Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Facebook Inside It Sync Draining Battery
Jan 16, 2012
after the over the air update for my Neo V (done on WiFi), I've been experiencing severe battery drains when Facebook Inside Xperia is turned on to sync photos, calendar and contacts (facebook_calendar_sync). The battery drains out in under 5hrs - I usually charge my phone in the eveings and take it off the plug just as I go to bed and the battery's drained and the phone shut off within 5hrs (5:30hrs max). This happens irrespective of how the data sync occurs - WiFi, 3G, 2G... I've noted that it's the calendar and contacts sync that drain rather than album sync.
I have upgraded my Neo V to ICS, and after upgradation, I am not able to sync my FB events and birthdays with in-built calendar. In fact, I am not getting the option "sync calendar" in facebook inside xperia application. PS I do not want procedure to sync contacts with FB.
There are days where I may not have opened Facebook or Messenger at all, yet when my phone winds down to the 33% remaining battery range these two apps will both be anywhere from 7-10%. I'll specifically kill the processes after I do use them, but this proves to be futile. I've went as far as paying for Greenify to automated the hibernation of these apps, yet within a minute they wake themselves back up.
For now I've disabled both apps just for the sake of seeing if battery life is improved. I cannot understand why the apps constantly begin the processes after I have force stopped them. Even if I am no longer able to get notifications from these apps without them running in the background, I could live with that easier than I can live with them draining 15+% of my battery when I'm not even using them. Heck, I kill WhatsApp's process after using it, and they stay off until I open the app or receive a message - and I also instantly receive notifications when messaged despite the process not running. This makes the Facebook drain even more frustrating.
Friends who have the S6 have absolutely no issue with these apps draining battery, and I'm not seeing any real issues with them on here. Having to disable the FB and Messenger apps is a bit extreme.
I updated the software to 2.3.4, a small blue facebook icon appeared on my status bar, saying: Unabla to sync facebook, or something like that, in hungarian. When I delete this from the status bar, it appears again in seconds, even when I'm on wifi or 3g, and using facebook. So it' driving me crazy, can't make it go away,In the settings menu, at sync settings, my emails and the facebook are synchronised, but facebook inside xperia is not, and there is a green circle next to the others, but this one has red circle and saying there were problems with the sync, it's gonna continue it just because the facebook inside xperia app is not updated yet?
My Xperia Ray never showed the contacts image, mobile no. and status under Contacts after sync is made. I only show their full name and relationship status and nothing else. I have read some threads about uninstalling the app but it never worked.
My xperia neo v does not allow facebook integration in facebook inside xperia application , and keeps showing "please contact maker of this application and ask them to report issue #1118578 to facebook"
facebook synced to my ray and after observing that after a few weeks, my phone memory is being reduced.. i did not install any apps. so i decided to do the factory reset and i was shocked that there is a huge free memory on my phone, i have not yet synced my phone now because i really dont know if fb integration really eats the internal memory..
I have had the Icon since the 20th. I have had to re-enter my account info for every account on the Phone (Live, Gmail, and Facebook) every day multiple times a day. It is draining my battery and data by constantly searching or trying to sync. I have done "soft" resets and a full blown reset to factory settings.
Battery is draining while charging, I did restarted the phone and it works the phone is charging, then after the first charged it came back again draining while charging?
After using my cell for 5 months mostly without any issues, I am seeing problems in battery. Since last 2 days the battery is draining out very fast ... like close to 1 day after fully charging. I am noticing this as an issue since earlier it used to take close to 2.5 days after fully charging. The usage pattern is same ... right now my cell is dead and i will provide battery usage data once i charge it .
I've been loging battery performance for a while, and I've noticed that there seems to be little variance between drain while in use and drain while sleeping.
Last night my battery dropped over 50% from 100% without any [major] on screen time. The phone was totally disconnected from any radio interfaces, and everything should have been sleeping.
I do have a white list to alow my smartwatch 3 to work while the phone's asleep, but these are things like Google services.
The battery stats for the period when the battery dropped shows;
Android system 10%, Android OS 7% Cell Standby 3% Screen 3% Phone Idle 2% Media server 1%.
I don't really code that much anymore, but if this where a system I was debugging I'd be suspicious that Android Systems and Android OS are using such a big chunk of power while the system should be asleep and waiting to be activated by the only remaining interface, the cellar connection!
I went to bed last night and my Xperia X10a was charging just fine via USB to PC. When I woke up this morning it was off and the status light was blinking red like it was dead. I couldn't get it to charge on my PC so I tried my boyfriends wall charger and when it booted up it was at 86% battery. I have had it on the charger since and it is not gaining battery life it is losing. I am now at 61%!
I have had my phone for a few months and it was working great until a couple of weeks ago when a sync symbol started to appear (i didnt dowload any new apps or do anything new, it just started) in the top bar on the right hand side. (not the left like the twitter or fb sync symbols) Now if the data traffic is on it will sync constantly and cause excess dowload and battery drain. When i turn the data traffic off after using the internet it continues to attempt to sync and drains the battery unless i don't use the internet for a couple of days. I want to be able to leave my internet on like i did for the last few months without worrying about the download problem. I called SE and they told me i might have to reset my phone. I have SOOO much stuff that i don't want to loose. Anyone know what this thing is trying to sync and how to stop it? The SE guy already told me to turn all the sync and background apps off but it didnt change anything.
My stock Xperia Neo, running gingerbread (Received all updates from sony) has following issues. The battery runs out of juice rapidly (3 - 4 hours). Even when I turn the phone OFF (not idle) it drains completely to a point where it does not want to power on anymore. Also the battery wont always charge, and when it charges the phone (not the battery) gets really hot (the part where cpu is located).
I thought the battery had given up after 1 year; So I ordered a brand new battery. When I received this new battery, the phone restarted. But this new battery faced all the same problems. Phone running hot, battery draining really quick (withing 3-4 hours idle, wifi and data turned off). And when the phones powers off due to the battery being completely empty, it does not restart any more and it does not charge anymore.
I have my device constantly in stamina mode BUT google play services is draining 20% battery per day and is more than my screen . My screen is hardly ever on but my device is always awake .
I just bought Xperia Z3+ Dual 5 days ago and has a lot of problems. Battery draining so fast, always hang after 2-3 hours in standby mode and need to hard reset to switch on the phone again (press power button and volume up iin the same time).
I bought my device 2 days ago, and based from my observation, my battery life doesnt last that long.. I was an iOS user before I switched to Sony.. I can tell the difference of battery life.. wherein Sony should have more battery life than iOS phones.
My phone app is draining battery of my phone!tried a factory reset but still the same. It keeps the phone awake every time. Processor does not go to deep sleep.
A few weeks ago my charger started showing signs of needing to be replaced. So I went to my service provider and they didn't sell any actual Xperia x10 chargers so I bought a universal charger. So now I'm on my second charger, and my phone won't charge. Any time I plug it in or even get it started it either turns off or the battery starts draining instead of charging. I don't know what to do with this phone. There is no water damage and I haven't even had my phone for a year.
During the first month of using my Xperia pro, I was very happy with my battery: while being completely idle, the phone spent only about 1% of battery every 2 of even 3 hours. However, last month this suddenly changed to 5% every hour (in airplane mode!), without installing any applications. Actually, right after charging, the battery behaved well for several hours, and then, for no obvious reason, started the drain. Things got worse lately, and I rarely see the good behavior any more.
I tried using apps like BetterBatteryStats and CpuSpy and noted that during the drain periods my phone does not enter deep sleep state at all (i.e. it is awake 100% of the time). BBS ("Raw kernel wakelocks") reported that bq24185_watchdog_lock was active for the whole time (hours!); no other processes or wakelocks took more than few seconds. This bq24185_watchdog_lock seems to be related to the battery charge management hardware (see [URL]). How to restore the initial battery behavior. Removing the battery for a couple of minutes does not work. I have the official kernel and that my phone is not rooted.
Model No.: SK17i Android Version: 4.0.4 Build number: 4.1.B.0.431
Battery draining @ drastic rate ever since I started using the great Xperia mini pro. Hardly a backup of 13 hours.Even tried to turn off 'accounts & sync' but no help.
I recently got an x10 mini and am reasonably happy with it. However, sometimes I find the battery has been completely drained just from sitting in my locker at work for 8 hours. I haven't installed a lot of apps but something is draining it...
My battrery has been running low quickly . For instance, I charged it yesterday and when it was done charging I made a phone call. I was on the phone for about 11/2 minutes. After I got off I looked at my battery and it was down 1/2 a brick. I've tried removing the battery for awhile, but it doesn't seem to help. I talk on it a lot through the day so I can understand it needing charged at night, but 1 minute off the charger and it's already losing power? I don't use the internet that much, but I do play games. The phone is about a month old. Any advice?
I have added my facebook accounts and made sure the filters are correctly set, I have synced the facebook account several times manually, but no profile pictures nor any facebook related data is shown in the contacts.
I've been facing few issues ever since I got my NeoV upgraded to ICS 4.0.3 1. Facebook sync was draining battery; when I went to battery usage section it said Facebook sync used 98%. It had downloaded over 200MB. In 20Mins my fully charged phone went to 4% and phone was terribly heated up. 2. Calendar widget does not show Facebook calendar items. But Calendar app shows all tasks and other items. 3. Phonebook does not sync with Facebook Inside Xperia properly, though it shows Facebook profile and photo tabs on the contact it does not show contact picture. I have almost tried everything possible what I know to fix this Facebook account was removed and readded to sync again. Facebook Integration was disabled and enabled. Repaired the phone using Update Service. Got upgrade to ICS 4.0.4, Still no go. Finally did a phone repair again, selected Factory Reset option..issues persist. I currently got Facebook Integration disabled and Facebook sync disabled to to ensure smooth working of my phone.
Hi everyone, I just got a Sony Ericsson Xperia yesterday. I was in the process of syncing a facebook accout, but when i touch "facebook" it kicks me back to the screen previous. This is my second smartphone, so I have done this numerous times, but never had this much issue.
Since getting upgrade from Samsung SIII to Z2, I am unable to sync facebook event into the calendar, it does show birthdays but no events at all. I have tried removing facebook account and xperia facebook as well and re-add with no solution.
Initially I thought it might be facebook's issue but it has been like this for months so I am starting to suspect it is Z2 issue.
ActiveSync with my work calendar work fine on the phone, but not the facebook events.
I have a Xperia Pro with the last update, I remember that my facebook events get synced with my phone's calendar before, but now I can't find the way to do this. Inside config-> sync and accounts -> Sony facebook integration I only see the "album sync" and no other option.