BB Bold :: Get Map Code For 9780?
Dec 4, 2012I have just traveled to India from uae and cannot activate the sim?
View 3 RepliesI have just traveled to India from uae and cannot activate the sim?
View 3 RepliesHow can I have my unlock code or my MEP code.I have a blackberry Bold 9700 with this IMEI CODE: 352481040938546.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I delete all contacts from the phone memory on my Bold 9780? I've only seen options to delete single entries but not all in the list.
I noted that under contacts, there are email, phone, facebook entries. How can I configure the contacts to only display phone contacts?
my 9780 bold keeps rebooting for no reason , and it has dropped varies times , so i dont know if it could be cause of that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy 9780 Bold restarted after I deleted an app, but won't reboot fully. The white loading bar stalls at about 2/3 in, even when I try to start it up again after a battery pull.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan't use BBM on my Bold 9780 (Vodafone Italy). Unable to reach my PIN contacts who remain "pending" ! they are also unable to reach me, but reach everyone else !
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a problem with my Blackberry 9780.i am realise that my old sms will disappear,up there is the picture.that only show green colour icon and when i click inside then all the sms is gone! what is the problem?and i believe that's not because of the back up problem,cause my phone dont have any data plan.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy 9780 keeps 'resetting' itself. screen will go black, white line at the bottom then graduates then the phone switches back on, unfortunetly the ringtone settings have i have to go and change them back.
Have tried to update the software (t mobile said this might help) but message says that my administrator will not allow this.
I just got myself a bold 9780. But now after restarting it for the first time, it shows a white screen with "App Error 603" and "Reset" on it. I alreadey tried the suggestions at the Torch board. My desktop manager (6.0) can't connect with my device and I can't force it with application uploader (whatever that may be).
View 9 Replies View Relatedi was downloading blackberry protect in my Bold 9780 from app world and suddenly the device started rebooting by itself again & again....while rebooting the process of reboot reches upto 60% or 70% than it againg start the reboot it would kind enough if anybody can help me with this problem as soon as possible....& i also dont have backup?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWell i'm going to cut straight to the point. My phone would not charge, so I gave it in for repair and was given a brand new phone in return.However, now my phone, it just won't connect to wi-fi.The message 'failed to authenticate against network' just keeps coming up.I've deleted it from my saved networks, and tried again. It just won't do.My internet works perfectly fine when its connected to my network, it's just with the wi-fi that it doesn't connect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded an app (Smarter Wallpapers) and used it. I found I didn't like it as much as I thought I would so I deleted it. Problem is that the pictures from the app are still in my phone and even if I change the wallpaper it continues to scroll through all the app's wallpaper. It's driving me nuts - I just want it off my phone!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a BB Bold 9780 with an older version of software on it (cannot confirm as device is white screened with error messages on it).The device was showing Error 561, so I attempted a software update to fix fault.The device has completed the install but cannot connect to the device to reboot - have retried 3 times and waited the half an hour each time only to get an error message on PC.More than one PC tried, still showing fault.Error 507 on the support pages suggests the device does not have OS on it, is there anyway to reload this without Desktop Manager?
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy BB9780 turns off automatically randomly whenever I pick a call, click on some icon...I then have to remove the battery and start again, which takes a very good amount of timeCarrier - Bharti AirtelBlackBerry® 9780smartphone (3G, Wi-Fi)6.0 Bundle 863 (v6.0.0.285, Platform Bands 1,2,5,6Cryptographic Kernel v3.8.6.5Branding Version: Edition Configuration: CLDC-1.1Micro Edition Profile: MIDP-2.1Micro Edition JTWI Version: 1.0Micro Edition Media Version: 1.1Micro Edition PIM Version: 1.0Micro Edition File Version: 1.0Micro Edition Bluetooth Version: 1.1Micro Edition Location Version: 1.0.1Micro Edition Security and Trust Services (APDU) Version: 1.0WLAN Version: © 1997-2010Research In Motion Limited.All rights reserved.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhenever I touch my trackpad using my phone the whole phone freezes. I have had it replaced, I've had new software put into the phone, it was working then over night I wake up and the phone isn't working, and it has done that twice. I have rebooted my phone hundreds of times but the same thing keeps happening, I leave it for a few minutes but that doesn't work either.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Blackberry Bold 9780 keeps turning itself off, in my pocket or when I put it down on a table. At first I thought it might be a problem with the battery so I bought a new genuine battery for Blackberry and put it in my phone but I was still having the same problem. I decided to send a tweet to @BlackberryHelp on Twitter and they advised me to do a security wipe, which I did, and still my phone kept turning itself off. I sent them another tweet and another message but they haven't replied. I'm getting a little bit, put it this way, frustrated that when i've paid for a premium smartphone at over £400 I'm having problems after owning the phone for just over 6 months. The phone is therefore still under warrenty but I thought I would just put a message on here first before I contact them to see if it is a small fix that I can do myself rather than living without my Blackberry while it's sent off to be fixed.
I am getting quite fed up now because, I get the Blackberry logo up and I have to wait for the bar to go across (see below image) which takes AGES. I'd hate to rely on the phone in an emergency! After the BBM and e-mail outages not so long ago and now this, i'm SERIOUSLY considering scrapping my Blackberry all together and buying the new iPhone 4S.
Purchase new sim in Germany but cannot verify Blackberry ID..when attempted to log in with the correct ID Error message read "Blackberry ID servise is temporary unavailable.
Further findings show that my phone not connected to Blackberry Enterprise Server.
Every other connections...i.e Wi fi and other connected.
How do i get edge back instead of GSM?i have tried all the possible ways,restarted my phone,kept battery out for 10mins and the restarted,removed my SIM and tried another but im not comming down to a soloution
View 1 Replies View RelatedPhone keeps on rebooting. Have removed the battery many times. Can't download from balckberry desktop software.
Shouyld I download software from blackberry site.
My girlfriend's BB Bold 9780 keeps on restarting..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just upgraded to the Blackberry Bold 9780 on vodafone, I have tried everything to get my pc to recognise the device with no success
View 2 Replies View RelatedPlugged Bold 9780 in on Saturday evening to charge, removed from charger on Sunday morningphone was powered up. Left house and got into car and saw that the phone was powered off.Would not power back up. Tried charging phone again, get red light for 10-20 seconds and then light turns off and an image of battery with large red X across it appears on the screen. When I plug the phone into computer, computer detects the phone, but still cannot boot up phone.Took phone to mobile carrier (Rogers mobile, Canada) to have them investigate; have been advised that phone is dead. Suspect they simply want me to shell out for new phone/upgrade rather than help me fix the current phone. Support forum suggests others having similar problems, but the suggested solutions have not remedied the situation
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to fix this error - BB bold 9780? Just listening to uploaded music, battery got drained, and when is starting, i cannot proceed to my home page. it keeps on saying Error App 204 - RESET.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy blackberry Bold 9780 is unable to find any satellites under clear sky. I have tried reboot and ensured all the location settings are correct . I remember it worked few times but all of sudden it stopped working and since then GPS never worked.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter a reset, my fone's IP is the reason why i cant connect to wifi, it always says failed to obtain an IP address.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got a Bold 9780- t-mobile for about 5 months now that will not come on. The led indicator flashes red 1 pause 2,3,4 fast flashing and then pause 5 and over again. That is all it does. I've been searching every where but I can't seem to find what it means.I got home and have put it on the recharger worked like a charm. After an hour used it for a text message, not a problem. Went to sleep for about an hour and when I came back the screen was black and all it did was flash 1-234-5 over and over again. I have taking the battery out waited ten minutes put it back in and 1-234-5 just the flashing. My phone will not start up. The screen stays black. The flashing is like I never seen before starts with a 1 flash then an interval of 1or 2 seconds then 3 quick flashes again a short interval and another flash. This keeps on repeating. Even when you take the battery out wait for ten minutes or longer it just flashes the same sequences If you link it to computer the computer doesn't reconize him as well. I'm totally lcked out of the device.Flashing is all it does.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy bold 9780 since i purchased it one year ago i can't use 3G connection as the service(internet) keeps disconnecting and when i want to reconnect i have to switch to 2G only i have updated my software sevral times
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed a couple of apps and tried opening them but they gave an start up error.So I restarted my device and now it shows the blackberry sign and the loading bar and then just reboots itself. I have tried removing the battery and attaching the wire and tried to update the phone but it's of no use. this as I'm travelling right now out of country and I cannot show it anywhere else except my country or my warranty will be become void.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi did couple time reinsert battery n stay same...cant load...want to wipe with bbsak also cant.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi Have Bold 9780.Imported ( T-mobile) now i Using TATA DOCOMo Its Unlocked. Now Its doesnt Getting On.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi cant turn on my 9780, had a black screen and basically was off..only red LED flashes. tried a few tips from this forum but it doesnt work..1. pulled off and reinserting the batt, 2. connect to pc but failed to detect the device,it says "windows unable to installed the driver"..then i tried to connect with desktop manager to update os, but error occurs when it try to connect with the device.3. then i decided to uninstalled bb desktop manager, after restart, i connect the usb again, the windows detected the hardware n successfully installed the driver..but i didnt reinstall the desktop manager yet. im afraid if i did a wrong step which might accidently loose all the media it my os probs or i need to replace the batt?
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