I just picked up a sandisk 4g microSD and Sandisk adapter.I formatted the card in my phone, moved images to it and can access it by plugging it into my printer.I wanted to move ringtones onto the card from my pc but I keep getting a "disk is write protected" message.From a search I learned to look for a switch on the side of the card...well there's no switch on the micro card and the switch on the side of the adapter says "lock". I've tried that switch in both positions but it doesn't make a difference.I've used a magnifying glass to look the micro card over but there's no switch.I was able to copy images from the phone to the card then from the card to my pc so I know they're communicating, I just can't write to the card from the pc.
I bought an sd card and formatted it with my blackberry curve 8520 and it formatted. I started copying music t it. After, I tried deleting something i did not want anymore and the card gave me errors. I used my pc and it said the card was write-protected. I had two micro sd cards (8GB) turn write protected for no reason. My internet is connected 24/7 and I use microsoft essential up-to-date so i dont see why my card have to turn write protected. I've tried changing security settings in phone on and off later but its still write protected. I've used every means of formatting from ubunto to windows 7. If I delete files with pc or the phone, it disappears from the screen but come back again. None of the file are corrupted cos they work well but i cant delete nor format anything. What is the problem here.
i was charging my Xperia V on my laptop, and i received a call. Because of the rush, i just unplugged it off the cable and answered. When i plugged back in, the files in the memory card were no longer avalible from the phone (apps included) and it can't even read it with a SD adapter. I tried it on my desktop and i'm able to see the files, but i can't either format or move/copy/etc. Tried already to format in a mac, a camera and another phone, and failed. Tried another memory card on my phone and it works. Also tried with the SD adapter unlocked, and failed as well. I want to format it or remove the write protect.
I have an E72 where i backed up phone memory onto memory card. It is saved as backup.arc and can be seen when in PC suite, but now I cannot delete this because it says it is 'write-protected'.......... The size is 175mb, which is alarming.I am unable do any 'slider thingy' because it is a micro sd card with no adapter. Seriously, it is very very plain!I do not want to reformat it because i do not want to lose any Ovi maps and frankly, E72 has a LOT of software problems, I do not want to risk it (i set up a ringtone which also caused the inability to ever change it.... unless I saved a song as something...transfered it elsewhere...save it again etc etc, point is I am aware how nasty it gets, so, no formatting advice unless you guarantee there'll be no errors!)
I was trying to remove files off my phone while it was connected to my computer via USB and it said that the files were write protected and couldn't be deleted. How I make it so they are no longer write protected?
I have bought a new mobile Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini pro Sk17i and using a 4GB Micro SD Transcend card in it. All goes fine. But sometimes when I open the camera it shows an error "Memory card is write protected. Cannot edit files". The same error I get when I try to open the galler or media player. But I use a third party File manager App which shows and allow me to open the contents in the Micro SD card except image and music, video files. Other files such as .pdf, .html open in Adobe reader, HTML viewer or browser without any issue. Also this error does not appear after I restart the mobile. For some 5 - 6 usage of camera this error again appears. And the card is not damaged since I checked with connecting to the Laptop thorugh USB mode (both Mass storage and Media transfer mode) also through a card reader, everything works fine.
I'm trying to copy things over to my Micro SD 32gb for my Samsung S5 but everytime i put it into my computer it tells me to format it which i also cannot do. It says their is a write protection on, how do i remove and fix this problem?
I was wondering how come when i add a song to my micro sd card and then add it to my phone and use the song as a ringtone it is not very loud. I cant seem to find a song that is loud they are all softer. Where and how can i get a song louder to use as a ringtone that will beable to hear....what i want is to know why the songs or not very loud i want a ringtone that is loud and u can hear over tv or if ur a casino and can still hear it.
I want to buy a case for my Samsung R451C. Which do you guys prefer? The stylish plastic covers or the rubber/leather covers. I like the style of the plastic ones, but the others provide some cushion in case of dropping it.
How can I put ringtones off of websites on this phone without going to the site suggested by Straight Talk? I would like to pick and choose from a different source but do not know of a compatible site.
Now that I have a USB cable for R451C what can I do with it other than up load lousy photos. With my Motorola it came with Moto tools with files photos and contacts.
I purchased an Iogear USB Micro Adapter Model GBU421WM to try and transfer things from my computer to the phone.After updating the Bluetooth software and trying several times to pair my phone with my computer nothing would happen. It would sit with the serial number window up even after I typed the serial number in several times.I have tried making the phone see the computer and vice versa, and nothing has worked yet. Yet it does know the phone is there and the phone talks to the computer. Just pairing will not occur.So my question is: Is it even possible or am I missing something to make my phone/computer talk through Bluetooth.I have a StraightTalk Samsung R451C Phone.
I'm new to this phone and have input 100 or so contacts by hand and now wanted to sort them into groups. I created the groups I wanted but when I tried to input the contacts to "Friends" I got the message that groups cannot have more than 10 entries. Can this be right? I can't find a setting to change this but it makes no sense. What's the point of groups if they're limited to 10 entries? This could be a make or break for this phone for me. Once I add all the contacts, I can't imagine scrolling thru all of them trying to remember how I input a customer's/friend's/tenant's/etc name.
Is there a way to get games on my Samsung R451C? I got this phone thinking that I could put games on it. It states under the stats that I can have games.
I just got this phone about 3 weeks ago and just got my data cable and sd card and such the other day. I downloaded a couple of songs to use as ringtones and they are in the correct folder on my card. I set one as my ringtone and called my cell phone from my house phone and it worked. I cut my phone off and I was going to show my wife what it sounded like (when she got off work). The ringtone was set back to one of the originals that came on the phone. I have looked and looked and it seems like no one else has had this problem. I even deleted those songs and tried a new one. It worked fine until I cut the phone off and back on. Same results. I ave this through NET 10 by the way.
I was on here awhile back, and you guys helped me out a lot with the importing ringtones to my phone. I read a lot of complaints (myself included) about the very low volume when the R451C rings. I believe someone on here recommended zedge.net for free cell phone stuff. I went to their site and searched "super loud" under ringtones and downloaded one that was pretty good. I believe it was called "Turbo Alarm". Now, I know you guys love your mp3's by your favorite artist/band/etc., but this solved the low volume problem for me.
I have noticed but just a few times. I will have my phone keypad locked and in my pocket. I will take it out and unlock it and it says Power Save Mode. Then when another key is pressed it goes away. What is this? Is it an automatic thing or am I pressing something to activate it?
About 10 days ago, my Samsung R451C (Straight Talk) battery went dead. I thought that was odd, since I generally got four or five days service out of it before needing charging. So I put it on the charger and charged it up, and about six hours later the phone was dead again.I then purchased another OEM Samsung battery. Same problem; the phone needs recharged after five or six hours. Also, while fiddling with the phone, I noticed that I can no longer shut the phone off by pressing the PWD/END button--it shuts off and then immediately reboots back on.I called Straight Talk support and described my phone's battery life and power button symptoms. The rep immediately stated that Straight Talk would send me a replacement, making me wonder if there's a hardware or firmware problem in the phone they know about. However, the catch is that I have to send in my phone first and then they'll send the replacement, about a 15 day turnaround, according to the rep. I really don't want to be without a phone that long, so I'm looking at alternatives. Anyone have any experience with this sort of phone behavior before and have any suggestions for things I might try before sending the phone in for replacement?
I have a Straight Talk Samsung R451c. I keep trying to get Java apps on my phone. I called Samsung and they said it has Java, but Straight Talk disabled that and many more extensions from being downloaded onto the phone. They told me to call Straight Talk, so I did. They said it wouldn't be fair to the other customers if they told me how to enable downloading and Java. That being said, THERE IS A WAY TO HACK IT! Looking at the Samsung website seeing Java enabled is the ONLY reason I bought this phone. Click Here to see the Samsung specs. Not to mention I bought it on eBay for $108 w/accessories.I have another post in the Straight Talk forums, please help me out in trying to figure out how to do this. http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1609835
Is there a way to page up / page down when viewing text messages or emails? I'm tired of hitting the arrow key many times.Is there an enter key? When composing an email via gmail's mobile interface, hitting the down arrow tabs me to the send button, not to the next line in the body of the email.Is there a way to move from viewing one text message to the next text message without exiting the current text message?Is there a way to enter keyguard mode during a call so I can put the phone in my pocket while talking on bluetooth?
My phone and internet works fine in and around the city I live in. I went to Charlotte for the race on Saturday. It said "roaming" but I had many bars and could place calls and send and receive texts. But when I wanted to connect to the internet, it said 'Check Data restrictions 36" or something like that.
1. power up both phones and make sure bluetooth is turned on in each phone
2. pair the phones (you have to put one of the phones in discoverable mode)
3. find the menu choice (usually in the bluetooth section) on the old phone that says something like "Send Name Card" or "Send Phonebook" or "Send Contact List" - (you may need to acknowledge or OK the transfer on the new phone)
4. Your full phonebook/contact list will be automagically be sent via bluetooth between the two phones in a very short time (I transferred 306 contacts in 4 minutes)
5. Pour yourself a shot of a truly great tequila (such as Don Julio Blanco) to celebrate your success!
I bought a Samsung R451C and took many pictures. Now, I have no idea how to pass all the pictures to my PC. I bought a cable but when I connect it to the phone and the laptop, I cannot see the internal memory.When I insert a microSD card into the phone, the phone allows me to copy/move pictures ONE by ONE to the card from the internal memory, which is extremely slow. Is there any way to copy all the pictures at once to the microSD card or directly to the PC? Maybe there is a program for doing that?
I had my Samsung SCH R451c hooked up to data USB cord and when I unplugged it it shut off, it continuously trys to power on but never does. I took the battery out, but no luck.
I've notice that I'm not able to write/paste on Super Manager or Astro now that I'm using ICS version LPS. I have rooted using Chainfires LPS kernel. is this something that will come with later versions of ICS or updates to the apps themselves?