i am having an issue where when i recieve a incoming call my bold 9000 does not show me who is calling even though I have those callers names in my contact list. i am with rogers and i do not subscribe to caller id, however when i use to have my pearl i did not have caller id but when someone in my contacts called there name and number would show up. i'm just curious as to what I can do to correct this?
my screen often fails to show the number or identity of the current incoming caller, and instead i get the number/ id of a previous caller - and not necessarity the immediately previous one. Anyone suffering similar and /or got a solution?
I had the tour first and since upgrading to .732 since the BOLD has the same software and i now have the bold 9650-verizon. When my phone rings the last callers name will come up first then automatically change to current caller.Has this been happening to anyone?
how to set the phone up so that I can view incoming/missed calls numbers? what happens now that all phone calls are just recorded as "unknown"on the screen, even for those I've already saved in the contact list. or should I contact my network provider which is optus in Australia?
I am using Blackberry Storm2 9550. The problem is these days when ever am getting a call the country name is not being displayed on the screen, previously it was comming but since am facing this problem.
This is my first bb and I love it to bits...I have noticed that today whenever i receive a call I have the same caller id showing as the first person that rang me after I switched my phone on this morning...and that was my wife...so I have been answering "hi gorgeous" to everyone all day!
when recieving an incoming call my x3 doesn't display the number that's calling me, even if I have the number in my contacts, it just says "call". I've had a look through the settings and options and that to see if i have to turn anything on, but could't find anything.
A friend has a Moto X and says that when an incoming call comes in that is not in his Address Book, no caller ID information is provided. The only thing that pops up is an Accept or Decline button. Is this common? Or is there a way to turn on a feature that will give him the phone number of the incoming call?
I've just purchased the new Samsung galaxy S6. I'd like to know how you can display the picture of an incoming caller on the screen? I was able to associate an image in the contacts list but for some reason, when that person calls me, their picture doesn't show on the screen. On the IPHONE it shows a full screen image of the person calling.
I downloaded the latest update for the Blackberry Torch (6.0) and I cannot charge my phone. I have tried to charge via a USB port and several wall outlets. I have removed the battery (following possible solutions found on this forum) - while the phone is on, with it turned off, and while it was plugged into a wall socket. It displays the charging icon for a few moments and then stops charging. Also, my phone does not always show the caller ID of an incoming call. I have edited my contacts list on several occasions to have each contact saved as +11234567 and 1234567. I have reformatted the phone twice since purchasing. I was so excited about this phone when it came out, bought it shortly after release.
I've had my iPhone 4s for over a year now. And I have not been able to get Caller id to work!! The messages all work fine, it's just incoming calls. I've tried everything. I'm also with Optus.
- On incoming calls only the contact name is displayed, and the name of the specific extension isnt' shown.
I'll be clear: I've contact Oren, with numbers: Home: 111, Mobile 222 and Tomer 333
When Oren calls I see only "Oren 111" or "Oren 222" etc. I want to see "Oren Home 111" or "Oren Tomer 333".
I placed an image of the problem here: [URL] ....
I played a lot with the settings, tried re-improting the numbers from google, tested my contacts on an Asus phone(there it worked) etc - nothing works on mine.
BTW: HTC One. Android: 4.3 (happened on earlier androids too).
Ok I have a new problem which I think was caused by me accidentally deleting my email live tile I could not find how to replace the tile it was only tonight that I realised that it was listed as linked inbox!
anyway the only way I could see to replace the tile was to remove and add my email accounts.
Now when I get a call I get the incoming number but not the name and if I look in the call history there is just the number, when I look later it has the name displayed.
Why the names are not being displayed, I am tempted to do a full reset but my 920 bricked when I did it and it is not back from repair yet so I am scarred to do it on my 1020.
I recently upgraded my iPhone 5s and my incoming caller I'd change from a large full screen image to a thumpnail, how do I revert to the older version. I like how my caller image use to appear
I have received a half dozen or so phone calls since I upgraded to Lollipop, and so far every call that I've had has a caller ID picture assigned in contacts, but none have shown up with a picture while the call is actually ringing my phone.
Has Google removed caller ID pictures on incoming calls, or is there something else going on here?
when i enter the images and videos section just the default nokia images are shown my photos from the memory card are not shown. why? i few days ago it worked. how can i fix this problem
Once I updated my IPhone to the latest OS 5.1, I noticed the keyboard shown at search Page is now shown at all pages which means I can't use the application in the lower half of the page. I have to lock and unlock to remove the keyboard!!!
Why can't RIM develop a Bold 9xxx with the body of the Bold 9000 with larger memory, Trackpad, better camera? They've done it with the Tour and Curve. Plus they've got all the parts available already, just need a little engineering to fit the trackpad and everything else. C'mon RIM. We know you can do it. I'm sure you'd sell millions of them.
Quick question. I am starting a new Job and they are getting me a superbasic Perl. I need this for work and so I will be forking some dough out of my pocket to get one of the two following phones: Bold 9000 (I'll pay 100$ Canadian, not Us) Curve 8530 (pay 24.99$ Canadian). I am very used to the Iphone and HTC Touch Pro 2 (not trying to start a flaming/argument/anything else , its just what i'm used to). I am very used to browsing with the other phones and I have heard that BB phones are not up to par, so my expectations will be low. Out of the two phones however, does one perform better than the other (Curve 8530 vs Bold 9000)? Out of the two phones, which one do you recommend overall. I have read that the Bold 9000 even though it is older, it still outperforms the 8530...
I dropped my BlackBerry Bold 9000 on the weekend and damaged the LCD screen. The device still works, but two thirds of the LCD is now white and there's what looks like an inkblot on the left side of the screen. I'd like to try to fix it, but don't really want to shell out a lot of $ to do so --- I'm a month away from upgrading.Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a dead BlackBerry with a working screen that you're willing to part with? A DIY repair -- this is out of warranty anyway -- looks straightforward, but I'm not sure I want to spend the $100 or so for a new OEM part to replace the LCD screen.