Nokia Lumia :: Changing Default Navigation App?

Dec 7, 2012

I used the voice command to "navigate" to a place however, my only choice was the AT&T app. Is there a way I can change that "default" nav app to nokia drive? I love Nokia drive over AT&T's nav app not to mention it is an extra fee. It is not worth paying versus Nokia drive , I just don't prefer it.So that's my issue How do I change the default app the phone wants to use (ATT Nav) to Nokia Drive.

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Nokia Lumia :: Changing Map Default App On 920?

Nov 15, 2012

Just got a new lumia 920, love the Windows Phone 8, not liking so much that Nokia apps have taken over default Windows Phone apps like Maps. How do I get default Maps app back. I know that underlying system components are still there because Local Scout uses Bing Maps and not Nokia Maps app.

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Lumia 950 XL :: Changing Notification Sound To Default / None For Facebook And Messenger After Turning Off Phone

Dec 8, 2015

Got the new lumia 950xl yesterday in the UK, loving it so far but when I switch off my phone and back on again it seems to change the notification sound for Facebook and messenger, not really sure why so? Really annoying considering the messenger default is set to none so if I forget I won't know I have a message until I check my phone....

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Nokia Navigation :: How To Change Map Language Without Changing Phone

Jan 29, 2010

I have used Ovi Map 3.03 with free navigation license.I have only one question, is it possible to change the map language to my local language (Thai) without changing the phone language? Example, now I set my phone language as English then my map shown in English else set phone language to Thai then map will show in Thai. Is it possible to used phone language in English but map label shown in Thai? because phone language in Thai has many incorrect translations.

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Nokia :: N97 / Not Connecting Default Connection / Changing Text Message Centre

Jan 19, 2010

I have a unlocked N97. Everything is working fine except 2 things that i am having problems with:

1- I have added my WLAN home network in the Internet destination. Also a normal MMS connection for Multimedia Services and my GPRS connection in the WAP Services. I have set the default connection to Internet but still when I open applications like weather or browser, it doesn't connect to WLAN (It's availaible and use is set to Auto, other access points are selected to after confirmation) and it asks for connecting to WAP connection or not.

2- I can't send any text messages and I want to change my message centre. but when I go to Messages > Options > Settings > Message Centres > Options it has nothing as "Add message centre" so I can add a new message centre for sending text messages. what should I do?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Nokia Lumia :: Phone Freezes After Changing Language?

Dec 14, 2012

I just got my new lumia 920, and apperently my store was in sweeden.So i got the phone, turned it on and changed the language to norwegian, it freezes up all the time. and i have to do a hard reset (volume down + powerbutton)

And then i did a factory reset.. and i thought.. maybe it works okey if i leave it on sweedish..

So i turned it back to norwegian and it started to freeze up again. And why do the clock reset when doing a hard reset ? thats the only thing that reset back to factory default when i do hard reset.

And for some reason it looks like it's working okey now when the battery is less than 14 %, wich make my phone kind of useless..

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IPhone 4 :: Changing Voicemail To Default

Aug 22, 2014

So I Recorded My Name For My voicemail but would like to change it to default so it says my number instead. I would Like instructions on how to do that. I am on iOS 7 and iPhone 4....

iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2

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Nokia Lumia :: Changing Apps Menu On 920 From List Mode?

Nov 24, 2012

I know that with my old Windows Phone 7, the menu was broken down in sections by the starting letter of the app (So it would say "A" and beneath it were all the A apps.) Currently, my menu list is just a list--no letter headings, so you can't push on say, S, and zip down to the S apps. (Kind of how you find people on the Facebook app.)I am not articulating this well, but do you know if there is a way to jump to a particular letter in the 920? Right now, I just have a long list of apps, which is time consuming.

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BB Bold :: Changing Default Browser 9700?

Feb 8, 2012

i have tried to change the default browser on my 9700 but when i try there is no other options than hotspot browser and i cant edit it for internet browser or blackberry browser

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BB Curve :: 9360 Changing Default Search?

Jun 14, 2011

How do I change the default search engine on my 9360 to know I have to add %s to the address somehow, but every combination I have tried just gives me an error. Could somebody tell me the correct syntax?

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LG G3 :: Email App - Changing Default Fonts And Size?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm trying to set the default size to 14 but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Each time I open the app I have to set it manually.

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Galaxy S5 :: Default SMS App Keeps Changing To Titanium Backup

Aug 18, 2015

This week something very odd has been happening on my phone. When I open Textra to send a text, it asks me if I want to make it my default app for messages. For some reason, my default messaging app keeps changing to Titanium backup. Why is that even an option? If I change it back to Textra, the change only lasts about a day.

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Eseries / Communicators :: Changing E6 Default Music Player?

Mar 17, 2012

Have installed QuasarMx on my Anna E6 and would like to have as my default music player but when I go to settings|application settings|default applications and try and change the default for playing music only the Nokia Music player is listed.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Changing Default Email Setting

Sep 4, 2010

I looked on here & didn't find anything addressed prior, so forgive me if I just didn't see it & am reposting a question already addressed here. E-mail: I have 4 e-mail accounts.When I hit compose, it defaults to one I'd rather not use.I can hit the drop down key & choose one of the other 3, but I'd rather have it default to the one I use most.I had no problems w/ this in the Curve.There was a place to set the default mail.Any ideas?

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BB Curve :: 9330 Changing Default Typing Case

Mar 16, 2011

Is this possible? I haven't found this in a search of anywhere because "case' immediately brings up holster questions. Is it possible to make it type in default lower case (abc instead of Abc or ABC)? (It meaning the Curve 9330)

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Motorola Bravo :: Changing WiFi To 3G Default Settings

May 24, 2011

I have the 200MB plan and use the internet when I am ONLY on WiFi networks. However, while exploring 2.2, I recall seeing a setting that, if the WiFi connection drops, the new setting stops the Bravo from using the 3G. If the Bravo changed over to 3G to maintain the internet connection (apparently the default setting), massive data charges would be incurred. I have tried to re-discover this setting but no success to date. Any way to use / change this "WiFi to 3G" setting?

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Motorola Droid X :: Changing Default View Of Calendar

Apr 19, 2011

I prefer to see the agenda view of my calendar on my Droid X.However, it keeps on going back to the day view when I return to the calendar.It used to show the month view when I went on my calendar and I don't know how or why it changed to the day view.Also, if I put a new event on my calendar on my phone, when I save it, the phone returns to my calendar at two months earlier.

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Motorola Droid :: Changing Default Gmail Account On It?

Sep 1, 2011

New member so forgive my mistakes. I have read the other threads on the above issue and they seem dated. I want to delete the original Gmail acct that the tech set up and use my regular gmail account without doing a factory reset to defaults.When I bought my Motorola Atrix at Costco in April 2011 the tech deleted all my phone contacts, data, and photos when trying to transfer to the Atrix. Then he set up a new required Gmail account for the Atrix and gave us the wrong password and security answer which I can not recover despite numerous tries with Google.I have another Gmail account with a good password and it is also on my Atrix. I can access both Gmail accounts on the Atrix because the unknown password is stored somewhere on teh phone. I cannot access my account settings to determine the correct password for the Gmail account I want to delete.What I'm really trying to do is somehow link my Atrix phone number to my regular Gmail and Motoblur acconts so I can use the Android Market from my PC and other functions. I cannot find anything on my regular Gmail account that allows me to link my Atrix phone with that account. It appears the phone is linked to the original Gmail acct the Costco tech set up and that I cannot acccess any settings on. The only settings (from both Gmail accts) I can access are the general ones that control notifications, rings, and messages.

My solution was to delete the account that I don't have a password for and then I would then a way to add my Atrix to my regular Gmail acct as the new Atrix acct or visa-versa. I will keep it screwed up if the only option is to reset to facotry defaults and lose everything. In a related question is there a way to transfer all my Atrix data to the micro SD card and then take it out and then reset?

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Nokia Navigation :: Lumia 900 GPS Fails When Battery Is 50% Or Below

May 10, 2012

I start noticing this issue about a week ago. When my Lumia battery get to about 50% or less, even though my physical location is San Francisco, my GPS location becomes either somewhere in Ohio near Akron or in Georgia near Alpharetta.Thus all applications that require location become useless!

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Nokia Navigation :: Maps Only Syncs 1-way With Lumia 900?

Aug 17, 2012

I am trying to sync. favorites I create on with Nokia Maps on my Lumia 900 (WP 7.5), but they will not transfer from the web interface to the phone. Favorites I create on the phone transfer just fine to my account on Is there a way to "push" favorites to the phone from the web interface?

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Nokia Navigation :: Routing With Drive On Lumia 900?

Apr 30, 2012

So I finally tried to use Nokia Drive on a real trip (in New Jersey, USA) and I've noticed that the software often seems stuck on returning you to the originally plotted route when you deviate from it, instead of finding the best remaining route based on the new location. I'll give details for my particular trip in case this is a local issue.

We decided to take the NJ Turnpike to route 18 to River Road to Interstate 287 instead of 295 to 206 to 287 as Nokia Drive recommended (the routes are roughly equivalent in travel time, so I don't fault this initial route selection). When we entered the Turnpike, the new route kept trying to get us to 295 until we passed Exit 7 (In reality, past Exit 5 there isa considerable penalty to getting off the turnpike and onto I 295).

Finally, after Exit 7 it decided we should stay on the turnpike and get to 287 directly using Exit 10 (This too is roughly equivalent in travel time, so it was a reasonable suggestion). Once we took Exit 9 to route 18 instead it picked a different route than the one we are familiar with and this is where the biggest problem occurred. The route it suggested would enter 287 North at Exit 7, while the route we took entered 287 at Exit 9. It kept insisting we get back on its rout and get on at exit 7 to the point that when we were about to enter 287 at exit 9, it told us to get onto 287 *south* and take it to exit 7 where we would exit the highway and immediately re-enter it northbound. This is rediculous and should never have been suggested.

Am I right in my assessment that the software tries to stick to the original route instead of calculating a new one on the spot? What possible advantage can there be in doing it this way?

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Nokia Lumia :: 900 Navigation Buttons Not Working?

Aug 10, 2012

My lumia 900, 3 navigation buttons at the bottom of screen have stooped working that's the back arrow,windows start button, search button making the phone unusable have reset phone to factory setting still the same?

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Nokia Lumia :: Saving Offline Navigation To 800

Oct 16, 2012

when i use my lumia 800 GPS to travel, is their a way to save the journey on the phone so that next time i dont have to replan the same route. also can i make a trip using via points?

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Nokia Applications :: Changing The Default Applications On The Nokia E7?

Dec 1, 2011

I would like to know if there some apps out there that can replace the default ones used by the E7 (Photos, videos, webbrowser and music player)? So far I only found Opera Mobile that can replace the default web browser.

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Nokia Lumia :: 902 - How To Change The Phone Default Name

Nov 11, 2012

I just got two Lumia phones 920 and 820 (ATT in LA). I was wondering how can I change the phones name since currently both of them are "Windows Phone".

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Changing Default Search Engine

May 27, 2010

i know this has asked a million times and i appologize but i absolutely hate bing as the default search engine. is there anyway to change it to google? is there like a 9530 file i can use to change it on the 9550?

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Motorola Razr :: Default Ring Tone Weird After Changing?

Jan 8, 2012

So I had 1 default ring tone. It was an MP3 snippet and it worked on any contact set to default ring tone or to an unrecognized call. No issues.ast week I changed this default ring tone to be a different MP3 snippet.What I am finding is that any contact that is set to 'default ring tone' now plays a Motorola electroni telephone ring sound instead of the new default ring tone.Im looking for a way to correct this globally. What I have done in the mean time is edit a contact, change the ring tone to something else then back to default and it works from that point on.

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Motorola Electrify :: Input Keyboard Keeps Changing Back To Default?

Jan 1, 2012

I don't like the native, default keyboard on the Electrify, so I downloaded MultiLing keyboard from the Android Market. I like the MultiLing keyboard, but I've had one issue that has come up in only the last couple weeks. I'll select the MultiLing keyboard as my input choice, but a short time later, the keyboard has changed back to the standard keyboard.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: How To Switch Between Email Accounts And Changing Default

Nov 9, 2011

I have multiple emails. However, when I am in the email app, I cannot find an easy way to switch between accounts other than settings and changing the default account. Am I missing something, or was this phone really setup with only 1 email in mind?

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Nokia Navigation :: Show Coordinates In Lumia Maps?

Mar 30, 2012

There should be a dialog or other view to show the current location as coordinates in Nokia Maps. This kind of information can be needed in some cases and currently there is no support to get the coordinates.

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Nokia Lumia :: 710 Offline Navigation Doesn't Work?

Jan 15, 2012

I just bought a new lumia 710 here in Singapore and I am trying out the offline navigation. I've already downloaded the maps here but everytime I would search for the destination, the phone keeps on searching for it "online". I thought offline should work with Lumia

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