because I am not sure of the sender as it doesn't show! what shall I do?
iv looked on all the help pages but cany seem to find what this item is, it appeard last night after trying to send a message, it looks like a red clock on a white background does this mean message watiing? as i dont seem to beable to send any out but im reciving fine should i contact my network?
My contacts receive messages on BBm that I never sent to them. Its on their phone but not on mine and some even tell me they are receiving my conversations with other friends. Is my BBM hacked? I think RIM has some serious answering to do.
For the past few weeks, I have not been receiving picture messages, but I am able to send them. What can I do? My data service plan is on. I have crunchSMS, but I receive pictures through the MMS icon.
A few days ago my BBm stopped receiving messages. I can send out no problems, when they try to respond, they get the D next to the check but it does not show up on my phone.
I have no idea what it could be. I have deleted BBM and reinstalled.
When I receive a text message, I don't want the name of the sender of the test message to appear on my screen. All I want to see is a small, white number inside of a red circle, attached to my Message icon. I'm sure there is a way to turn off this feature, but I haven't yet been able to figure out how to do it.
For the past few months, my phone has been receiving text messages with a delay of a few hours. Now, it has started receiving messages days later - most of the messages will arrive shortly after they were sent, but other arrive days later. It has also started notifying me of messages that I already received as new messages, multiple times. I have reset the phone twice, and the problem has persisted.
On my iPhone, when I would receive a text message, my lock screen would show who the message was from but it wouldn't include a "preview" of what the message said. It just said Text Message and the persons name. Whenever I receive a text message on my Galaxy S6, is it not possible for the alert on my lock screen to just say "New Message" or just even the contact's name and no preview of the message?
Under Notifications settings --> Notifications on lock screen -- I have the option of Show Content or Do Not Show Notifications.
Shouldn't there be additional options of "turn preview off". Something to that effect? Same with my emails. I'd rather it just say who the email is from an not a snippit of the email contents. Is this possible for email and text messages?
I can send this things. I know people have sent messages but can't access them. The menu key no longer shows "voice mail" when the icon indicates I have received a voice mail.
My e-mail is not working correctly on my phone. I have lots of ghost "No Sender" messages and it cannot download attachments anymore. I used to restart e-mail on my previous iPhone, but I don't know how to restart/re-launch it on the iPhone 5.Â
I have a Blackberry Bold 9700 on the 3 Mobile network. I only have one email account setup, and it is a Gmail account. I use Facebook for Blackberry.So here's my problem - a few days ago I checked my Blackberry Bold 9700 and saw that I had received 28 email messages and 8 Facebook notifications.However none of these emails or Facebook notifications was new. They were all ones I had already received that day.
I deleted them all, and guess what - an hour later and they all came back into my email inbox and Facebook notifications.When I went to sleep that night, I woke up with 136 emails and 26 Facebook notifications - ALL OF THEM THE SAME REPEAT EMAILS OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
I have been on forums and tried removing my battery and SIM card (not very technical, that) as well as resending the Service Books after doing this. Nothing has solved this problem though.I really hope someone can help please as I'm seriously thinking of ditching my BlackBerry and buying an iPhone where this problem doesn't occur.
I keep receiving between 2 to3 SMS's per day from a user just identified by a number (namely, 70371). The messages contain a URL address. These 50 to 70 messages per month serve no purpose but to increase my phone bill. I have asked my carrier (Movistar), who has told me there is no way to block the sender (obviously: my carrier is happy with the fact that 10% of my phone bill comes from these SMS messages). Any way to block a specific sender?
hello, I just upgraded my phone to the .732. Everything went smoothly during the upgrade, ever since then I have been having trouble with receiving text messages and MMS messages. I have gone to 3 sites for free ringtones have sent the ring tones to my phone, I have not received anything. I also have setup google voice and I am not getting any text messages from people tht text my google voice number.
Here is my problem: if I receive an sms from someone, any other sms sent to me afterwards will appear as if they were sent from the 1st person. i.e. the contact number or name of the others will not show.thus if I also compose an sms, it will show the contact number of the 1st sms received. I can only send to another contact if I delete that 1st sms received and then compose a new one, after which the newly selected contact will show.
All incoming SMS/text messages appear under the contact name and number of the previous sender - no reference to the ID of the latest sender - is anyone aware of a solution? My 9700 is running v5 0.0.423 (platform problem only appeared when I connected up to sync with my PC.
Just a couple of days ago, I received a BBM from my daughter, although my cell was turned off for the night. I thought maybe I'd not turned it off. Last night again, I turned it off (I always do every night) and was woken early because not only was my turned off phone receiving messages, it had also enabled my Drive Safely app and the phone was busy reading everything to me.I checked and the phone was off. I still had to push the red phone key to turn it on.I immediately did a battery pull and will hope for the best.Has anyone had this experience?
I keep getting messages from an unknown source, I only see a green star appear where the AT&T is on the upper left corner of the screen on my Motorola Atrix.