I wanted to upgrade the external memory to max on my ELM, but come across some dilemma and would to ask you guys. Are ELM (J10i2) support Micro SDHC version? Coz both SDHC and Non-SDHC pricing is not so different in my country so might as well buy the HC (if supported)
my first post here. I've had problems with a 32Gb card, don't know if the problem is the card or the "SDHC" standar. If I change to the 8Gb card that came with the mobile everything works fine.If I copy music to the phone via media sync or just dragging files only few of the files appear in the phone. i.e: For a 10 track album I only see 4 songs.Also having problems with pictures or videos, the files seems to be corrupted. Any ideas? I'm using Snow Leopard + Sony ericsson Media Sync. Also tried Saling Media Sync.Vivaz software version: 1224-4699_R2CA026
I am listing the changes here as me and other Esato members discover and report them: Update #1: After downloading a .jar file in Net front, you no longer need to wait for the full file name to slide by. Update #2: The camera icon in the main menu looks nicer. Update #3: After installing an application from the downloads menu, it will show a smaller version of the app's icon. Update #4: The main menu opens notably faster than before. Update #5: You can now turn Clear Voice and Noise Shield on and off from the Calls menu in Settings whereas before you could only do it whilst in a call. Update #6: The significant blue-orange horizontal lines have been reduced to insignificant, hard-to-see purple horizontal lines.
It was so easy on my old Nokia, just insert "p" between the number and conference pins etc. When I use this on the J10i2 nothing happens and I have to enter manually.
I notice some problem regarding my SE ELM's camera flash.It seem can't be turn off.Though I already selected no flash option,the phone still fires it.I think it some kind a software bugs because when selecting twilight landscape in scene menu (where the option is having no flash) the flash is completely off.I tried reflashing R7CA61, it seem doesn't solve anything,anybody could help me on this and anybody experience the same?
There has been a lot going on about J10i2 Elm's firmware release "R7CA061". I do not know if the answers team is aware of this particular firmware, but if so, me, and many other Elm users are waiting for answers on these question:
1) Why is R7CA061 only available via FOTA? SE Update Service even thinks that R7CA061 is older than R7BA076, even though R7CA061 only came out less than a week ago.
2) Why are there no official notes about this release on the Sony Ericsson website? It is not listed here http://www.sonyericsson.com/update?cc=gb&lc=en . It almost seems as if Sony Ericsson "accidentally" released this firmware in a test stage.
3) Why do the widgets in the home screen no longer work after this update?
I have an ELM J10i2. I find conversations nothing but a pain and lose messages. is there anyway i can just view messages the regular way through inbox and delete or disable the conversations?
I performed a firmware update on my Elm j10i2 phone. I am able to connect with a Wi-Fi and browse web pages with it, but i cannot use Wi-Fi anymore for e-mail or Java Me apps.
My settings are:
Internet settings: allow local connections
Streaming settings: allow local connections
Wi-Fi : connected with a favorite and high-priority network
If i look for IMAP4/SMTP connection settings, i get the "internet settings" menu, indicating 'allow local connections Yes', but you cannot save it (it says not available now, probably because it expects GSM/GPRS/3G data accounts)
If i check my e-mail, i get the message "you have to select an internet account now" - after confirmation, i get again the unsavable "internet settings" menu.
If i start a Java application (for example AccuWeather), it does not connect over Wi-Fi, and if i choose the app's options, and then "internet settings", i get again the unsavable "internet settings" menu, this time indicating 'allow local connections No'.
Did I miss some settings menu somewhere ? Or do you need to configure GSM/GPRS/3G data accounts to get it right?
It's pretty annoying because Wi-Fi was my main incentive to buy this phone.
Want to get a headstart on a memory card for my 9800. All the literature about specs refers too Micro SD not Micro SDHC. Are these inter-changable, It seems tougher to get a high capacity Micro SD?
Here are options that I have tried:- Ensuring Back cover is on completely- Purchased new Micro SDHC card- Updated Xperia Play to latest software using PC Companion- Removing and re-inserting card whilst on, and whilst off.- Searching for related issues (None found, except back cover issues).
When the phone discovers the card, after attempting a mount it tells me "Blank or unnsupported card".Being un-able to connect my SDHC card prevents me from playing any games installed on the device, using the camera/video, and installing new programs or games.
I have a Sony Ericsson X10, changed out the 8gb micro sd with 32 one. Phone won't read it and states it is damaged and needs reformatting. Yet it won't reformat the Micro SD. Plug it into my computer and it recognizes it as a 32GB card. MediaGo recognizes it as a 2gb card. All software, phone and mediago has been updated.
I lost the little eloastomeric (EPDM, BUNA?) cover for the micro USB port. SE support says replacements are unavailable. I'm sure there were millions of the components molded at the OEM manufacturer. Anyone know where to get Sony Ericsson parts?
I'm trying to download a new software update for my W760a, because it tells me it cannot add anymore contacts and I can't recieve or send texts/ phone calls. When I try to go to the software updates on the W760a hompepage, it loads a blank page. It just says on the tab "Sony Ericsson Support Phones Topic Updateserviceapplication W760a", and loads a blank page. Please help me with this problem as I wish to continue using my new phone.
I thought I may start an Elm/Hazel thread for discussion as it seems many of you have one of the two phones now. I wanted to do this to discuss any problems with things like firmware & issues & other stuff rather than discussing this in the picture thread. Esato Awards King of Garbage 2009/2010 & Best Debater 2009 x10 & Nokia N8
I think the fone fell, cause it was dusty or maybe its because it was charged using the USB cable. What can be the possible cause of the phone not to turn ON?
As the title implies, I need to ask if there are varying kinds of Sony Ericsson LCD screens for the G705 or if there are variations in models made. Nearly 6 months ago I bought a Sony Ericsson G705 phone off eBay that only needed a new LCD screen. Well I purchased a screen off eBaand was good to go except for a few minor issues... 1.) The LCD screen had a thicker screen/border than the original so I had to mod it by taking off the white border around it. 2.) The ribbon that connects the LCD screen to the G705's keypad wasn't aligned correctly causing it to disconnect from the keypad every so often. This too I had to fix by sticking some paper underneath where the connector sits. It worked after the modifications but the end result is the keypad was raised causing issues where pushing the up key would force it to push the left key too. Unfortunately after awhile the screen stopped working likely due to the fact the different layers were separating. I gave in and bought a new screen from an online dealer elsewhere just to get scammed in the end with a broken LCD screen which they refused to replace claiming I cracked it. So now I've purchased a new screen of eBay yet this one has issues too, it's thinner than the first one I got, but has the same problem where the ribbon doesn't appear to be aligned correctly either. This time however, I get some ugly dead pixels in the lower left corner of the screen and the rest is completely jumbled with white lines going through it. I've already contacted the seller for an exchange and am about to lose all hope getting this phone working. Anyway, back to the topic. Do the screens in the G705 vary from region to region or between versions? When I got it I found the phone was from Hong Kong (firmware was HK anyway.) though the manual and included paperwork suggested it was from France. The screens I have purchased seemed to have varying differences between either the thickness is too wide, the ribbon doesn't fit the correct position, or some other incompatibility. I bought this phone.
Please help someone I have encountered my first Elm problem. Over night I charged the phone & this morning it's still charging & will not pass 66% charge. I took battery out put back in & charged with the phone off for another hour. When switched back on it was now @ 65% This was after another hour of charging with the phone off. I then did a master reset of all not just settings. Charged it up again for a further hour & still the charge is not increasing. Please help what the hell is going on? This battery has a mind of it's own. I have a feeling something has occured since I kept plugging & unplugging quite often the phone in & out of my pc. So maybe it's caused this I do not know. Please any suggestions this phone has been reliable upto this piont Esato Awards King of Garbage 2009/2010 & Best Debater 2009 x10 & Nokia N8
BATTERY CANNOT BE CHARGE PLEASE USE A SONY ERICSSON BATTERY. after flashing my phone. i got this error, i've tried changing my battery but the error is still there. my phone is K850i
My Sony Vivaz was working properly and then suddendly applications stopped working. Then I noticed the applications I had installed in the memory card are not longer displayed on the screen, and when I try to take a photo it says there is no memory card and that they will be stored in the phone's memory. Additionally, when I try to reinstall the applications I always get the message File error. What is happening to my phone? How can I fix all these problems?
I bought a new sony spiro this weekend and so far has been a pain in the back. It resets when I try to access the camera, sometines it stops playing music at random times, or it simply stops reading my micro sd. Today I installed the newest firmware, but still the same problem continues.
I'm new here so please forgive me any mistakes. I recently bought Nokia 6760 and I wanted to update Europe Maps (that's 2.2GB) As i had 2GB card in the phone, i changed it for 4GB SDHC, all files copied and still 3.6GB free space on the card. Now Ovi maps is telling me there's not enough space on the card to copy the Europe Maps, why?
I have a Storm 9500. I have been trying to install a Kingston 8GB SDHC card with no success. The phone is not reading the memory card at all. I have tried taking out the battery and installing the memory card, I have tried formatting it on my computer, but nothing is working.