When I look at my iphone space availabe from the summary page,I have more than 2 GB of "other" items. Can someone tell what this is and how to get rid of them to free up space?
My iTunes tells me that 15ish gigabytes of my 32gb(well technically 29 but whatever) iPhone is being used by music, This is perfectly fine with me but my iPhone tells me a different story. It says that over 18gb of my phone is being used. Why is this? could it be related to the 6+gb of "other" clogging up my phone? I've done just about all the tricks in the book to reduce my "other" and none have worked, Restoring the phone is at best a temporary fix. I don't even have enough space on my phone to do the most recent update. And yes I do realize I could remove some music but all that's going to do is give the "other" more space to grow.Â
It sure seems like my iPhone works better (faster and fewer crashes) when I leave a few GB of free space in its memory, (I'm referring to its flash memory, of course; obviously, I don't have control over RAM usage, or not direct control at least.)
Question: Does this suggest that iOS uses flash memory that you don't fill up with music or movies, for virtual-memory swap space, or other forms of buffering that can improve performance? Perhaps more to the point, how much flash-memory space should we unused in order to improve performance?
I am using an iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1 and had no problem with it so far, but couple days ago I installed the smartsync app (syncs my contacts with facebook) and since then all of the apps are keep crashing because of the wired memory goes up really high, crashes the phone and do it again. Even if there is no app open, the wired memory goes up really high and crashed the phone and then do it again. So the battery dies really fast, and you cannot really use any app! I deleted the smartsync, I did a restore and a back-up
whenever I send a text, a notification pops up for less than a second and then goes away so quickly that I was having trouble even seeing what it was. I finally got a good enough look at it to go through my app list and find what was causing it, which turned out to be the "Usage" app. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's supposed to happen, but I figured I would come here and see just to be sure and see if there is a way I can make it stop. The "allow notifications" check box is checked and grayed out, so I can't change it.
Having issues with no info being shown in the battery section. Example instead of saying for example 6 hours left of usage it just keeps saying still learning usage habit. It was showing before but I did a factory reset and for a day it's been like this. Previously it was giving me info out the box and even when I did a reset before I was getting data instantly.
Observed high memory usage of internal disc space after 5.0.2 update. Google updates kill my Z2 usability, I have system, all google stuff to keep me running, gmail, drive, maps, chrome etc. One game, one office suit, calendar, small app needed in work and can't even install sony privilege cause only 750 mb is left free, all available apps are moved to 64GB SD card. How much memory will be left after 5.1 update? Is new system smaller than before, how can we extend the inside disc capability, leaving the device functionality? Is it the same for Z3 and Z3+, they also have just 16Gb of internal memory?Â
So this is a two-fold issue. The first and most major is that my second SIM card is showing that it has data usage (by an assortment of apps, and mainly System). This is viewable via the Data Usage in settings. I wouldn't normally care too much as long as the SIM 1 data usage is accurate.
The second issue stems from this. I have it set as a metered connection and the correct values set for data allowance, etc. It is still showing data available, with about 250MB still left (out of 2GB). Every time I enter or leave a WIFI network (or it detects a wifi network for auto-connect), I am getting a notification saying that I have used more data than I have allotted. Then when I go to the data usage, it shows that I still have data. Now, the SIM 2 is also showing data, which when added to the SIM 1, would put it over my allotted.
So a couple things:
SIM 2 is showing data usage even without SIM card'You've reached your data limit' notification keeps popping up even though I have data leftData Usage metered connection not showing total usage for both SIM within metered usage even though it's generating it's message based on that.
It is pretty annoying getting that notification all the time, especially since it's a system notification and I like having those set to sound. Also, I can't have 'restrict data usage on overage' turned on due to this bug.
I am using Samsung S6 and encounter issues with the tracking of data usage. The Y axis (GB) and X axis (dates) and warning limits bars are showing but the mobile data usage graph is not showing despite using mobile data.
I currently own a Blackberry Bold 9900, which is about one year old. Over the past year I have accumulated a lot of pictures and videos, then suddenly I received a message saying the memory is full. I then connected my device to my MacBook and removed all media, however I still get a message saying that more than half of my memory is being taken up by something. I have deleted all user installed applications apart from the following; Facebook, twitter, facebook messenger, whatsapp), I have checked the memory usage for these applications and together they don't total over around 50MB.
I have backed up my phone and was about to perform a security wipe, however a bit worried when it said e-mails wont be sendable or receivable after the security wipe.
Somehow my memory usage is so high the dang "processing" clock shows up every few seconds, literally.This happens after a few hours of browsing, and I should point that the whole time what I did was merely browsing, I didn't do anything else.
These are the applications running while I'm browsing: 1. Browser (well, duh) 2. Messages 3. Phone 4. Home screen 5. BBM 6. SMS Filter
According to MemoryUp Personal, the memory usage goes as high as 50%, that's around 100 MB memory consumed, for reading humor articles. I can only imagine what editing documents will do, maybe a new high score at 200 MB? No, seriously, does browsing actually use that much memory? Maybe I should also say that the memory consumption is gradual, from 39%, and then 40, then 41, 42, 43 all the way up to 52%, the current high score, when I decided 52% for a native browser is a true memory spending spree and pulled the battery. Before any humor reading, though, the usage is only around 10%, so 30% is already high enough, let alone 50.Just what is happening to my blackberry? EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED. Turns out I was the dumb newb ranting about unnecessary things. As the Browser is used, it accumulates stuff in RAM, which can only be cleared by shutting it down, which is impossible due to it's nature except with battery pull. Thus the only way to go is to use another browser or use the native one sparingly, or pull the battery every few hours.
I've been noticing recently that my Atrix generally only has about 20MB of free memory out of the 800MB or so of system memory. I thought Android was meant to manage the memory effectively but this appears not to the the case. One symptom of this is that it causes the webtop to regularly complain of lack of memory and results in Firefox automatically closing itself.
I have Nokia 500 Belle. Listening to built in internet radio fills phone's C: memory with no apparent reason (No any messages, no email, no installed apps, to prevent stamp answers that suggest to remove apps and messages). After about 10-15 minutes browsing and listening stations memory is decreased by about 10 MB's. I used X-plore to see, what can i do and what to delete but there's nothing to delete. Probably the Private or Sys folders are filled with some kind of junk but obviously there is no access to these... I had about 130 MB free on C: and after using Internet radio it was decreased to below 120 MB. I did very little listening next day and after that memory was left to 114 MB. What if it will eventually fill completely? It was a problem on Nokia E52 and Nokia 500 Anna.
Internet is full of complaints about Nokia phones memory usage. But no any reasonable solution. All what i can find are typical stamp answers that suggests to remove apps and messages and so on... Few months ago my E52 ran out of memory, though i hadn't installed any apps on C: and all messages were also on memory card. Even deleting browser cache (using x-plore) did not help.
I have a Storm 2 from Verizon. I've tried twice to download Sea Storm Animated Themes. torwards the end, the download fails. buy my "memory usage" decreases even though the download failed. how can I clear what's downloaded or what do I need to do to regain my memory space?
i have a bb torch 9800 & have downloaded applications from the app world but the problem is there even if i send message or phone is not in use the application memory usage goes on decreasing automatically.Help me out for the same as soon as possible
I've been having problems with my battery monitor constantly showing wifi usage while it's never even used on my phone. There will then be sporadic times where it will show that wifi is "off" and then kick back in.
Everytime I use my phone I get a little pop up that tells me that I have no storage or that I am extremely low. I know I have a lot of music on my phone but when I sync it to my itunes to try to delete the music, it will not let me and when I keep it on there, it says there is not enough memory for anything else. I have deleted all of my text messages, almsot all of my apps that I only used occassionally and now I am just lost as to what to do. It is very evident that at the bottom of the screen I have almost 7 GB when I delete my music off... however, it is telling me I need more. I have to delete my photos off of my phone daily because sometimes when I try to take photos it tells me that there is no more space available.Â
My husband and I both have the iPhone 3GS. My husband's phone however will count on the phones data usage 20mb over night while it is charging and on our wifi. it is counting this towards his 3g usage and not wifi. We have already had APPLE reset everything at the store. it is still doing it. so he has to turn off all cellualar data usage at night or it keeps racking up the usage even though it is on our wifi. I plug my phone in at night as well and mine is not doing this
I buy bold 9000 few months a go from Dubai UAE market, i did not buy the network pattern together i am using my etisalat prepaid card. from begining i am missing someof icons like ( GPS, Memory card not showing also i con not go directly to memory card ) like nokia and other mobile shows etc could you please help me out to know whats problem in my phones.
Has anyone experienced large memory usages for the multi-touch keyboard process? When I open the process the specific task that uses the large amount of memory is the "Admin Notifier"... Has anyone else seen the same? Is this normal?
Ok, I search the web and the forum, but did not find a definite answer on this. I installed X-plore in my N97 today. I had some issues this morning with the phone telling me there were memory issues and showing my 32 gb drive down to just 1.2 mb!!! My phone basically stopped working and I had to restarted about 4 times. I synced the phone and all of the sudden it was fine. (By the way, I installed X-plore after the issue).
Why is X-plore showing drives D and Z? What are those? Is D the ram? Does this mean my N97 is "Ok"?Now, the default file manager shows the following:
C: 16.2 free E: 21.2 gb free F: 7.4 gb free
It does not show the D drive? Can I improve my C drive? I've tried most of the suggestions on this site and others and I only get 16 mb free. I only have Nokia Maps installed and all the applications install on drive E. I don't know what else to do?
Device info:Your carrier: Orange/ Model info and OS version: Blackberry 9780 - 6.0 Bundle 2647 (v6.0.0.600, Platform
Apps and free space File free before and after a battery remove/replace: 220.1mb Did a battery pull fix your issue? No Apps installed and their version if possible: No applications BT device model/version (you will have to look at the BT device): ?
Memory card SanDisk 4GB Micro SDHC
I've had this phone for roughly 3 months now, bought it brand new from Phones 4U. Everything was perfectly working, when all of a sudden yesterday my phone kept thinking it has no memory card inserted. So I removed the memory card and did a battery pull, re-insterted the card again and still no luck. I next checked if the media card support was enabled, and it was. I then inserted my memory card into my PC and it worked perfectly, no errors or anything. I then tried formatting my card (FAT32) and inserted it once again and yet no luck. I then went to my storage options again, and under media card it reads 'A media card is not presently inserted in the device.' Even trying a different micro SD card did not help. For a second it said 'media card inserted' but seconds later 'media card removed'. This doesnt happene everytime, only sometimes.
My SMS text database size Is 17718/9513 and I keep getting a notification saying that it Is too full, even though my device memory has 200834280 Bytes of Free memory.
I have a Storm 9530. When i sync it to desktop manager it does. When i try to import music it says to Please insert a media card and reconnect to your computer. I have a card in it and have tried 3 different ones. It also will not show any blackberry icons on my Mac desktop. Card show up in Options Memory. Auto enable Mass Storage Mode when Connected is set to NO, is this right?
I have inserted a 128gb memory card inmy z3 and saved loads of apps to it but its still showing 125gb of memory available on the memory card. It was also showing this amount of space before I saved anything on the memory card.
it does not recognize that i have a memory card so it has deleted all my photos and music and things but i can't even take a photo now as it says to insert a memory card but i have one!