IPhone 4s :: Safari Has Started To Crash Regularly
Jun 18, 2014
Safari has started to crash regularly. It's 6-17-14 and this started a week or so ago. No updates recently that I'm aware of. Then again, if Apple let the NSA sneak something in, we wouldn't know.
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.1
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Feb 27, 2010
I'm curious as to why I'm unable to load the following url in safari running on an ipod touch 2g with firmware 3.1.2 (I've tried repeated times, even after rebooting the device)I've had random safari crashes before but never with such consistency on the same webpage. Does anybody else experience the same crashing? I'm just curious as to what html content could be causing the app to flake out.
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May 1, 2012
I try to open my safari on the i phone 4 and it immediatelt crashs, also i,m not that smart about i phone i barely switch from andriod.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Jun 11, 2012
My 3G has been dumping into recovery mode on a fairly regular basis for the past 3 weeks; a full restore is done after plugging it back into iTunes on an iMac running the latest update to Snow Leopard. The recovery and restore seems be nominal, and then a few days later it will inexplicably quit working and I have to go through it all over again. That's okay when I'm home and I can sync with my home computer, but not when I'm on the road with my laptop.
I'd really prefer to wait until fall to replace this phone, since I'm betting that the new version of the iPhone will come out at roughly the same time as iOS6. 16 gig AT&T iOS 4.2.1
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
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Jun 23, 2012
can this damage my battery?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 24, 2014
My device fell of the table last night(pretty hard), did't give much attention afterwards,charged my iPhone and went to sleep. When i woke this morning, the iPhone is really really hot. just the whole morning the iPhone pretty much reboot itself for about 10 times but only at sleep status(when turned on at the main UI it didn't reboot itself. ). Â
The crash reporter said: bug type: "110", panic(CPU 1 caller address): "Apple Tristar2: could not find system ID: bad IPC message ID".Â
Right now i just don't wanna restore my iPhone before figuring out what had really happened. i just don't know whether it is the hardware prob or software's.
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Jan 6, 2010
I have had my Bold 9000 for about two months. I bought it unlocked and have been using it with T-mobile. When I first got it, i upgraded it to the latest leaked os 5.0. The thing is, I had problems with it. First it would just randomly crash and restart and crash and restart, continuously tell it just drained the battery out. Sometimes, on restarts, the standard Blackberry ringtones would not work, and sometimes they would. Sometimes when it would restart after crashing it would say, "net_app_something_ (52) isnt working and was canceled". I assumed it was a bad leak and tried several different version. (and this same occurred with each OS. I would install it on my pc, on my buddy's who has an unlocked Bold 9000 on t-mobile just like me. In the end I gave up and went back to 4.6. Yesterday i tried the new, official OS 5.0.It worked at first, but then when I install the newest BBM, it started crashing again, until the battery was gone. So now I have reinstalled it, kept the standard BBM that comes with the OS. and also deleted Quickpull. thinking it might have to do with it as well. On a last weird note. It seems only to crash in the evening. In the morning it is perfectly fine, however once it passes 4pm , the crashing beings, non if this occurs with 4.6.
Any ideas? My friend and I are both lost. Sorry for the wordy post, but it is really difficult to describe the retardedness of this situation.
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Dec 25, 2012
I am having some issues with lumia 900 mobile. It hangout very regularly. Sometimes it types login password on its own even when don't touch screen.
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Apr 12, 2012
My nokia X6 will just randomly freeze on a daily basis, sometimes as often as 4 o 5 times.Everytime I have to remove the battery for it to work again.I have had the latest update installed on my phone but this makes little if any difference.
1/ If I do use the green,red, camera button trick what will this actually remove in the way of apps? I have several apps I do not wish to lose and have to find again (eg. SPB Shell, Spam killer, blacklist, thread SMS)
2/ Does anyone know of any other way to solve this problem, as again I do not wish to get a new phone as I's lose the apps I have and I am looking to change my tarrif without upgrading to get a better deal.
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Jul 31, 2010
My XPERIA X10i turns off automatically during phone calls and it remains off for long, even after removing battery and replacing it doesn't switch on.
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Jul 4, 2015
S6 keeps restarting on its own regularly. Also charging issues. Phone is 1 month old and only started having trouble. Any fixes or is it faulty phone.
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Jun 25, 2012
My Xperia Neo V, It often loses signal/connection to the network despite me staying in the same place or being somewhere, where I am quite sure that there has to be mobile connectivity. Sometimes, I also have zero bars shown for connection quality, but data connection works. Sometimes, I have many bars for signal quality but data connection will not work.
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Jun 25, 2012
I have a Sony Xperia kyno V/neo V (MT11i), French retail version w/o branding - updated to ICS 4.0.4 via official Sony softwareMy provider used to be Free (France) which runs its own network but allows users to roam on the Orange France network wherever Free's newish network still lacks coverageMy phone seemingly randomly loses connectivity to voice and/or data service for also seemingly random periods of time - sometimes I cannot place or receive calls, sometimes I have no data connection while voice seems to work just fine, and sometimes there's nothing...Loss of signal often occurs while the phone is stationary in an area with normally fine network coverageI could not replicate the problem on a Nokia running Symbian and a Samsung running Windows Phone 7.5, but neither features a logging function of network signal like Android does The behavior of the phone seems highly unusual to me and while having no data connection for a few minutes is a minor nuisance, being unavailable for calls for minutes or even hours is simply unacceptable. I took a number of steps to solve the problem:I switched signal to WCDMA only (from WCDMA where available and otherwise GSM)I did a factory reset of the phoneI switched to another provider without domestic roaming (B&You, Bouygues)
Nothing helped.
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May 15, 2010
I have a Nokia n96, and the central button (light) is turning on regularly. What I must to do?
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Sep 12, 2011
I've been noticing recently that my Atrix generally only has about 20MB of free memory out of the 800MB or so of system memory. I thought Android was meant to manage the memory effectively but this appears not to the the case. One symptom of this is that it causes the webtop to regularly complain of lack of memory and results in Firefox automatically closing itself.
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Feb 17, 2012
my Defy+ does also reboot. Let me explain what i already tryed.i am a T-Mobile Germany user and have a data plan called Web`n`walk flat wich only allows for webtraffic eg ports 80/443 basically.- I got the Handset replaced 2 times, however the handsets i got where not new they where "repaired" whatever that means. So i did not send mine and had to wait, actualy they replaced it at my door. So 3 different handset where the last one is the worst one. Anyway -> no difference.
- Under my contract i do have 2 SIM cards and i ask them to replace the older one with a new one so i tested 3 different SIM cards where the last once where n3 and n4 -> no difference
- delivered 2gb SD card, Samsung class2 8Gb, new Samsung 16 Gb class10, formated the 16Gb in the handset -> no difference
- 2.3.4 and 2.3.6 which i got some time at the second handset as OTA Update -> no difference
- 2 different MOTOBlur accounts -> no difference
- factory reset/cache wipe -> no difference Even i experience the reboots strait after the factory reset within the start wizzard eg on the Screen where you turn on Data Usage.
- turn data connection to 2G only -> no difference
But now:
- if i turn off DataUsage keep the phone connection active and just stay on WiFi -> no reloads for hours/days?
As the last handset keeped restarting at my house as well i connected it to the adb and capture some kernel logs.... the system dies with Kernel Panic and restarts.Here we go with an example. It is just the panic lines and a bit above. I dont understand that mutch of linux kernel debugging however. I required i could do more logs. (only without root as the phone is on the 2.3.6 kernel ROM)
02-16 19:52:01.613 1494 1515 D dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 1576K, 43% free 5338K/9351K, external 2485K/2773K, paused 2ms+4ms
02-16 19:52:01.684 1494 2295 V SyncUpdateManager: Batching app ids: [20, 60, 70, 50, 40, 31, 80, 2, 5]; is secure: false
02-16 19:52:01.691 1494 2062 D WSBase : processing request: sync/1/updates
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May 31, 2012
My iphone mail app regularly requires restart to get mail flowing. That is it is running (doesn't crash) but will at time just stop getting email updates. I then have to force close the mail app (i.e. kill it) and then restart it. After restarting it the mail flows again.
a) I do connect to Gmail for my mail - I'm using the IMAP facility for gmail currently (i.e. not the "Exchange" method)
b) I do also have the Google "Gmail" app running on my device too
c) on iPhone 3GS, latest version of IOS
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a slight problem with my Milestone XT720. When I lock the screen (whether I just lock it using the power button or I wait for it to lock itself or I set up the code to lock the phone) after a while the screen lights up for a few seconds and after that it fades to black again. This happens 3 or 4 times in a row and then again after a while (maybe 10 or 20 minutes). I own this phone only few days and haven´t got completely in grips with it but I could not find any setting that would turn this off and neither I found anything useful in the user guide. Is this something I can fix by disabling something or is it a fault of some kind?
Personally, it does not bother me that much but I imagine it shortens battery life a bit so I´d rather sort it out.
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Oct 4, 2012
The wifi antenna regularly turning itself on to check for signal is a cool feature, but it opens over running applications causing the background application to freeze (most notable with my flashlight app) or run without me and not accept any input (many games). Set this to only request to connect to a network if no other apps are running.
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Aug 28, 2010
It seem when I am in water polo between 10-2ish my phone has randomly crashed and gone to safemode I think every day.Is there something I can install so I can view the error log to see what is doing this to my phone?
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Feb 8, 2010
Is anyone else having an issue with Winterboard crashing and sending the iPhone into safe mode? It won't kick itself out of safe mode until I uninstall Winterboard. I have a 3GS that I jailbroke with PwnageTool on 3.1.3 and it's unlocked with ultrasn0w.Everything else is fine with the phone except for that.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have an iphone 4 & almost daily I need 2 restore all the data on it why?
iPhone 4
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Jun 9, 2012
i have an iphone 4s with a 5.1.1 software. i tried calling a friend who's using an iphone 4 with the same software version. while we are using facetime my iphone 4s turned off and restarted again. i dont have any problem with my wifi connection. i tried calling again using facetime and for just 1min same problem occurred. iphone4s turned off and restarted. i tried it 3x and still it has the same problem, then my iphone was so hot.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, purchased in canada, used in the ph
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Jun 30, 2014
I've just downloaded today's iOS 7.1.2 update on my iphone 4. I agreed to the install and now on the apple screen it is stuck with the install progress line half way. Has been like this for an hour.
Do I reboot my phone somehow, connect to my computer?
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Aug 2, 2010
Can someone open their mail app and reply to an email without it crashing back to springboard? I've already try fixing permission and it still crashes when I try to reply to an email. I've try deleting accounts and re-add account, still crash when I try to reply.
Edit: Nvm, attachment save from Cydia was the cause, not ready for ios4. Please make note of this.
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Feb 3, 2010
Little help:2G iPhone restored to custom FW 3.1.2, jailbroken and unlocked.Everything works fine, except notes app is crashing. Can't create any new notes. I can open and view most old notes, but if i try to edit them, it crashes.Tried to solve the problem bu changing permissions as described here:URL...No effect.
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Mar 13, 2012
After the new update, most of my games crashed. I can't open them, even I can open, it will close by itself.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Mar 18, 2012
fixing error -1 when restoring iphone 3gs after 5.1 crash. my phone was working for about two days after update to 5.1 but all of a suden it restarted it's self and came up with the message (needs to be activated) conect to itunes. after trying to restore my phone it comes up with the message (the iphone could not be restored an unknown error ocurred (-1))
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
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Apr 11, 2012
Since i updated my iphone 3GS 32G from IOS 4.3.3 to IOS 5.1, the phone crash and shut down several times. To restart it, i have to plugged it. Each time, I checked the battery level, it appears at about 50% and whatever apps i use. It crashed with Photo, Tiny Tower, Blokus apps. I don't try other apps yet. I already make a complete rescue. Unfortunately, i can't downgrade to IOS 4.3.3.
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1
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Apr 16, 2012
My iPhone 3G has been unlocked by Apple. Using a new SIM card (I am abroad in the UK, my home country is Switzerland) several apps crash immediately when I want to launch them. I have tried to re-install them several times
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
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Apr 20, 2012
A couple of weeks ago, my iPhone (4S, newest iOS), started crashing I'd say once every four times I try to open an app. I'll open the app and within a second- the screen goes black, the white wheel comes up and it goes back to the lock screen.
I've tried powering off and restarting, but still doing it.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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