BB Bold 9000 :: Don't Want To Receive Emails On Bold
Mar 3, 2010
When I am in the office I don't want to receive emails on my bold and through outlook on my pc. Is there an easy solution so that when I'm in the office I'll only receive emails through outlook and when I'm out of the office to my bold and outlook?
I am unable to send out emails (inbound emails are ok) after setting up my Bold 9000 for Internet Service email (using the Internet login mode). Device/Host are already registered and Service Books sent repeatedly (via Internet and also directly by the local Operator) but no resolution yet.
1. The service books for the 3 email accounts (yahoo, gmail,...) I set up are 'ticked' OK for the ones tagged as CICAL but those tagged CMIME seems to be deactivated (no entry sign).
2. The device was already wiped out (via repeated login failure) before the email setup steps
3. Although wiped, some earlier corporate settings seems to remain (security policy still showing corporate entity version, user info fields are also blocked and remain blank) - I prefer not to have to wipe the device again due to data and settings already in place. Had the following error when posting. What is it about "to" that's unacceptable? Now the body text of my post has embedded control codes
I recently had to remove an email address and then reinstall it. Unfortunately, before I removed it, I forgot to highlight all my email as 'Read'.Having removed and the reninstalled the email address, rather than have an empty inbox and 0 Unread emails, I have an empty inbox and 41 unread emails. It's obviously still storing the old email somewhere or still picking up the unread count from somewhere but I can't work out where.
Could someone mail or pin me with a solution to this. I know someone out there will have done this at some stage!
Is there a way to set my BB 9000 to delete the original text on emails automatically? It's really a hassle to go through the menu to delete the original text every single time...
I received a message to verify my password email account, to continue receiving emails, so when I got into configure email, my account didn't show up, that's why I configure it and add it again. And now in the message box I'm receiving twice my emails, and on my hotmail box I'm receiving it once.Now, I eliminated my hotmail account from my blackberry, and I'm still receiving emails!! to the message box, but I cant reply them.How can I do to stop receiving emails when I dont have nay email account configured!I hope I'm being clear =/I have a bb bold v4.6.0.185 (platform
Rogers Blackberry technical support has tried everything and they are now telling me it's a hardware issue, and I need to pay full price for a new phone because my warranty has expired. I don't think it's a hardware issue. I will explain. A few days ago I installed Blackberry Desktop Manager 5.0.1 on my new computer. After connecting the Bold to my new computer, Blackberry Desktop Manager stated that a few of my applications are old and upgrades are recommended and therefore I upgraded. One of these upgrades included an upgrade to my operating system (to version
After installing and re-booting, the smartphone did not work the same. I was able to use the phone, text message, and internet (rogers mall website directly and not search engine like before) but I could no longer set up e-mail, and PIN messages. I contacted Rogers Blackberry technical customer and we re-boot several times...did not work, then re-installed the operating system several times...did not work. I also checked Host Routing Table, and it was empty (as per technical support there should be a log of files). I tried to register and nothing changed. The only other change that I noticed is next to the 3G characters, there used to be a blackberry logo (4 dots), and now it's gone. I only see 3G.
On my Blackberry bold 9000 since last night (approximately) I have not been receiving e-mails however I am still able to send e-mails.On the diagnostics check everything came back as yes apart from connected to e-mail, however this is the first time this has happened and I have confirmed that I have entered the correct log in details. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening as I would have thought that if I wasn't connected to my e-mail account that I would not have been able to send e-mails? Any help would be appreciated, I am a UK Vodafone user.
I had this problem with my previous BB and thought the software crashed. Upon upgrading to a Bold 790 I still have this problem. I spoke to Tech support, they say everything is ok on their side. I took my phone back, the tech at the MTN shop checked, corrected my centre number.
Still NOTHING. I can send smss and e-mails but cant receive any. People who sent me mails or messages says their phones shows it was delivered.
I am encountering in my BB device. I have a Gmail account. All emails I sent from my device to another email address arrive immediately, in fact, I receive emails sent from another address to my Gmail (my BB). However, emails I sent to my own address do not arrive in my BlackBerry Bold device. I oftenly send emails with shortcut links to myself, but this issue (or if it is an issue) is really niggling me.
9000 Bold with ATT version V4.6.0.304 Platform get numerous emails to my laptop to; emails say, "This message is used to carry data between the BlackBerry Redirector and BackBerry Handheld. Pleae do not delete, move or respond to this message - it will be processed by the BlackBerry Redirector."
Redirector shows that it is trying to "verify forwarding address" and has 30 some outstanding emails that it is trying to redirect.Biggest problem is that my Outlook cannot send and emails, and there are three outgoing emails that I cannot find that are clogging up the sending. I think that these RIM emails my be the culprit. I had this problem a month ago and it mysteriously cleared up after 7 days.
From 5 days now, I can't use yahoo messenger. I have a Bold 9000 and when I'm sending messenger to computer PC / MAC the person doesn't receive, on other telephones it does. I have friends with other models of blackberry and they have the same problem. Do you have a solution? I delete the application, I update... It's still working yahoo messenger on blackberry or not?
I am receiving an "error parsing message" on every e-mail I receive. The body of the message is not visible. All that shows up are the words "error parsing message body can not be shown"The name of the e-mail sender and the subject line come through but that's it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I did a software upgrade and on completion it wiped out my email account so I can't send or receive emails on my BB but I can send and receive from my desktop. When I try to log on from my BB it won't recognize my email or password. Do I need to re-set some settings?
I can send emails using my blackberry, but I cannot receive them. The email account is hooked up to Outlook. I can receive emails using my gmail account just fine, but for some reason I am unable to get them when they come to my outlook account.
i cant receive emails on one of my emails that is set up on my phone. The other 2 emails set up are receiving mails. I have tried to sent service books and it delivered but email from people to aren't dropping. I have tried all my best to troubleshoot but to no avail. Waiting for your prompt response.
Hope someone can help. I have a curve 8520 and I can't receive any email since this morning. Can send using both my POP accounts, but not receiving. I realized only now when I checked email from my laptop client and found tens of them that never made it to my BB in the last few hours.
I can't receive emails and BBM messages on my Blackberry Bold 9900. I have tried registering the phone on the wireless network, sending the service book, and removing the battery. All of which have been completed sucessfully, but they have made no difference, I still can't receive messages.
My Blackberry Bold's email works perfectly except for the fact that one person who I receive emails from wont show up on my Blackberry. It goes to my hotmail no problem. Maybe I accidentally blocked that one person some how?
Is anyone else still having problems sending and receiving emails? I know there was a problem earlier today, but I still can't send or receive emails. Does anyone have any idea when this will be resolved
Why can't RIM develop a Bold 9xxx with the body of the Bold 9000 with larger memory, Trackpad, better camera? They've done it with the Tour and Curve. Plus they've got all the parts available already, just need a little engineering to fit the trackpad and everything else. C'mon RIM. We know you can do it. I'm sure you'd sell millions of them.
its been a month now that i've changed my sim card, and iv stopped receiving emails on my device. when i go on the email setup app, it ask's me to enter my password for my email address that was on the device and when i do it says sorry unable to continue your session log in again. but when i try do that it still says the same thing. And for my sim card, i have the blackberry email plan so i should be able to receive emails.
I received a message from Blackberry saying emails not being delivered & to validate my password but when i try to log into my email account or settings i keep being told my username & or password are wrong! Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know how to resolve it
I hope there is some one on here who can point me in the right direction.I have not been able to receive emails on my hand set since November last year via the BB application, I was using my Google, but this has now stopped, so I'm using my HTC for mail. When I go to email setup I am asked for a user name & password, I have tried my email details & my blackberry details, but none work.
I am having trouble with some things that I havent been able to figure out by now and this is my last resort where to find answers. This issue is really bugging me. After literally spending two weeks with my service provider telephoning most time waiting in witing for a call center agent to get connected to and being each time transferred to another division to a last being transferred to the divission where I first started at speak meoving in a cricle and no one being able to help me and this whole theater every day the same for two weeks, I am turning now to the people here hoping I could find some answers
1) My provider in Switzerland is sunrise (BIS), so I went on to the website and entered my existing accounts, 4 of them. Additionaly I registered a new blackberry email address to be able to use the true push service which is (xx being just a placeholder for my real name). The problem is though that I haven't been able to find out the mail settings I have to enter into my Mail Programm on my PC so I can access the emails on my computer. I dont know if it's a pop server, an IMAP server and not to speak of the mail settings of the server settings for incoming and outgoing email. Since it's actually a BlackBerry server I figured that the servers are BB managed (no one at Sunrise Switzerland even knew what BIS is or that you could receive PUSH mail with the Blackberry email).
2) I tried to register a new email address at for a direct email address thinking that maybe with this, it would easier to find infos about the settings. The problem here is that I have to enter my PIN (no problem) and ESN/MEID number. The Problem is that I haven't been able to find those numbers now mather how hard I tried; they are not even listed in options>status.
when i receive messages or emails the led flashes red but only for a set amount of time! i didnt check my phone for a while because the LED wasnt flashing, which i thought meant i didnt have any messages or missed calls! i had a couple of missed calls and messages!is there any way of changing it so it flashed until the message is read?
I did the switch device in DM and everything appeared to go smoothly. However, my email accounts are there but i havent been receiving any new emails.. what should i do? Also, do i need to send my bbm contacts my new pin?