Xperia Mini/pro :: Lost Some Shortcuts After Reboot?
Jun 8, 2012every time when i restart my mini pro. some shortcuts on desktop will disappear.and programs sequence is also changed.
View 3 Repliesevery time when i restart my mini pro. some shortcuts on desktop will disappear.and programs sequence is also changed.
View 3 RepliesIssue is that the phone will get in a mode sometimes where it just continues to reboot. It gets to a point that I can use the phone, but within a few minutes, it crashes and boots up again. Usually pulling the battery fixes it, but not always. A similar issue is the screen going blank. Not sure it's crashed or just a video issue, but the only way to get it back on is to pull the batteryAlso, as the unit is stuck at 2.1 for ever, so can not use the memory card to install apps, and can't uninstall the old apps, is there a recommended minimum of available phone memory? That is, for example, always make sure you have at least 35MB. Any more than 50MB won't make a difference to performance or stability
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is an error that i noticed the last weeks ago how u can see in the video my smartphone crashed. I have also updated to the latest firmware. Does it happen that the smartphone do too much and just reboot?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was loving the phone tll the screen started to freeze black during call. I tried all the buttons with no joy and the screen remained black after call. I had to remove the battery to reboot, this reset my time and date to 1980!
I've got to try using my phone for work today, old spare being repaired. I can't even hang up a call.
Will the reboot or factory reset delete the Android system on my phone.i'm facing touch,heat, and automatic frequent lighting problems. thus, i want to see if any reboot works.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got my E72. Replaced the memory card with a bigger one, then did an update...Now, I lost my shortcuts on the main screen.Bad news is that the old memory card is formatted, so I cant just reinstall by using that. I also tried a soft reset, which gave me the message: "Close all active connections" without any connections being active.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi again lost all my contacts again in the same way as i lost them earlier. my phone got hang and then there were no contacts in my phone. this time i had the backup of my contacts.
View 5 Replies View RelatedBefore upgrading to 4.0.2.A.0.58 in Xperia Mini pro sk17i there was a very cool feature it used to go to sleep like old TV set. that feature was really cool feature and it used made it special from others.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've have some unresolvable issue with two Sony widgets: "picture frame" and "photos and videos". First one lost 2x2 size and can be applied 3x3 only. Still there are "picture frame" two widgets are running since 2.3.4 android in 2x2 size. I can remove them but won't add anymore in needed size. Same with "photos and videos". I've got 2x2 one after upgrading to ICS. Wasn't up to rearange my desktops and faced that removing 2x2 was a big mistake. There is 3x3 only can be placed. "Clear date" didn't help. I'm pretty sure that both widgets can be placed in smaller 2x2 size. But OS doesn't offer that chois anymore.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI lost the SonyEricsson customization on XperiaMini Pro, and I don't know who i did
I am now with a standard Android phone.I don't know how to come back
Recently I updated muy SE Xperia Mini Pro to ICS (Android 4).With GB (Android 2.3.3) I choose my favorit theme in orange color. After the upgrade to ICS, the system put another themes (Emerald, Silk, Gold,Sapphire,Amethyst...), but I can't find muy GB themes.I don't remember the name of GB themes, but I was in love fron one in orange (very vivid color).
I will apreciate to everyone who can help me how to find this orange wallpaper.I download Xperia LIVE theme and this orange is to the same as I I'm looking for.
I updated my phone since it had become really slow and I was facing a lot of problems with it.. I used the Backup and restore app and took backup of my data. After the update, however, when I tried to restore my data, I get the error msg that the ' Cannot read selected backup file'I have lost a lot of very important contacts n msgs..
View 1 Replies View Relatedbug when my phone is idle it goes to no signal mode and 95% i have to get in arguments with my parents and my friends regarding why is my phone switched off .i am very much tired of all this so is there anyway i can downgrade to previous build .The DEVs should really fix this issue moreover Important calls matters to me the most and if the Mobile dosent work
1)Signal lost bug
2)Camera bug (constantly the camera tries to focus on an object but cant focus properly also decrese in pic qualty)
3)Battery drains faster than previous ICS build
4)Notification Bug
I seemed to have lost ma main screen which shows the time?? iv tried switching the phone off an on again but still not there?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI lost all my new next text messages after restoring a backup using the abckup & restore i did a few days back in my x10 mini pro.How do I retrieve them? They are very important messages! What can I do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI updated my mini pro yesterday night. Overall response is fast.Camera application is looking weird with limited functions. The 2.3.4 version of camera application shoots better pictures than the updated camera application. Camera window opens and shows up the visuals as if they are zoomed in by default despite not using zoom in feature.I'm disappointed with this update of camera functions.
View 4 Replies View Relatedmy phone now does not function properly, slow, crashes, lost display settings, will not load emails etc. i deleted apps and yet memory freed up does not adjust appropriately and have moved all possible files to sd and still i have low internal memory.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy phone lost connection and hasn't been able to find a network for calls/texts etc for past 24 hours in multiple locations where I know there is a good network signal from other phones here. I've tried upgrading the software through PC companion and that hasn't resolved the issue. (It's not in airplane mode and I've also tried powering on/off/on, cleaning SIM card etc)
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was having some problems with my xperai x10 mini pro sd card and had to format it recently unaware of the consequences i formatted it and now my phone doesn't have its default items such as photos,videos,alarm sounds,and other sounds and how to restore these.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI woke up this morning and my phone had 3 updates from the App World: BBM, Twitter and BB app World. So I did them all of course, reboot my phone and when it started again: No more SMS icon. My messages were always separated and all. Tried looking for the show all option, isn't there since I never hid anything. I did not delete or hide the icon by mistake...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've bought a couple SFX tones from the iTunes Store directly from my phone and assigned them as my ringtone and text tones. They work fine until I turn the phone off and back on.   Then they disappear from the settings list.   I backed up my phone after purchasing them last time and I have them in my library and it shows that they're in my tones on my phone from iTunes on my Mac... but they aren't showing on my phone anywhere.  Â
It's a 5S phone and my iOS is current.
Apple TV, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
I have noticed that every time I reboot my phone once its back on all my contacts that I have loaded in my phone book since I received my blackberry (not the original phone numbers on my sim) are gone. I lose them every time. Why does that happen? All my contacts are actually missing but I can still save my sim contacts back onto my face but seriously this is annoying and not why I got this phone so I can spend 30 min getting my numbers visible again and also losing all new. I have to now save them on paper.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently got the HTC One X on 3. I have been having issues with the signal. At my house I receive full service from 3. Every now and then the signal drops and I get Emergency Only calls & that is how the phone remains. If I power off the phone the signal is recovered back up to full strength. The same issues happen if I am driving, sometimes going through an area that has no signal and then returning to a full signal area the phone fails to recover this signal unless rebooted.
This however does not happen every time which does seem strange. I have been told by HTC that they have not heard of this issue before, and all they can do is repair the phone. The phone is barely two weeks old and has to be repaired!!! Not good. I previously had a Desire and had very few issues apart from lack of phone memory. Is it 3 that have issues, which seems unlikely to me, or is it the phone. If I send it away for a repair I will be without a phone which is very annoying to say the least. I really don't know what to do.
i wnat to add some shortcuts into notification area
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have owned 2 Apple phones and have jumped ship to Android and to Sony, having purchased a Z5 Premium. My issue is this: I have read several articles where it explains in full how to make keyboard shortcuts (for like your address for example) and I have followed the instructions to a "T". It doesn't work. I go into settings->Language & Input->Personal Dictionary->English(Canada){I've also tried it using the US setting}->add->type a word->shortcut. When I then go and try to use my shortcut in email, text or notepad, nothing works!Â
View 8 Replies View RelatedIt would be awesome if you bring back the "press and hold shortcuts" on the notification curtain, as if you press and hold the WiFi-icon, you'll go to the WiFi-settings etc. At the same time if you press and hold an open application, you'll go to the settings for that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedZumocast on Windows 7 and retrieving files from Droid Bionic. I open the client on Windows 7 and under Manage Content, I click the Add Folder button and select the folders to index. The folders are the Pictures, Music, Videos, and Documents library folders in Windows 7. Content is picked up on the Droid (although I do see some problems with directories that contain a large number of files) but after I reboot the Windows 7 machine and reopen the Zumocast client on Windows 7, the folders are lost and I have to add all of them back again. I tried adding a folder that was not a Windows library type folder and saw the same problem - after a reboot all the folders I specified to index are lost.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI read that the standard Android keyboard shortcuts for cut/copy/paste are menu+x, menu+c, menu+v. These shortcuts, however, do not work on my Xperia Pro. If these are indeed meant to be the standard Android shortcuts, then please could SE implement them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had some applications installed from my sd card. once i removed my sd card and reinserted, i couldnot able to find my applications, now i want to delets those shortcuts
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I assign photos to my shortcuts following the update on my xperia x10? Also I can see photo files via pc companion but damned if I can find them on the phone? Since ths major update it seems to have screwed up me being able to find anything via the phone itself.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow do you remove shortcuts from your home screen?
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