Motorola Electrify :: Playing Video From Electrify On Computer?
Sep 26, 2011
Anybody have an easy way to convert the video I shoot on my Electrify to some readable format on the computer? I've tranferred the files to both Mac and PC and neither have worked. I almost thought it was because I turned on the encryption, but I haven't had problems with photos, and I don't know why video would be different. Didn't have this problem with my old phone
Does anybody know how I keep all of my past appointments on the Electrify? I check my google calendar which is syncing fine and see all of my past appointements, however they are gone from the phone. Additionally, even though my google calendar is scheduled out for the entire year, my phone calendar stops at December 15th, 2012.
All my stuff gone. Music pictures etc. All i did today was hook up to tv hdmi cable to watch a video and somehow it wipped my external sd card. Really pissed anybody know why this happened?
It seems that some cellular associates are telling customers that the Electrify is 4g ready and will be able to be updated,when US Cellular launches 4g. The general consensus is that this cannot be possible.
Iam a Uscc agent and I have a customer with the electrify and their phone is dying within a couple of hours and only sending a couple of text messages and making one phone call I have given a battery swap and checked the phone for any bad apps but there were no additional applications installed and settings do not seem out of place and compared it to mine that I have abd everything matches and mine lasts me an entire day of heavy use. I am just wondering if there is anything else that could be draining the battery or a way to fix it?
Testing the multi touch functionality of my phone, to my dismay, shows acknowledgement of two points of contact. Needless to say, the piano app that I use.( for jotting down quick ideas, I am a music director at my church and a songwriter) is nearly unusable because piano often uses more than two fingers. I know that the hacking community has been able to enable up to 8 points if multitouch. Is this going to be enabled for this phone? I would hate to get rid of it since I love everything else about it, and have no problems at all with any functionality. ( aside from that whole pesky multitouch thing).
I can delete individual emails from my inbox. However, when I go to Trash folder there is no method to delete the Trash contents. Searching the manual gives zero information. Searching online has not been much more productive. The methods I've seen in independent forums don't work for me.
I've had my Motorola Electrify since the middle of November last year and didn't really notice it too much for atleast a couple months, but recently if I dont reboot my phone for more than 2 days, and sometimes sooner than that, it will stop playing any notification sounds and just now it didn't even play any ring sound at all when I just received a call. It vibrated, but didn't play any sound. This is getting frustrating. I have even factory reset my phone a few weeks ago because of other things, and it still hasn't fixed this issue. In fact it seems to be getting worse. At first it was SOME notification sounds after 4 or 5 days not rebooting, now its all notification AND ring sounds after just a couple days. I have the app "Tasker" installed and have sounds associated with some profiles, but don't really think thats the problem because its not just sounds associated with the app, its system events too, like receiving a call, etc.
Previously when I connected my phone to my computer via USB, I would get a Motorola screen on my desktop inviting me to sync my music, photos, etc. I would be offered the choice to sync using Windows Media Player or iTunes. That screen has stopped appearing when I connect via USB. What happened to it? I uninstalled and reinstalled Motocast, no luck there.I have found this Motorola sync program pretty creaky compared to iTunes. Would I be happier using another program altogether (Winamp? something like that?) to manage my music, podcasts, etc?
I made some videos for my English project that is due tomorrow and it will not let me transfer the videos to the computer, and it won't let me view some videos... How can I fix this? The file shows a G3PP. I used my phone as a mass storage when i connected to the computer, and then transfered all of my videos and pictures, but the ones from my english project weren't there.
I've downloaded a couple of different Ringtone apps, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to actually get the ringtones I want onto my phone. All I can find on this is to go through the Music app, but that doesn't see any of the ringtones from the apps. Are there certain ringtone apps that work only with the Electrify? The apps themselves don't appear to have a way to download. All I've been able to do is listen to the sound. I had a Samsung Galaxy before this and it was so easy for me to get ringtones. I'm really stumped with the Electrify.
Typing a standard SMS, no attachements or symbols of any type, my SMS message converts to a MMS style message. For example I typed 105 characters including spaces & comma's, half way thru typing the message it displayed the message was converting to a MMS. How do I stop this from converting to a MMS?
I have a lot of PDFs and DOC files on my phone I use for reference at work and I have to go to file and find the one I want to view them is there a way to set up a icon for each one that I can click on and view them like you would in windows.
I would like to know if there is a way to disable the notifications that came on the electrify so that I can use the missed calls app instead. The apps seem to fight each other. This is my first android so I am very new to this,
Is there a quick fast way to launch the camera? My point is by the time you hit the power button, unlock the screen, launch the camera you have lost your shot.
On my previous phone I could use the app "Super Tool Box 10+" to move applications to the SD card; however, when I select that option on this phone, the button "move to SD" is not present...
I loaded a lot of photos from my computer onto my Electrify. All of them appear in the Gallery. The gallery is too large. Is there any way to remove a photo from the gallery without deleting it completely from the phone?
Ran into a new problem this morning, Took my electrify off the charger and turned it on and it started up but the display will not light up. The buttons at the bottom all light up and it looks like there is a back light that is on, (if you look at the screen from the side you can see like a back light) and the green indicator light is flashing.
The stock SMS program is so devoid of features like being able to set font size, text notification vibrate quality, and the look of the interface that it's really useless to me.I have both Handcent and Chomp installed as alternates, but am currently using Handcent which is rich with tweakable features.Even after disabling "notification" from the messaging app, I am still getting popups from the stock sms app whenever a text is received.
I was wondering if someone could post do a step-by-step on how to do a 3-way call on my electrify andriod. I need to contact my sisters (both live in diff states) concerning urgent family isses.