Motorola Electrify :: Keep Photos Out Of The Gallery?
Oct 20, 2011
I loaded a lot of photos from my computer onto my Electrify. All of them appear in the Gallery. The gallery is too large. Is there any way to remove a photo from the gallery without deleting it completely from the phone?
Is there any way to separate the photos in the gallery into folders? I have them in folders on my SD card but in the gallery it throws them all into one folder. I noticed I can access my folders by using the files app, however, I was hoping to have the option in the gallery as well.
I took a cute pic of my dog with my phone. I wanted to set it as the wallpaper. I went to the gallery, chose the pic and then set as wallpaper. This lovely orange box pops up to select an area of the pic, but I am unable to resize the box to encompass the majority of the pic. I can get it to resize to approx. the size of a postage stamp, but nothing any larger than that.
I did try to edit the size of the pic and start over, and have tried several different sizes, but they all have pretty much the same result.
At the scene of a slight auto accident, someone took photos and sent them to me by text message. I downloaded them and can view them on my phone, but I need to retrieve them and print them. How do I do this? Can't seem to find them anywhere except inside the text message function
If I turn on wifi and connect at my home my pictures from facebook, ebay, etc won't load. If I turn off wifi they load fine just much slower than on wifi. I haven't tried to upload pictures, just viewing them.
I'd like to make a slideshow in chronological order of my pictures from the oldest to the newest one. However apparently there is no way to select this order, only inverse is possible in gallery (newest to oldest).
On my DX, whenever I went to the Gallery, I was presented with the folders on my SD card that contained photos and videos. One folder I had was called "Wallpapers". On the DX2, all photos and videos get lumped together and there is no way of navigating to the folder that contains the photos or videos you want to see or play.I understand that there is a way to "group" photos and videos by day, week, or month. Fine. But why not also let you group them by the folders they are in on your SD card?If you click on "My library" and then click on the "My Library: Timeline" drop-down button at the top of the screen, you get a popup that shows you can view your "My library" by Albums, Locations, Tags, and Timeline. Again, why not also include the folders that they are in on your SD card? I was hoping that was what viewing your library by "Albums" would be, but that's not the case. When I click on that, I get two albums: "All videos" and "All photos". Not very convenient if you want to view a particular movie, video clip, or photo. I don't want to have to sort through a folder containing ALL of the videos or ALL of the photos.
Here's the problem as I see it in practice:Say you want to change your wallpaper. Okay, long-press on your home screen and select "Wallpapers". Now, select where you want to pull your wallpaper from. "Gallery". On my DX, it would take me to the Gallery and it would show separate folders for Camera, All Photos, and the folder I created for all of my wallpapers, called "Wallpapers". So then I could click on the "Wallpapers" folder and easily select the image I wanted as my wallpaper.ith the DX2, after long-pressing on your home screen and selecting "Wallpapers" and then "Gallery" as the source, it takes you straight to ALL of your pictures. I have more than 1,700 on my SD card so I don't want to scroll through all of them just to find the wallpaper images I saved that are mixed in with photos I took with my phone, downloaded images, etc. Sure, if you click on the Menu button and select "Group by", you can group all of the thousands of images by Day, Week, or Month, but again that doesn't help since who the heck knows when those wallpapers were created?
Is there a way to change the pictures that are displayed when Gallery is launched at its main menu? The pictures which are being displayed when I open gallery are old uninteresting photographs and I would love to be able to change it to show either the most recent photos or photos that I select.
I recently had to do a factory reset for a different issue and now I don't see my Google photos in the Gallery. When I originally set up the phone they appeared automatically.
I have some forlders on the internal storage that contain mass amounts of images that are inteded to be used as data, not media. Is there a way to designate where the media app pulls its picures from?
I can delete individual emails from my inbox. However, when I go to Trash folder there is no method to delete the Trash contents. Searching the manual gives zero information. Searching online has not been much more productive. The methods I've seen in independent forums don't work for me.
The My Gallery app on the Razr/Razr Maxx automatically chooses photographs to display on the opening screen of My Gallery. Some of these photos are of contact photos of people I don't want to look at all the time such as business associates. I would prefer to replace the photos of my choosing such as pictures of my family, friends , vacation etc.
Is there any way to re-select the photos that are displayed on the opening My Gallery screen?
Does anybody know how I keep all of my past appointments on the Electrify? I check my google calendar which is syncing fine and see all of my past appointements, however they are gone from the phone. Additionally, even though my google calendar is scheduled out for the entire year, my phone calendar stops at December 15th, 2012.
All my stuff gone. Music pictures etc. All i did today was hook up to tv hdmi cable to watch a video and somehow it wipped my external sd card. Really pissed anybody know why this happened?
It seems that some cellular associates are telling customers that the Electrify is 4g ready and will be able to be updated,when US Cellular launches 4g. The general consensus is that this cannot be possible.
Anybody have an easy way to convert the video I shoot on my Electrify to some readable format on the computer? I've tranferred the files to both Mac and PC and neither have worked. I almost thought it was because I turned on the encryption, but I haven't had problems with photos, and I don't know why video would be different. Didn't have this problem with my old phone
Iam a Uscc agent and I have a customer with the electrify and their phone is dying within a couple of hours and only sending a couple of text messages and making one phone call I have given a battery swap and checked the phone for any bad apps but there were no additional applications installed and settings do not seem out of place and compared it to mine that I have abd everything matches and mine lasts me an entire day of heavy use. I am just wondering if there is anything else that could be draining the battery or a way to fix it?
Testing the multi touch functionality of my phone, to my dismay, shows acknowledgement of two points of contact. Needless to say, the piano app that I use.( for jotting down quick ideas, I am a music director at my church and a songwriter) is nearly unusable because piano often uses more than two fingers. I know that the hacking community has been able to enable up to 8 points if multitouch. Is this going to be enabled for this phone? I would hate to get rid of it since I love everything else about it, and have no problems at all with any functionality. ( aside from that whole pesky multitouch thing).
My camera will allow me to take a picture, and the image appears in the preview circle. When I click the preview circle, I get an error of a picture with a triangle and exclamation point.
Troubleshooting performed so far:
Reboot Deleted System Cache from holding power and down volume from powered off device Went to Settings > General > apps > All > Camera (and Gallery), and cleared Cache and Cleared Data Went to Setting > General > Storage > clicked on Cached data, and cleared
I did restore to the defaults on my HTC One and after the reset, the photos which I uploaded to Dropbox don't appear at the Dropbox tab in the Gallery of my HTC One. When I click on the Dropbox tab at the Gallery of my phone it appears: "This user has no album to show" the same happens and on Google Drive. Before the reset everything was normal.
Why most but not all of my pictures are gone from the gallery. Only had about 25. Today I have 6. I don't have them going to another service. I saw another person had this problem a week or so ago. Can't find an answer. Is this just a bug in android? My albums aren't hidden. How do I find the files on my phone? New to android.
I took over 30 photo's and 30 minutes of video today at my sons awards at school. I had sync turned off, all programs, Google, Dropbox, etc. I haven't rooted my HTC One M8 yet, so there's no other back up program running. I created a album in my gallery and copied the photos and video over to the album, the first option that pops up is to store them in "phone storage" I hit phone storage before I realized what I'd done. I didn't move them, I copied them. I went to Google photos and hit sync, then went back to the phones gallery, I had 2 copies of the photos and video, one set in the album I created and the other copy was on the camera. I was in a hurry when I did all of this. Normally when I create a album I move the pictures, not copy.
I went to Google photos and saw all the pics and video uploading, went back to the gallery and deleted the copy under the camera setting. The album I created is gone as well. Is there any way at all possible to retrieve them or are they completely deleted? I've sat here and repeated the exact same process with photos that are already backed up on Google and when I delete them from the camera they still appear in the album I created on the phone itself. I've created albums several times in the past and hit "copy" instead of "move", then go back and delete the copy under from the camera. I have Root Explorer installed and can't find them anywhere, I hooked my phone to my laptop and with no luck. if there's any way at all to get these photos back. it just made me sick to my stomach when I saw that I'd deleted the pics.
I have strange error today on my S6, i was taking a picture and go to quick view , when its open i only have one picture in side, no folder with Camera (295 photos in side) no Facebook (56 photo) only that picture what i take that moment. Then i explore folders (DCIM/camera) and all photos and video are there but my gallery only see this last one.
I tray to rename folder name and when i shoot new picture he make new folder (Camera) and i can see picture that i take, now i copy from old folder to this new, and still i don't see other picture,