Ive had my 9700 since December...never had a problem until a week or so ago. I am suddenly not able to receive any type of MMS. My phone receives the message but when I open it all I see is a small red X near the top of the screen, and if theres text in the message, I also get a message "Text attachment missing or invalid" right below the red X. However, if I forward the message to myself, it works and I can then see the pic and/or text that was sent.I am on ATT, OS (from the factory), and have an unlimited message/data plan.
I can SEND MMS just fine. Something I noticed is that when I go into my message folder, theres an icon of an envelope with a small arrow pointing to the right of the message (see pics below). Also, my friend said she tried to send me a couple of MMS pics last week, but after a few minutes, a red X showed up next to her sent messages instead of a check mark (which indicates message sent successfully). I never received those messages. I also had her try resending the pic several times, and even had her try to take and send new pics, and also had her try to send older pics that have been on her phone for a while to see if the pic she was sending me was somehow corrupt and if it was just new pics that had the problem or old pics. Pics I received fine months ago are not coming through now. Everyone else she sends the pics to gets them just fine. She is sending from a Curve 8310.Ive tried a battery pull, SIM card pull, have had service books resent, and have run a diagnostic test from options > mobile network > menu > diagnostics test > menu > run. It all seems fine.
Recently I have been getting a problem with my 9700 Blackberry. When I make or receive calls, I can not hear anything out of my handset. The person on the other line can hear fine (Usually with me going Hello Hello a million times!) The only time I can hear anything is when I have my bluetooth on or switching it to speakerphone.
I tried doing the soft reset (battery pull when the phone was still on) ...still nothing. Although it did work a couple of times. Its on and off, but recently the situation has gone from bad to worse.Anyone out there with the 9700 with the same issue? It's really annoying and I do use the phone a lot for important calls.
Heres what I have done so far. I went into the advanced options and changed all prowser push settings to allow. The box was unchecked when I first went in. I saved the settings and did a battery pull. I can now receive mms from myself but not from anyone else.Any ideas that I can try or do I need to go through a couple hours of customer service?
i updated my phone last week,and ever since then i do not receive any gmail anymore.i did the batt pull thing. i also deleted the gmail app from my phone and reinstalled it but still no email.can anyone help me.funny thing is i hear a sound for the email but not email in my boxes?
My blackberry bold 9700 cannot send SMS to any number, it can only receive SMS. Email and other online services are working well. I have checked the message center and it's correct. This problem started 3 days ago. Before that, SMS is working fine. I haven't done anything special 3 days ago, and really clueless about this. Early this day, I tried to put my sim card to other phone, and it can send SMS. Put it back to my bb 9700 and this problem started again.
Have 35 MB phone memory left (currently no memory cards) and I can't receive any song of any size below 35 MB. When I try to receive it using the "Receive using Bluetooth", it says something like "No memory left". Btw, the phones which are trying to send me are NOT blackberry phones, Samsung mostly.
I have been trying to get gmail working off & on for about a month now. I have had a gmail account for as far back as I can remember. I have set it up on my 9700 and received the "congrats" email from the bb service, but never receive emails.
Created a NEW gmail account, and have tested from my hotmail account (which IS receiving and sending fine on my BB). Still not receiving gmail on device. Called T-Mob, spoke to rep and BB supprt rep. I recieved 2 or 3 emails that night (couple of weeks ago). Nothing since.
Can: Send an email to hotmail account and gmail accounts from my BB (using a gmail account to send) and I receive them on my computer. I recieve the hotmail email on my BB, but not the gmail. No matter what I do, I can't seem to receive gmail on my BB.
I have: •Resent the Service Books from both the Handheld and my PC (A few times)
•Registered a few times through the Host Table and got the registrering email
•Checked to ensure no filters interfering on my provider setup and made sure that it is set to "forward to device"
•Deleted the Gmail Account and set it up again - same issue
•Set up a hotmail account, which works fine.
•Confirmed Gmail settings (on gmail site). POP is enabled (recent)as well as IMAP
•Checked Firewall settings
•Rebooted my Blackberry by pulling the battery after most of the events above
I'm an IT Support Specialist, but just can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I am new to BB and new to the community, and I feel like this is just beyond my periferal vision.
Issue: NOT able to receive any text messages. I can send messages and they are all being delivered. I pulled the battery and re-registered the host routing table. This happened last week, so they replaced the device and SIM in the store. Now it's happening again.Does anyone know what to do? I really don't want to call Tech Support.
My blackberry bold 9700 cannot send SMS to any number, it can only receive SMS. Email and other online services are working well. I have checked the message center and it's correct. This problem started 3 days ago. Before that, SMS is working fine. I haven't done anything special 3 days ago, and really clueless about this. Early this day, I tried to put my sim card to other phone, and it can send SMS. Put it back to my bb 9700 and this problem started again. Any solution for this problem guys? I'm using OS
I have a blackberry bold 9700 with TMobile that cannot make or receive calls as of yesterday. Texts and email work fine and I have done a battery pull about five times. When I try to make a call, there is this constant clicking, almost like a pulse sounds that comes through the phone. I tried to call my wife's phone and her phone rings with my number but no voice goes through. Same problem when I receive a call, the pulse thing happens and it goes to voice mail...which I of course can't check. I have had this phone for almost two years and this has never happened before. This just started happening yesterday with no changes to the phone (OS update, new app, etc.).
My blackberry bold 9700 can't call out or receive calls it keeps showing an error message.Uncaught exception:applicationregistry.waitfor(0x7c802477365c3985)timeout
when i receive messages or emails the led flashes red but only for a set amount of time! i didnt check my phone for a while because the LED wasnt flashing, which i thought meant i didnt have any messages or missed calls! i had a couple of missed calls and messages!is there any way of changing it so it flashed until the message is read?
My blackberry suddenly forbid me to make, receive calls and send, receive sms. I've tried several way to fix this includeing -batt pull -batt pull + remove sim card -update FW .423>.442 -wiped and relode FW (.442) -resend service book -re-register host routing table
Then I look at manage connections>Services status and it says, Mobile Voice status: not available connection: not connected. put my sim card into another phone (nokia) it could make, reseive call and sms so it shouldn't be sim card problem. Other services are working fine, BBM, email and facebook.
I have a blackberry bold 9700 with the latest software .862the phone has been unlocked and was originally on O2 UK.i however am using a 3uk Sim and the simcard itself is relatively new.i am constantly throughout my day receiving the error "sim not allowed".can someone please advise a possible fix to this as i cant receive or make calls when this happens and the only cure so far i found is a battery pull.
I have just received my new bold 9700 handset. I have set up both my gmail and Hotmail accounts.Unfortunately, I can't seem to receive any mails from my hotmail on my handset even though they do arrive on my hotmail. This is not the case with gmail, which seems to work fine and push the emails to my handset as soon as they arrive. Can any one please help me out here?
I have an issue with a brand new Bold 9700. When receiving a text (SMS) the user's name is not displayed, just their mobile number details. All the details of the person are stored in my contacts on the phone, and if you click the options against the text message, it then figures out the name of the sender as it adds their name in the options to email, call, SMS etc.I went into the SMS options and initially saw that the "Show names" option was marked as "No". I thought, aha changed it to "yes" but this makes no difference.
My O/S is v5.0.0.344 (Platform
Carrier is Vodafone in the UK
I did see other posts for updates, but these related to O/S version 4xx which seems to be a different version to mine (which also seemed strange as mine is a brand new phone), and so was kind of scared to try that on my O/S.
Since I updated my OS and had to re add all my emails only one certain email I cannot send off, I receive all email but cannot reply back to people. I have a Bold 9700.
9700 (got it in november, right after launch) i am running .442 OS (crappy, need to update it) and my PC is on windows 7 ultimate 32 bit. for a while now, when i connect my BB via USB, the PC recognizes it, and i can modify the files on my SD card as much as i want, for as long as i want.BUT if i try to do anythign with DM (backup, load new OS, etc.) it will communicate for a few seconds (generally less than 30) and then stop. the DM still says it is trying to communicate, and my BB shows that it is connected to the DM, but with no send/receive arrows. after a WHILE, it times out.charges fine via USB, SD card works fine via USB. as far as i can see, all of the pins are there.i have tried a few different computers with the same result. this an OS bug? what should i do? i can probly get it to communicate enough for a bare-bones backup of contacts/etc., and then wipe/reload, but im afraid that if i try that, it may hang up yet again and leave me w/o a phone!any ideas? i REALLY need to get rid of this crap OS w/ crap battery life, that keeps giving me 523 errors.
I had my Bold 9700 plugged into speakers and listening to Slacker like I have done in the past. Now when I try to make a call or receive a call the "Headset" icon flashes on and off as tho the headset is plugged in when nothing is plugged into the jack. This overrides speakerphone too. So basically I can receive and send a call but it cuts in and out quickly since it thinks the headset is taking over.
Not sure if this is a glitch or if something happened when listening to music. Nothing looks abnormal when I look into the headset port. I was thinking maybe I should update the software to see if its a software or bug.
I have a blackberry bold 9700 i have a problem where i cant recieve or make calls or send & recieve text.. it comes up with signal and my mobile network - vodafone! i dont know what to do!
how long does the led stay blinking after you receive a text msg?im askin because i have heard ppl say it blinks forever, until you acknowledge the text, but today i got a text at 6 (i was away from bb) but when i came back there was no led blinking. at 10 i got another text i was with my phone so i looked at it, and saw 2 new msgs.. 1 received at 10, the other received at 6
whenever i recieve a bbm message i dont get the little red star on the messages icon anymore, im not 100% sure if i did in the first place but it would be odd if i didnt!? emails its the same case i believe (not 100% sure on that one though)i use the imagining mmmooo theme that is in the top 25 free list... does this have an affect upon this?
So I just recently upgraded from the curve 8310 to the new bold 9700 on att literally two days ago and i love it! But one problem i'am having trouble with sending and receiving text messages. I have called att customer care numerous times and powered cycled my phone as many times as I can count but still nothing, I have also checked to see if the "service center" number is correct and it is, I still have no clue what it could be. When i send an sms text message and scroll up to the message it says "sent" and the date and time but i ask the recipient if he/she has received the text but still nothing.
I have the bold 9700 and about 3 days ago I stopped receiving emails on my device, however I was getting them on my inbox on my PC. Now, I am getting them but there's allot of lag time. My PC inbox gets them right away but it takes my blackberry 20 minutes after it's sent to get sometimes. I tried multiple e-mails and same thing so I know the problem is not the email server and I also have no problems with my BIS and when I send emails with my BB they're sent to the inbox immediately.
I received my upgrade on Monday - a shiney new Blackberry Bold 9700. After setting it all up and getting the phone how i liked it, I started to notice problems........
My Blackberry messenger either didn't work or sent & received messages hours after they were actually sent.The internet was painfully slow if it loaded at all.
If I tried to make calls it would rarely work either taking forever to connect or when it did try to connect, I would hear a triple beep repeatedly as though there was a problem.When people tried to call me, they would go straight to my voicemail even though I was not on a call and had full signal.
My network provider immediately agreed to replace the handset and get me a new one out the next day and today I received the new handset. I've come home, tried to make a few calls on the handset before setting it up and all I am getting is an SOS symbol where the signal symbol should be and I am not able to make calls or do anything else.
I tried to restore the backed up file from my last handset and although it restored my numbers & text messages as well as my background image & alarms, it has not restored my programmes that I had installed and it has not restored my email and facebook settings. Am I doing something wrong or do I have another faulty handset?
I did do a search on this before I posted it, however the one thread out there really didnt answer my question so sorry for the re - post. Does anyone know how or if you can delete the option to receive a text message when getting and deleting a visual voicemail? Previous post stated that you can't do it or that it was a bug. thought now that some time went by someone might have came up with a fix.
My 4 month old Blackberry Bold 9700 bought through Bell Mobility stopped working 2-3 weeks ago; was unable to send/receive calls or text even with the signal strength indicator showing full strength and the 3G symbol showing. Returned the phone to Bell Mobility for repairs and the phone was returned after about 2 weeks, but still not working. We could not find any scratch at all on the glass that covers the LCD display, and phone does not work, so have to wonder if they looked at the right phone. I Called the Bell Mobility service center, and they had the tech at the store reload the software again, third time this was done, still not working. Also reloading software on my phone apparently takes much longer than normal, about one hour.
Tech support at Bell finally told me the phone was not fixable, and gave me a ticket number to get a replacement phone through the Bell Mobility premium plan warranty I had purchased. Called thinking I would finally get a phone that works, but the insurance company that deals with the Bell Mobility warranty said that because the phone is under the one year manufacturers warranty they would not cover it, and it would cost me $150 if they were to replace the phone.
The customer service lady would not tell me what revisit¯ means, but it seems to mean I will not be getting a working Blackberry any time soon. RIM also does not seem to offer or honor a warranty? I find it hard to believe that RIM offers no customer support or warranty on their Blackberry products, but could not find any information on a warranty in the booklets that came with the phone. Either way, the service rep at RIM told me they do not offer warranty repair services for their products and I would have to deal with the company that sold me the phone, Bell Mobility. These Blackberry phones are not cheap, so I cant really afford to buy a few of them for back up.
I have stopped being able to make and receive calls but my email and bbm still work. I only got the phone a month ago and its the bold 9700. i have rebooted and spoke to my carrier and its not helped. Can make and recieve calls when i use a different phone just not on mine.