Nokia :: N96 / Connect To Internet Via Laptop By WiFi
Jul 27, 2010
I have a laptop connected to internet via ADSL USB Modem, there is a wi-fi network created on the laptop that I use to connect another laptop to the internet. When I connect my N96 to that network, everything works great except when trying to access a web site, it says "General: Feature not supported!”Is that kind of connection not supported or what?
Can anybody will assist me as how do I connect n900 internet using my Lap top.. Since I don't have data package which is very steep in UAE where im living currently. Im sharing wired connection with my friend and we don't even have the wireless modem. Previously i had Samsung Window Mobile device which use to connect the internet via my lap top but this N900 does not recognizes at all.
I've spent 8 hours trying to solve this. It used to be really easy with PC-Suite and now it's unbelievably hard. I use my phone to connect my laptop to the internet and now I can't do this(?). How do I do this with Lumia?
Like an idiot i forgot to bring my express and now dont have wifi in my hotel room, but the laptop i brought (a dell) has bluetooth. so is it possible to connect an unjailbroken iphone 4 with the newest firmware to my dell, and use internet over the bluetooth? To clarify, I HAVE an internet connect on my laptop, and i want to be able to connect my iphone ober bluetooth, to my dell inorder to use the internet on my iphone.
I want to use my internet connection running on my laptop (in office or through TATA Photon) with my neo V. I have seen doing same by HTC/Samsung smartphones... Is there any way to configure NEO V to use laptop's internet connection. I tried few 3rd party and built in wi-fi spot. but nothing works. Neo doesn't identifiy wirless network. Is there any way using wif-fi, blutooth or usb.. etc.. by which i can run internet on neo. using my laptops connection. My OS is vista enterprise.
I have just bought a new Samsung Galaxy S2. I am unable to use the phones 3G services in my flat as there is no service or a very poor mobile phone service. I thought I could connect the phone to my laptop which is wired into broadband and use that. Any ideas on how to that ? The laptop is connected to a wired broadband service, there is no router.
i want to connect my laptop to internet using my bb as a modem, i owe a 9700bolt and i downloaded blackberry deteskop menager and there should be a icon for it and its not there what should i do?
I just updated my N8 from symbian anna to belle. Everything went ok. Now I'm trying to connect to my home wifi network which has WEB security. I can connect without a problem. I mean the phone says it's connected to the network. But when I try to access a website there is only the error page. And after a minute or so the wifi connection drops out by itself. I saved the network, and there's no other destination in the settings/destinations menu. the phone is not connecting to it by itself. Is there a way to go back to Anna?
How to use my dell latitude e6410 laptop with windows 7 to turn into wifi hot spot and the access internet using wifi of xperia mini to view files transferred to phone? when i open the gallery i can't see any folder ? please let me know how to view files on sd card?
I am able to use wifi internet connection on my iphone but at the same time I am not able to use the wifi connection on my laptop. The setting is to be changed in my iphone and laptop or the changes is to done by the service provider at the server.
So I set my laptop as a hotspot. It works just fine with iphone 3gs, i pick up the signal and its really strong. But I have the Galaxy SII Skyrocket (AT&T) 2.3.5 and it scans but wont even pick up the signal. Tried reseting wifi on the phone, turning airplane mode on and off, made multiple networks to try and connect to but still no dice.
I recently deactivated my Blackberry Bold 9000 (v4.6.0.304 operating system) from AT&T since I ported my cell phone number to US Cellular who had better coverage in my region. I'd like to continue using my Blackberry Bold 9000 as a free wi-fi only internet access device and install the Google Voice app so my kids could text message and make phone calls via the Google Voice app and phone's wi-fi connection. While my BB Bold is able to connect to our home wi-fi network like in the past it doesn't successfully connect to the internet and gives me the following message: "Unable to connect to the internet, please try again later."
i cant connect to the internet without wifi and i have tried adding my friends on BBM and it just says pending they have tried adding me and all they get is an error message. i have tried registering to the host routing table but have not recieved anything back how long should this take to work?
why I cannot connect to internet using wifi connection? Before this, I can use my internet via wifi without any problems. Do i need to re-format my device?
can i connect to the internet with wifi only or can the phone default to wi-fi if there is a poor 2G or 3G signal. I am connected to my wi-fi and my phone will not use this signal any ideas? phone is a 9105 with os6
My Iphone 4s will not connect to the internet or any apps requiring connectivity during a mobile session. Only when I am in an open Wifi or at home on wifi. Just bought it a few days ago. Has the 5.1 update.
i cannot browse with my x8 by wifi or 3g. i have tried updated my firmware through pc companiion and update service.. im getting reaslly frustrated. I have tried this sim on a samsung fon, and it worked well with no hassle. but with x8 it seem not to work at ol.
I have a Blackberry Curve 8520. I bought it on july. It worked very well, but since 3 months ago, i can't connect the BB to internet (with Wi-Fi or WAP).
I tryed many Wi-Fi, i tryed all the options and now i'm so desperate...
My girlfriend has a BB Curve 9300, it was working all fine on the OS5. Last weekend she asked me if i could update her software, and i did so from the Blackberry Desktop Software and updated to OS6. Everything was working fine until we found out that it only connects to the internet if i use data service, but i dont want to because we have wi-fi at home. When i turn data services and while roaming OFF, and put wi-fi preferred, and when i try to open a web page in the browser it pop ups a window saying "Data Services are disabled. Go to Mobile Network to enable".