Samsung Galaxy S II :: Files Disappear When Transferring Between SG Card And Phone Storage?
Nov 19, 2011
I have had the SGS S2 for almost two months now, whenever I transfer pictures and music between folders with my external SD Card or to my Phone Storage, they disappear.I can't remember how exactly I moved them, but I remember the last time I cut the files from one folder and pasted to another, and they all just disappeared.
I downloaded smart switch on my new phone but it isnt compatible with the old one. what is the best way to transfer my files such as contact list and photos to the new phone.
Ok so everytime I move files over from my internal storage to my sd card on my galaxy s5 they become corruped. This is my 3rd memory card I have purchased so it's not that. I am even using an official samsung 64gb micro sd card uhs-1 class 10. When the video clips are saved on the device they play fine. So I copied them over to my sd card using the my files folder on the phone and "moved" them and "copied" them over. At first the files play fine but then when I go back later to play them some of them pop up as unable to play video and are corrupted. I googled the issue and I'm not the only one having this problem but I haven't found a resolution either.
I have a factory unlocked version of an HTC One M8 on AT&T running 4.4.3. I noticed a week ago I was having issues with Pocketcasts freezing. It stored its files on the SD card so I moved them to the phone storage. It seems to be working fine now. This week I have been taking pictures with my HTC M8 and the gallery freezes and the picture will turn blank with a triangle in it. The camera stores pictures on the SD card also. If I touch the picture the phone locks up.
I have a bunch of pictures and videos that I'm trying to transfer to this S5 and it's just giving me errors whatever way I try. I've tried moving all of them from my pc to the phone through usb and it will transfer some of them and then just stop partially through like it's frozen. I've tried sending them straight to the microsd card in the phone, and also tried transferring them to the internal storage and both methods had the same result. Then I tried instead to compress all the files into a .rar and then transfer but that method hasn't worked either.
The loading bar will appear as usual and when it gets almost completed it gives an error saying something along the lines of "cannot copy file because device has been disconnected or stopped responding". I used to be able to transfer files to this phone all the time until just yesterday so what can be causing this problem. This is the same phone, and pc that I've been using for a while now, the only thing different is now there's a different sims card and microsd card in the phone, but I don't figure that has anything to do with the connection problem it seems to be having?
One of the first thing I did when I got my Atrix was enable phone and storage encryption from the settings menu. I recently downloaded and installed Motorola Media Link and got it to work with my phone. When content comes from the phone to the computer, the name and file type are correct, but it doesn't open or play (if a pic or video).
If I navigate to My Computer and open the SD card directly, I can see all the files and copy them over (like pics and vids) but I cannot see the pictures and the videos do not work.
Is encryption causing the problem? Is there any way to utilize motorola software (like Media Link) if encryption is enabled?
If I can't use conventional methods to transfer data from my phone to my computer, are there other options?
I have to use my phone in mass storage mode in order for it to be seen by my car stereo (Alpine x305s). However, It appears that you can only access the internal memory of the phone in this mode. Strangely, it does have a folder called external_sd, but this seems to reference a folder on the internal space. How I can access my external (32 gig) card.
In my quest to transfer my apps from internal phone storage to my SD CCard I discovered that Motorola refers to (or is it Android) to your SD card as 'media storage'. In an attempt to use the 'Manage Apps' feature and selecting 'Media area' I see apps with check marks and those without. I thought that the ones with checkmarks are those already on the SD Card and those without are those that are not on the SD Card, but might be able to be put on the SD Card. (Another user via another question I put out there indicated that the check marks indicate whether or not an app can be stored to the SD Card . . . is that true?). At any rate I am getting the following message when I select an app and select the 'move to media storage' button.
Failure to move application. There is not enough storage left. Here is the particulars of my current state of storage -
Application Storage - 1.04 GB Internal Storage- Total Space: 4.36 GB Available Space: 4.88 GB SD Card - Total Space: 29.71 GB Available Space: 28.79 GB
*So I have plenty of SD Card space, why am I getting this error? Is the one user correct that just because I see an app in the media area tab, that doesn't mean that it can be transfered? Also, when I select an app and the button to move it to the media area is selectable (not greyed out) . . . shouldn't it be selectable without getting the failure I keep getting? Obvoiusly I have PLENTY of SD Card space, so there is something I obviously do not understand.
So I accidentally deleted files off my internal storage in an attempt to free it up (it said miscellaneous but didn't realise this included all my received whatsapp pics and videos).
So I've read that I need to root my phone in order to try recover these, I've so far downloaded odin and ran the pda which passed. Then I put SUSuper I think on my internal storage and from this point my phone stopped following the tutorial.
I have the Bundle update, but still every so often, when I get a notification it is not in a tone I have set. I check the storage and none of my files are shown: pics or sounds.
So I battery pull it, and it's fine. But then later on, it can just go again. I have a Lexar 16gb card in the phone. What's causing this?
Two Samsung U800, two 8GB micro-SD cards, about 6,000 files of mixed type (videos, music, pictures) in a lot of folders and sub-folders and those files are supposed to be on both memory cards in identical orders to be used in both phones. Either phone refuses to see some of the files even though they very clearly are on the respective memory card.
Reformatted the cards multiple times, uploading the files taking for ever, only to find that now some other files are "not there" according to the phone while they are pretty damn well "there" according to the computer. Pushing the sam files again via bluetooth results in "file name in use" so the phone KNOWS the files are there, just refuses to show them.
Is there any way of transfering files to the phone thru bluetooth. What program do i need. I can connect to the phone with bluetooth but can't do anything else.
I recently bought an Xperia Mini Pro. I have one issue with this phone...The memory card that comes with the phone is almost three-quarter I am not able to transfer most of my songs and pictures to it...I am thinking of buying a new micro sdhc card....But I have some confusion...Should I go for a class 6 or a class 10? And what about transferring the files from my old card to the new one?? I have enough internal memory I can easily transfer the apps present in my memory card to the internal storage...
I took a new sd card (strontium class 10 32gb nitro) I'm not able to tranfer files from internal storage to mcard through file manager (es file explorer) shows error moving files..
Have installed pdf reader app as well I have changed setting to no limit download size and auto download as previously suggested. I end up always getting file size 0 or incompatible file message.
I have the Storm 9530. When I connect it to my PC with USB cable and look at the storage card like another drive, I see two of every picture that I have taken. Why is this?
Every time I connect my Samsung Galaxy S5 to my iMac, I get a message that it cannot locate the device. The cable is good, I use it to charge my S5, and it works just fine. How to move files from iTunes to my Galaxy S 5?
I have a problem i have a talktalk e mail account which i receive my e mails on the phone but for no apparent reason they delete thereselves i have got the setting at period to sync e mail this setting is on a month.Although i dont need to be near a computer and they just disappear !
I have an SIII but no one seems to be viewing those forums so I thought I would ask here. I've always stored my music in folders sorted by artist and never bothered with tagging as long as the file names started with numbers. I have over 300 gigs in music so I'm not about to start tagging now. my 32 gig sd card has 4500 music files.The music player doesn't play nice with my sorting - artist view winds up showing the same artists 10 times or sorts out compiltation albums while folder view has every single album (300-400 or so) sorted alphabetically.
I would like to go into the external sd card and play directly from there. I can do that, but only a single track will play and you can't use any other apps or browse when the track plays. Am I stupid or something?This is the main reason why I've always used Cowon music players or my sansa clip, I can simply go into folders and play. I have media monkey and love it but even there I use the folder directory.
I am happy to report success in copying music files to my LG enV3 (VX9200)! I have now loaded 2000 music files onto a 16Gb Micro SD card and gotten the phone to properly read <title>, <artist>, <track>, <album>, and <genre> for all of these files. Unfortunately, this was only after much trial, error, pain, and suffering.Here's what I have deduced about how the enV 3 wants to see music files organized:
1. To avoid silly mistakes, do use the phone to format your Micro SD card.
2. But to save time and achieve reliable transfers, move your music onto the formatted card using a USB card reader, plugged directly into your computer. Putting the phone into USB Mass Transfer mode, or trying to use the 'Sync' routine, is slow at best and ends up in failure more times than not.
3. Music files go into the "my_music" folder on the card.
4. Within "my_music", what works well is the following directory structure: my_ music /<artist>/<album> /<track>_ <title>But you have to follow some special rules:
5. The enV 3 doesn't seem to like like spaces or special characters in directory or file names, and I think it wants only one period (the one before the .mp3 extension). Special characters include the 'usual suspects': . ^ $ | ? * + [ ] ( ) { } /
6. The enV 3 doesn't seem to like directories or file names to be longer than 32 characters
7. Finally, to have album art displayed, it wants to see the file "AlbumArt.jpg" in each <album> folder.
I may be wrong about some of the rules -- but I can report that when I followed the rules, things worked as they never had before.My guess is that other Verizon LG phones work the same way. (You'd think that Verizon or LG would document this somewhere, but NO!)
Now -- you'd better believe I wasn't going to manually edit the directories and filenames to meet the enV 3's picky requirements -- not for 2000 files!Instead, I worked with the freeware program Mp3tag (available here) and wrote an Mp3tag script (available here) to do the dirty work. Step 1 was to 'clone' my music files by copying my entire music library -- all of the mp3 files, which had been organized by iTunes -- into a new directory which I labeled 'Music_Backup'. Step 2 was to read this cloned library into Mp3tag. Step 3 was to run my Mp3tag script, which parsed/renamed/moved all the music files under a new directory on my computer (called 'Ready-For-LG-Phone') Step 4 was to copy this new directory structure onto the Micro SD card
From there I popped the card into the phone, and at long last it has become a usable music player.(The one thing I haven't figured out is how to get playlists into the phone.)To use this process, you're going to have to get familiar with Mp3tag, or come up with a way using the tagger of your choice to meet the requirements I've listed above.But I can tell you that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Best wishes and good luck!
I have had several occasions on turning on my AT&T Galaxy S2 phone where all 7 of my screens were blank except for the 4 icons at the bottom. In fact, every screen had a message in the middle saying to drag items to add them to the screen, like it was *supposed* to be blank. Before today, turning the phone off and on again resolved this.In fact, when I clicked on the Applications icon at the bottom, got nothing but a spinning circle. After a minute or two, I pulled the battery, returned it, and powered up again. This time, everything is again normal. But I am concerned. This phone is just 5 weeks old.
2 email accounts; Gmail n Blueyonder Virgin em most often used. Am aware 1 fix is to delete my BY account and set up not clicking on the Premium box. works & em stay in Inbox but email thing is slowed down and not sure I'm "losing" by not clicking Premium setup. Is this problem with disappearing email gonna b a problem for while? Do I contact Virgin Media?
I got a Samsung Corby S3653 recently the one which has colours, does anyone know how can I shift the SMS storage to memory card & also when I am trying to install .jar games its being installed in phone memory is there any setting where I can shift the installation to memory card?
I wonder if anyone here knows how to load standard subtitles files (.srt) while playing video files (like .avi) on my SGS2. There's an idle "Subtitles" button on the bottom right of the player's menu, which I hadn't been able to use. Should I try a different one from the Android market?
Every time I try to download an app the phone says not enough storage available, but all the storage in the sd card is available. I need to make he ad card the main storage...