Asha 30/40 Series :: 300 Restarted - Can't Open Player?
Apr 12, 2012
I have Nokia Asha 300. Recently it had restarted. Now I cant open Media player (€˜unable to open player I cat go to the Internet (˜invalid web settings˜), I have˜t got calculator and so on. What should I do? Ive reset the factory settings (but I havent do backup before it..), but the problem is still here.
I am facing a problem with my 5220XM. When I open the music player ,a message is displayed-cant open music player-not enough memory.The same thing happens with radio also.
Nokia E63-1, RM-437, 510.21.010Nokia C5-00.2,RM-745,091.002
whenever I try to open the music player it doesn't open, showing "operation failed". And also when I open any music file, it shows the same. I've already updated the firmware also. But this issue came after that only.
The Music Player Of my nokia 5130. Is Not Opening And Also not Playing Any mp3 song and video..when i try to open any video or Mp3 File Through Music Player... the error is coming that.."NOT ENOUGH MEMORY'i have formatted the memory card as well as phone memoryy.
go online with my nokia 6700 (press globe icon) > bookmarks > select Internet > select a video > click watch video > media player/video does not appear, only sound. the only way i can get the media player/video to appear is to press back > exit. this problem with the media player only started last week.
My asha 300 automatically restarts when I open the collection folder. I want to restore to factory settings but I'm affraid that I'll lose all my conversations. Therefore, I can't use Whatsapp.
Yesterday I downloaded Nokia Suite for Windows, and upgraded my phone to V 10.16. After that, i saw in my telephone, that I can't open my memory card which called Rokas, and memory`s card`s item is lock.. Then i press to open it, my telephone want me password, but i havent got it...
I have a Nokia 6303i and i tried so many themes that have a media player and radio skin, and they just don't work. When I apply the theme and try to open the media player/radio i don't see the new skin. I only get a black screen with a clock in the top right corner. I've tried the same themes on my friend's nokia 6303 classic and they work.
I am using nokia asha 200.It is very slow and it takes long time in opening folder.And my nokia music store is also not opening.How can i solve these problems?And i also wanted to know that if there a antivirus for this mobile handset...?
When i use GPRS option on my 6280, on the top on the screen next to battary level shower, "a opend lock icon" appears.Olso when i turn on my phone evry time, "a opend lock icon" appears for a second and disapears.What is this?
As usual I was browsing in my laptop with the phone connected in Nokia suite mode, I noticed that 14.87; a new version is available.. With all the excitement I installed it and was happy. A new option is available to set the backlight brightness. But I'm wondering how they have missed out this flaw! if we open the Nokia music player, it hangs...! Just before this update, it was playing smoothly...! At this moment, how will i able to revert back to my previous firmware...!
My Nokia asha 202 handset is frustrating me as it cannot open downloaded (nokia related) apps and games. When I try opening a downloaded app it says 'file format not supported. Also,some of the files (music) I receive via bluetooth don't play.
I tried updating the webbrowser in my nokia asha 200 but in the process the was a problem. If I now try to open the web browser it tells me there is a conflicting application. What do I do now?
know if the Asha 302 auto keylock feature have the option to ask for a security code to unlock?( I am considering the Asha 302 to replace the C3-00 which does not have this option. My old ( low cost) 1616 has this security feature.)
I purchased Asha 302 about 20 days ago and while going through the features when I recorded some voice using voice recorded output was distorted, I contacted Nokia support through email and was told to restore factory setting. After doing the same I recorded and played AMR file it was fine but as soon as I received a call and then I checked the same recorded AMR file it was againt distorted. I reported same to Nokia support and was told to contact Nokia Care Centre which I visited yesterday there NCC people re-installed the software/OS but the problem persists. I was told that phone has to be sent back to company. I am having another Nokia C2 phone which is fine and no such problem there in that model.
i recently saw an upgrade for asha 200 when i try to up grade it , the suit stops working?Join my movement to bring a change in NOKIA for good by supporting my [URL]
it possible to get a Series 40 (S40) handset, such as 6100 or 6700, to automatically sync over the air to cloud services such as Google? I know there are many ways to do this with S60 Symbian handsets (Mail for Exchange, various 3rd party apps) but not sure on the S40?
On my Asha 302 the bottom half of the keyboard is hardly lit up and difficult to see. Only the top 2 rows are appropriately lit up, the bottom 2 rows are almost dark. Is this a general design flaw or an issue with my phone.
Is it possible to use the contact sync with the Asha phones (302, 303, 200, 201, 300, etc.)? I am unable to see the option and under synchronisation and backup I am being asked to enter server details etc. which I don't have. On my other Nokia phones (S60 or S^3) they all have a Contact Sync functionality.
The phone only shows both contacts that are in the phone and the ones in SIM. I can't remove the SIM ones one by one... Do I have to put SIM card in another phone and erase contacts in SIM or is there any other way. I couldn't find it anywhere in options.
My phone doesn't stay in G3 connection for the most part of the day. There's neither G nor H on the screeb or there's only G with no white box. The connection stays on for some minutes at highest. Right now there's no letter on the screen. This is extrmely rustrating! I can't access the net or send whatsapp messages