Xperia Mini/pro :: Unable To Updating To 4.0.2.A.0.69?
Apr 14, 2012
I received an update notification today on my Xperia mini. For whatever reason Sony only provide this update via a PC. Tried to carry out the update on 2 computers without success. On one computer PC companion returns an eror message at the 'preparing computer' stage - no help on how to rectify the problem. On my laptop, PC companion switches off my phone and then freezes the computer. I di on one attempt get to the 'update' stage where I was presented with some odd manipulations of disconnecting and re-connecting the phone. I followed the instructions but then update process didn't continue.Can anyone cast any light on this or better still can Sony provide the update OTA?
Are there people experiencing problem with their wifi connection after updating their XMP to ICS? In my XMP, It always said that no connection even though I'm connected to the wireless connection (it was not stable unlike when I'm using GB).
I am using Xperia Mini Pro nd had updated my phn till version 4.0.2.A.0.58 via phone only but this time the new version 4.0.2.A.0.62 can not be updated directly via phone its says to use PC COMPANION, while using PC COMPANION and selcting the update process its prompting to stop WINIT process to start downloading the update.
there will be no 2.2 update for x10 mini. This is my first sony ericsson phone and will be my last if they do not continuously update software!I have a lack of internal memory and can only install limited apps because there is no function to download them to the sd card instead!
I am trying to update my Xperia x10 mini system software version 1.6 to 2.1 and I am able to the to the preparation point. When the I am instructed to switch off my Xperia and turn it on back again to contact with my PC I am getting the below window which states that I need to scroll the smart status bar and choose 'Connected USB device' on my phone and than 'Instal'... well.. I don't have these option. When I scroll down the status bar I get only 2 options: 'Connect USB' or Do not connect'. If I connect it it revert me back to the previous point when the system is asking to switch off and on the phone.
i got the notification in my phone x 10 mini that androdi 2.1 is available for my phone and i can install it via pc companion softwares developed by Sony !!But when i try to update the software through Pc companion software i got the following error after the preparing section reaches beyond 70 %
the mobile was vibrating till i update it to 2.1 model is xperia x10 mini pro u20i , and i tested the secret menu and not vibrating too , should return it or is it a softawre based error?
After updateing my Xperia x10 mini to 2.1, and in spite of doing the Backup & restore, all my notes in the (sony ericssoon) Notes app have disappeared! How do I get them back? Obvioulsly Backup & restore didn't back them up...
I always wonderd if there is such a thing as a recycling bin on the sdcard?
when i try to update to 4.1.B0.587 after the 2nd step(prepare) i can't move to 3rd step(updateafter 2nd step the phone is automatically turned off and a notificationis appearing as shown belowi have done all these procedures bt still my pc cant detect the phoneand again its showing the same problem
Fb fine via web and own app timescape updates calls sms etc ok just no fb updates for over a week
browser works on 3g and wifi i've a x10 mini pro on vodafone if that has any effect.when i click to update timescape nothing changes i've updated new version of fb app and restarted phone to no avail
I updated to the new Android Ice Cream Sandwich but now when I add files from PC to memory card the phone does not update the list of songs or albums of photos or something else, you can see them with the file manager but are not added automatically to the file library like older version, please help me.
i hav a white xperia mini pro..wen i was on 2.3.3 the "sym" key worked perfect n showed special characters and smileys....But after updating my fone to 2.3.4 dis key doesnt do anythng.
Ive just updated my SK17 to the latest 2.3.4 firmware but i realised after updating, the CRT Screen Off Animation is no where to be can i get this back?
after updating my phone to .587 earphone speaker is not working. i am unable to hear the voice while calling but the same is heard while it is in speaker. while having service test ie *#*#service#*#* the earphone speaker is working fine
As soon as I bought my mini-pro I got messages saying that the software needed updating (why, its a brand new phone?) I have tried updating via the PC Compnanion but that is useless and and I get absolutely nowhere. When I queried this with Sony they said its a common problem ( ! ) and I should update the software online. They did warn that this might cause loss of data and so I should back-up the data on the phone first. When I asked them how I do this no-one bothered to reply. Is there anyone out there who can tell me how to do this as Sony aren't interested.
I bought my phone a week ago (xperia mini pro sk17i), It offers me an update option (4.0.2.A.0.62), I used PC companion, I crossed first two steps and when it starts to update it said error, i tried 5 times, followed the instruction but every time its the same.
I'm a new user and have 2.1 installed on my phone. I have followed the instructions to sync my contacts, calendar and notes to my computer but only the contacts sync successfully. Is there something special I have to do?
I have bought a sony Xperia mini pro SK17i few months ago; yesterday i got a notification that there is an android update is available for my phone. I was downloading that and start installing, few minutes later the phone switched off automatically and i was unable to switch it on again.
After updating to latest firmware, the contacts have disappeared. If I search I find the names and numbers but they have failed to list in contact now.
i have updated my Xperia mini pro to ICS, i had a option in ginger bread "connect automatic in MSC mode", i dont find this option in ICS. does anyone know how to do this in ICS/
After updating my sk17 to 4.0.4 my status bar began to freeze. Every time i close applications - time stops, and every icon that was in bar stuck there. I asked some people, they told me to root my phone and replace some files. But I don't have much experience in rooting, so i am afraid of spoiling phone. Set my status bar back without rooting my se?
I have an Xperia SK17i and when I tried to update the phone it don't start up or get into restore mode etc... The only thing that works on it is the LED light and it's flashing red for a few minutes and then it shuts it self down. My computer won't recognise the mobile and I've tried everything.
I updated my mini pro yesterday night. Overall response is fast.Camera application is looking weird with limited functions. The 2.3.4 version of camera application shoots better pictures than the updated camera application. Camera window opens and shows up the visuals as if they are zoomed in by default despite not using zoom in feature.I'm disappointed with this update of camera functions.
I was excited when I found out that si number 1248-9444 is already avilable for update but when I tried connecting my phone to Sony PC Companion or SEUS it says that "Your phone is up to date". My xperia mini is still in .62. ICS is still not available for my phone even when the SI number is already posted.
I have downloaded the latest backup and restore app but I'm still unable to restore my apps as my phone will disconnect from network when i tries to restore the applications.
My SI No. is listed in the site and I got the update notification also. But when I try to update using PC Companion, am getting the below error message.
Yesterday I updated my phone to 5.1.1 and am unable to send receive messages on my phone. I get lot of important messages. I updated through pc companion suite. Did normal update and restarted my phone.
I have successfully completed my software updation process. After update I switch on the phone and after a while language option occurs.. I selected English(US), then I click to next, it does not work, I mean setup does not moves to next step...