Xperia X10 :: Delete Individual Texts Instead Of Whole Thread?
Jul 23, 2010
Got my X10 this morning and I can't for the life of me find out how to delete individual texts instead of the whole thread. How can I save the important ones whilst clearing out the dead wood? I've been trawling through here all day so thanks for all the help you've already given me and hopefully you wonderful people can help me again!
How do I delete individual texts from a person and not the whole chat history? This used to be easy on my old bold as each message seemed to be treated seperately whereas on my new curve it's more like a messenger conversation.
When I delete an individual text message, the text goes but then the time and date that message was received remains on the summary screen - not in the conversation thread but on the screen where all your messages are. Example - I sent a text at 8:30 this morning. The last text sent before that was at 9:30 the previous night. So I deleted the text from this morning and the text went but on the front screen it has last nights text against this mornings time and date.
hmm i'm using HTC Magic with firmware version 1.5and i got a SMS message thread with around 1600+ messages, but i'm not able to delete it, everytime i try deleting it the phone will not respond and i have to restart my phone
Since yesterday my Blackberry has stopped working. I tried rebooting several tomes but whenever i reboot it and the BB gets hanged"Uncaught exception : Application Registry.getOrWait for (0x7c802411365c3985) owner died Thread [thread- 86830080,5]"
Since updating to the latest version of the software about a week ago, my contacts have cloned themselves. I now have well over 100 entries for each individual contact. Contacts and messaging now takes up to a minute to open and the contacts are impossible to use. I have 2 gmail accounts, 1 activesync, 1 account along with facebook contacts set to sync. It was all working well until the a few days ago.
it is possible to set default numbers in my phone for text messages and phone calls for individual contacts? I would like to set up the phone so it defaults to mobile phone numbers for text messages, so I don't accidentally try to send a text message to a landline.
I have a few contacts that as long as I have texts from them they show up when I search for their names in the "people" section of the phone app. When I delete their texts and search for them the contact info isn't there. However, if I enter their number instead of their name on the dialer their contact info shows up. I'm so confused as to why this would happen.
my phone has managed to delete almost all my texts overnight. The only texts that survived are the ones i don't need, like the useless one you get from Microsoft at the start, and all the useless operator ones.
what the **bleep** happened, and do i have to expect this for the rest of its life,(which wont be long). i have just transfered my texts from my n8 but not of all of the contacts had old messages, and some old operator messages still survived. this is not what i expect from a phone, for it to randomly delete all my texts.
when I make a call it immediately says "call ended/closed" and when I enter *110# I get this message: Connections problems or invalid MMI-code.When I restart my phone, maybe repeting that process like 10 times then I can send/recieve calls/texts, but only for a brief moment.Before it wasn't as bad... I always got the Connection problem message after a I've made a phone call. But now it is bugging me 24/7.I have resetted my phone, I've even upgraded it. Still nothing.I have changed network operator. Still nothing.I have inserted my phone card into another phone and with that phone I have no problems.So I suspect it most be my phone's fault. I have a Xperia x10.
Since the iphone 4 have been announced today i thought its time to start sharing some new iPhone 4 wallpaper here These 4 wallpapers are my favorite iPhone 4 wallpapers right now. If you are going to share your wallpapers, make sure that the resolution is 640x960.If you are one of the lucky few that already have the new iphone 4 you can find more wallpapers Here
i got my xepira not long ago and to be honest im disappionted and im thinking of taking it back as i never get any of my texts and the ones i do get are merged from the ones i recieved ages ago and ive looked at websites to see if i can find whats wrong with it and whether its the sim card or not.i also keep getting the lost texts coming through all at once and its ridiculous. can anyone tell me whats wrong and whether i should just get a new phone?
419 just put a SMS in the wrong 'thread'! That is, I had a thread going with friend #1, and got an off-topic SMS from that friend. Turns out friend #2 sent it and the OS put it in the #1's thread! This is bad... very very bad. Even worse if it's sending out SMSs to the wrong people. My wife and my girlfriend are going to be very annoyed.
My friend suggested that we make an iPhone wallpaper thread without trees, and I agree, seeing as though I don't like trees. Feel free to post iPhone wallpapers without trees.
This is the WOW phone I've been waiting for. 3GB RAM, 8MP, 1800 mAh battery. Built in projector and only 14.9mm thick. This monster will be at least 1500$ at release.
Well my IP4 did not ship so I ran to AT&T and picked up a Captivate. I like it a lot and I'm still get used to it. A lot of good things about it. However there are things that maybe due to user ignorance that I have noticed would be a problem. Is there really no Exchange Server search? Am I unable to find it?No way to reorder folders in Exchange since there is a bar on top (which is very nice BTW).
So I noticed that default numbers and e-mails must be set up manually like in the old days of Nokia S60, and still if you go to the contact page and hit call it will ask you which number to use. iPhone automatically determines defaults and just uses them. Asking which number to use when calling after defaults have been set up negates the point of defaults.
What is up with the "history" bar? When I click on an e-mail it does not open the e-mail but rather says "message deleted". What is up with that? It does nothing useful.Again for e-mail even after I set the default address it seems to need me to tell it which address to use. Is there something wrong with my phone? Ok I guess I'm beginning to see that this works differently. If you want to use defaults you have to use the pop up shortcuts or the left/right gestures. Also in a contact card if you hit "send email" it will ask which address. If you select the actual address the only options are "messaging" or "gmail" my primary account is an exchange account and with that interface I can't use my primary account to send. It's a bit convoluted and not thought out well. Maybe its a matter of getting used to it, understanding its design decisions, and finding my own workflow with it.