IPhone 5 :: Screen Very Pixelated And Jumpy - Unreadable

Sep 8, 2014

My iPhone 5 suddenly became very pixaleted and jumpy.most of the screen is unreadable and does not respond to touch. Restart failed to correct the problem.

iPhone 5

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Touch Screen Jumpy When Charging

Sep 12, 2011

I've had this problem since i got the phone.When it's on the charger, and i need to use it, the touch screen will be very uneven in its responsiveness... Sometimes it will read my gestures and taps, sometimes not.

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BB Curve :: 9360 Screen Is Pixelated

Apr 13, 2012

I have had my Curve 9360 for just over 3 months and have always kept it in a case.Recently the screen only shows a full screen of random-coloured pixels. The phone itself is still responsive, but the screen only shows this image. I took it to a technician who tried replacing the screen but this did not fix the problem.

Device info
Your carrier: WIND Mobile
Running 7.1 OS
Removing battery and restarting did not fix problem

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Xperia PLAY :: Keeps Freezing, White Pixelated Screen

Jan 17, 2012

This has been happening with my R800i Xperia play for a while now. During use, the phone would freeze, and when I turn on my phone again, I am greeted with a white-pixelated mosaic. I can receive notifications, and I can unlock my phone, well everything works really but I cant see the screen. Usually taking out the battery would work, but that stopped working. Now I just pray randomly pressing stuff will work. Then whenever I opened the game pad, the same thing would happen, every time. When it came back, I tried updating the phone, all my apps, I tried everything, and it keeps happening, and now its stuck, and wont come back to normal. I got my phone for a reason, I rarely even played on it, I just called and sent texts, and now its not working.

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Galaxy S6 :: Scrolling Has A Jumpy Effect

Sep 3, 2015

I just ordered an G920i which I will be getting tomorrow. Is it like the Galaxy S5 with lollipop when it comes to the scrolling? I absolutely hate it its hard to explain but example: Scrolling up and down through settings or a website, its not lag its when you scroll really fast it has a jumpy affect or effect where it will scroll the opposite direction. It does not happen on other phones running lollipop except the Xperia Z2 I had.

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Motorola Defy :: VGA Video A Little Jumpy?

May 7, 2011

I took a video today indoors with bright natural light and noticed for the first time that the picture was a little unstable and tended to jump every few seconds. I hadn't noticed it before because it's very quick - blink and you'll miss it - but sure enough I saw it in a video I took a week ago as well (also indoors but not as bright and it seemed less jumpy).

Anyone notice the jerkiness as well? I wonder if it's a hardware or software issue.

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IPhone :: Camera Showing Text Blurry And Unreadable?

May 3, 2012

I just upgraded my iPhone to 5.1,when i hold the camera close to some text it is blurry and unreadable, and when i tap to focus the only thing the phone does is lighten or darken the screen depending where i tap. the front camera works fine if i hold it close to text and take the photo but that is pain. anyone know how to fix this? i can hold my wifes 3gs the same way and the text is readable.I have tried restoring as new and back up with no luck, and i have tried other camera apps and it is the same result.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Pixelated Images On 4s Apps?

May 1, 2012

My iPhone pictures on apps like Facebook, Instagram, etc.. are appearing pixelated/low quality or in blocks?? I've never had this happen before and it's really annoying me. My network is usually on E or 3G and I barely use wi-fi?

PS: Nothing is wrong with my camera.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Keeps Getting Pixelated Streaks And Goes Into Restore Mode

Jun 3, 2012

Iphone keeps getting a pixelated streaks and goes into restore mode. It either restores completely and then the same thing happens or as it is going through the restore process it freezes with an error 14 and I have to start the same process again. I have the latest IOS.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Recorded Video Small & Pixelated?

Jun 21, 2012

When on recording video mode, my video files are saved small only taking up a quarter of the screen and very pixelated.

iPhone 4S

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BB Bold :: USB Unreadable In Volvo?

Dec 3, 2012

I have just upgraded from a Pearl 8120 to Bold 9790. Having used an SD card for music successfully in my car in the pearl phone, I swapped it to the new phone to play my music and now its unreadable?I have reformatted the card (even though it was fine) and loaded the music again and again but no joy.

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IPhone :: Pixelated Photos When Moved From Photo Stream To Album

Mar 18, 2012

I'm having a problem with some of my photos on my iphone. I imported some pictures from facebook into iphoto on my macbook. Those photos show up in my photostream, just like they should. When I look at those photos on my iphone in the photostream folder, they look just fine. When I save those photos from photostream into an album on my iphone the photo becomes very pixelated. The first picture is the photo after being saved from photostream into an album on my iphone. The second photo, is the same as the first, but exactly as it is viewed in photostream.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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BB Curve :: Replying Or Forwarding Email Unreadable?

Feb 11, 2010

Some of our forwarded/replied emails are showing as complete gobbledegook, the annoying part is it seems very inconsistent:


We use O2's hosted service via Exchange OWA. The email signature's all appear fine but the main body of the emails show as above.

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Lumia 950 :: Mail App On W10 Render Emails Unreadable?

Dec 19, 2015

Is it normal for the mail app on W10 to render emails so poorly?Unless its a text email, the rendering on my phone is pretty much unreadable - incorrect fonts, text sizing, images misaligned etc looks like a 3 year old has tried to write css!

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BB Bold :: TEXT Message Unreadable For Nokia?

Mar 2, 2011

nokia users are unable to read my text messages.. I did tried to battery pop out reset.. swipe everything then reinstall but still the same problem... this occurs after updating to OS6.. everything else is good..Device info:Bold 9700OS

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Eseries / Communicators :: Nokia E7 Unreadable By Windows System?

Feb 25, 2012

I usually connect my E7 to my laptop with Windows 7 installed in it. The mass memory was readable during the Anna days.But now, when I was trying to connect the same and copy some files over, I could read any files from the mass storage.

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Motorola Xoom :: Display Washed Out In Sunshine / Unreadable

Dec 3, 2011

For the first time, I took my Xoom outdoors to see if it could log on to my neighbor's WiFi. The display was so washed out in the sunshine as to be unreadable. It looks so great indoors that I was somewhat shocked.

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Nokia Nseries :: 5800 XM - Display Goes Completely Covered With Stripes And Unreadable

Nov 27, 2010

Well I have this phone for over 2 years and now I have a big problem with it that won't go away. The screen goes completely into stripes and is unreadable. It just showed up like that and it's always when I use the screen-lock button (slide button on the side) that this happends and then stays.Once I got rid of it by rebooting the phone almost 10 times or turning it of a whole day but as soon as I use the screen-lock button (slide button on the side) it comes back.

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LG G4 :: Pixelated Images When Zooming In

Nov 8, 2015

Had the G4 for a few days and Ive taken a few pictures today with the camera. They seem fine as they are however when I zoom into the photo by pinching out, the image becomes very pixelated. Not what I would have expected from a camera that seems to be widely reviewed as being one of the best in a smartphone.

I took the images in automatic mode. Is there something I need to do in the settings or manual mode to lesson the pixilation on zoomed in images?

My understanding is that the higher the megapixels, the less pixelated the image will be when zoomed in. This has a 16mp camera which I would have thought should result in minimal pixilation on zoomed in images, however they seem just as pixilated as zoomed in images taken with 8mp camera's or even lower than that.

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BB Curve :: Font Unsmooth / Pixelated

Aug 13, 2011

I received a Curve 3G (9300) today and the font is pretty unsmooth/pixelated. I'm running OS6 .600, standard font, size, font smoothing is on. Everything standard, added 2 BIS email accs, free space is ~77mb. Any tips how to get rid of it or is it a hardware fault?

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LG V10 :: Photos Upload To Facebook Pixelated

Dec 25, 2015

I've had the LG V10 for about a month now and every time I download a picture sent thru text message it is saved to my phone pixelated. I have used both text message apps, have saved to the sd card and device with no difference. Also, when I upload photos to facebook they upload pixelated, but to Instagram they are fine. When I send photos to someone and they upload them to facebook, they look wonderful, and when I save photos to my sd card or device from facebook or whatever they do not show pixelated full screen.

All the photos in my gallery are blurry/pixelated when shown in small view but when I tap one to look at it full view, it is fine. This also happens when searching the internet, all small image icons are blurry/pixelated until brought to full size. I have tried making my photos smaller on the camera settings, also have saved to the sd card vs device and what not and can't seem to find anything that works. The most annoying is when a picture is sent thru text message and when I save it, it downloads pixelated.

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BB Torch :: Picture Gets Pixelated When Uploaded To FB Or Emailed

Oct 13, 2010

When I try and upload a picture to FB or when I try and email a picture it is all pixeled. The picture is fine on the phone and can be BBMd without any distortion but is very poor quality when emailed or uploaded.

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Galaxy S5 :: Getting Block Pixelated Images On Camera?

May 16, 2014

First one the camera died and the new one is showing the same weird pictures. When taking any picture, and zooming it in either on the phone or my desktop computer, it's as if the image is missing information in the picture. Kinda almost looks like blocks of the image put together really pixelated when zoomed in. I'm attaching a pic of on top of the empire state building and at my local fishing spot for you guys to check. This happened on both phones.

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Nokia Nseries :: N8 Pixelated Pictures In Browser?

Nov 27, 2011

Whenever I use any web site on my N8 the pictures are fuzzy, if I clear all privacy data then reload the page the pictures are then clear. If I then change pages I have to clear data and reload again.I contacted my provider and they exchanged it for me but the new phone has exactly the same problem.

Phone: N8
Release: Symbian Anna
Software Version: 022.014
Browser Version: 7.3

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Xperia Z5 :: All Video Content Has Green Pixelated Lines

Nov 7, 2014

OK firstly it's not just YouTube. It's Netflix, the internal video player and even when I playback videos I've recorded personally it has the same thing.i have also tried it chrome casting and the whole to appears like it. I've tried restarting the phone in safe mode as well as a factory reset to no avail..

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Google Nexus 5 :: Shows Pixelated Image And Won't Turn On

Aug 3, 2015

I bought a used Nexus 5 a few days ago and it has worked fine till today.

When I bought it, I checked every function of the phone on the spot to see if it was okay. It was rooted and a custom recovery and ROM was on it. I brought it home and flashed the factory image from Google. Worked fine till today.

Today, the phone turned itself off, first it showed a black screen, then a dimly lit but still black. I tried to turn it on but it shows a pixelated screen like this:

I then searched a lot: [URL] .....

I tried everything on these pages, but I couldn't solve my problem.

After a while, the phone turns off (with flickering screen) due to battery drain and if I plug it to my computer, it turns on with a dimly lit black screen then off, but I can access the storage on Windows.

I tried to open the bootloader, but it won't open. If I had been successful at accessing the bootloader, I would have easily reset the phone.

Nexus 5
32 GB
LTE version
Stock Android 5.1.1
Not rooted

I even removed the SIM

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Nokia :: Poor / Pixelated Film Quality On 5530 Express

Jan 14, 2010

I have download and converted(using nokia pc suite) a episode of a TV series, it plays ok but the quality is bad, it looks pixelated and go's blared,

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HTC One M7 :: Video Playback Pixelated And Turn Green / Pink Or Black

Apr 3, 2014

Frequently when I play videos, regardless of what app it is in, the video will get very pixelated, and turn green, pink or black. That's the best I can describe it. I'm not entirely sure how to post a screenshot....

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Motorola Xoom :: ICS Update - Amazon Video Playback Pixelated On Browser

Jan 19, 2012

i have a wifi only xoom running android 4.0.3. yesterday i got the ics update and my ability to watch video from amazon on my xoom in my browser went bad. prior to the update it worked on and off but when it had problems they were never like this, and when it had problems they showed up on all computers i own that tried to use the service. the problem on the xoom tablet continues today. the video is pixelated and very choppy. the audio is very crackly and popping. this is not the way it worked prior to the upgrade.

i can watch the same video on my desktop chrome browser and it works fine. i can watch it on firefox browser and it works. on the xoom i can use the andriod marketplace to buy a video and watch it and it works fine. i can use the xoom browser to view ted and Internet videos and they work fine. is it the browser, the ics update, or is the amazon delivery system antagonistic to ics? also i noticed a very sharp drop in audio volume output of all kinds once the isc upgrade had been done. i simply can not turn up the volume loud enough to hear it easily.

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IPhone 5s :: White Screen Of Death For 5 Seconds And Then It Returned To Usual Home Screen

Jun 4, 2014

I bought my white iphone 5s like 2 months ago! The problem is that 2 weeks ago from nowhere i got the white screen of death for 5 seconds and then it returned to usual home screen, i thought it was normal but it happened again like 1 hour ago! I did some research and found it was an ios 7 bug that Apple supposedly fixed with ios 7.1.1 update!

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1

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IPhone :: Totally Blank Screen - Phone Rings But Screen Black

Jun 18, 2012

My phone screen went blank/black for no apparent reason. Calls come in butcannotsee anything on screen.

iPhone 4S

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