BB Bold 9700 :: Red LED Blinks But No New Messages?
Jul 30, 2010
I have noticed lately that the red LED comes on indicating there is a either a message or e-mail, when I check there is nothing there and no past messages for it to think its a new message. Any idea as to why its doing this and how do I fix?
I searched other topics and clicked the "similar threads" crackberry offered but couldn't find anything that addressed this. I'm running OS 5 (.419, though I have a friend with me who is running the latest Verizon official and duplicates the same annoyance).
When I receive an SMS text message, the LED blinks as it should. But when I open it, it will continue to blink until I either respond or back out of the message. It's a minor annoyance I know, but does anyone have a fix for this?
Just recently I have had some problems sending normal text messages..The problem is when I want to send a text I go to my contacts and try to send a sms message, but instead of opening up a conversation window I get taken straight to my recieved messages... I havent had a problem replying to messages after people have texted me, its iniating the converstation thats not working.
Just a couple of days ago, I received a BBM from my daughter, although my cell was turned off for the night. I thought maybe I'd not turned it off. Last night again, I turned it off (I always do every night) and was woken early because not only was my turned off phone receiving messages, it had also enabled my Drive Safely app and the phone was busy reading everything to me.I checked and the phone was off. I still had to push the red phone key to turn it on.I immediately did a battery pull and will hope for the best.Has anyone had this experience?
I am running .423 on my 9700 and cannot find the right option to combine my SMS/MMS messages in the Message Folder. With 405 I was able to go Menu>Options and see a dialog box to combine folders, but I can't find it under .423
When I put my t-mobile simcard, my blackberry bold blinks in red for nothing during 15minutes at the beginning how come? When I put my Orange (france) simcard, it is normal. Somebody knows why?
Plugged my phone into the charger last night with everything working fine. This morning, the phone is dead. The red light blinks on and off every 10 seconds or so but, nothing else. Tried everything but, no life.
i let my blackberry 9930 os 7 charging last night the when i get it was off and the phone dont turn on just the red led turn on and then off and turn on and then of.
I am brand new to blackberry, just got a bold this week (9700). All of my text messages are going to my email inbox. Also I keep getting a text repeated (every 15 minutes yesterday) from a number I don't know, it's "0476000000" and it sends the message "n:m=3=1"
I've just got a new white Bold 9700, and put a 16gb memory card in it from my Curve 8310. I dunno if that's what's caused it, but now I can't see my message folders on the Bold - be that the BBM, text, or my three email accounts. I'm still getting email notifications. What I've done to cause them to hide, and how I can get them back?
I'm designing a theme for the Bold 9700 and I am hoping someone can please give me the exact name of the file / application to open the "Messages" envelope -- net_rim_something_or_other . As best I can tell, I need to define it as a third party app so that I can use tiny icons, but the name of the application must be precise in order for it to work.
So I used to have the 8900, and whenever I had a text message, I can just highlight it and click 'save', and it would save a copy of it in a folder, which means I can delete the one I got. For some reason, with OS 5.0, I do not have that option anymore. I went to the SMS option and had it saved to an SD card, but doesn't work.
i know someone who jsut got a 9700 on Tmo and are running the latest official OS and she says her messages just dont open no matter how much she presses them, but bbm works just fine.
i cant open BBM's i have tried they battery pul out solution which does work but only temporary. Is there not a perm fix for this as the battery pull out solution is just getting too much lol.
I just got my Blackberry Bold 9700. Yesterday The BBM was a seperate icon under Instant messages. After that i installed BBM version, However after the installation the BBM is now combined within masseges. I tried returning it to factory setting and checking the Options but they have no mention about BBM.
Its abit hard to use and i want a seperate icon for this. Was the application supposed to do that? How do i seperate it from messages?
I'm a new owner of a BB Bold 9700 and I just setup my work email and it's icon name is "Work Email" where only my work emails are received. There's also an icon name "Messages" that is receiving both text messages and my work emails. Is there a way so the Message icon can only receive text messages?
I got permanant error 507 on my bold screen. When I try to restore from a back up through Deskstop I get a 561 error. What is the solution to get my Blackberry working again ?
We have the BES through our exchange service. Two people in the office each got a new Bold 9700 and they are able to sync wirelessly. When one person types an email from his desktop in outlook, it shows up as a sent message on his BB. This does not happen to the second person. Why is it doing it for one person and not the other when everything is exactly the same
When I try to send a message, it just stays in the message box, and then sometimes just sends randomly, this just started to happen like 20mns ago....I tried a battery pull, phone restart, and a restore file from yesterday, but nothing......
Has anyone else had issues with texting today?I have been recieving up to three or four duplicate text messages today from two different contacts.Also it is taking two or three tries before my texts are sent. Just wondering if it is my phone or something else?
Hey guys. It seems like sometimes my phone lags or freezes for a little bit when I delete a message. It definitely does it when I delete a SMS that isn't that short. Anyone else having issues with that and any resolutions?
I've been playing with my new Bold and am getting the hang of things, got most of my stuff on it and preferences sorted, I feel like the menus are endless though and will take a while to figure out all the shortcuts! But I'm loving it!My question is about my hotmail account. When I send messages from the BB they do not appear in my outlook 07 and vice versa, is there a way to make it do this?I would also like to get all of my old message from outlook (pre BB) onto the BB for reference, is this possible?
I like having my texts and emails coming through in my message box but when I have a load of IM messages coming through from yahoo and msn just because I've not got the app open at the time (but still signed in) is a little annoying
I"ve had my bold 9700 for one month. The first 3 weeks were fine, all of a sudden, I keep getting the message icons at the top of the screen, but there are NO messages. I've deleted all messages, texts, phone calls etc., icon is still there. AT&T, nor the blackberry store seems to have a solution. I don't want to have to pull my battery every time this happens (multiple times per day).
I did a search throughout the forums to see if others were having this issue or knew how to resolve it. I'm new to the Blackberry so any help would be greatly appreciated. For some reason my device is not letting me download previous emails. It does download new incoming messages but that's it.