Motorola :: Droid X2 Ringer Turns Off Despite Settings
Jan 2, 2012
I've seen this issue covered in a few non-motorola forums. Despite the fact the I have the ringer turned on, a ringtone selected and the volume turned up, I don't get a ring during incoming calls.Powering the phone off and on seems to be a temporary fix, but (according to the non-motorola forums), the issue may have something to do with a smart battery profile (something I did not enable) and can only be permanently fixed by a factory reset.If that's what it takes, I'm more likely to return the phone and find a model without this bug.
Apple finally got around to fixing the drop call / no call volume problem with the 4s via iOS 4.1. Now, after fixing that problem, the volume spontaneously turns itself down. Sometimes I can't get rid of the volume icon.
Since the lollipop update, even with my ringer volume at the loudest, when someone calls, it is really low and then eventually becomes louder. it never did this before the update.
how can i make it so the volume of the ringer is constant?
i thought maybe there was a setting that i need to check / uncheck but didn't find one.
I have a Droid X with Android version 2.3.4 (system version 4.5.621). The phone ringer stopped working and I have to completely shut off the phone and turn it back on to get it to work, but then it will randomly stop working again. Also, the camera will take a picture but when you go to the gallery the picture is not there and it just shows a generic icon. I've done a factory reset on the phone twice and the issues keep coming back.
I get options like vibrate always which is regardless of having the volume up or having silent mode on. If i activate silent mode i want it to be silent completely. This option defeats the whole purpose or meaning of silent mode, it's a no go. The other option is vibrate only on silent mode, again not very well thought of Motorola. So i want no ringer, vibrate only without compromising my silent mode because when i want complete silence the vibrator has to go as well.
Never had a problem until last night when the ringer volume began to automatically increases on its own.If I turn it down you can watch it immediately increase itself back to full volume and then it will continually chirp that its at full volume. It's like the side button is stuck but it isn't.I can power off the phone and even pull the battery and reboot and it will be fine for a short while and then the problem will begin again.
when RAZR is sitting on a softer surface that it really effects the speaker / ring sound?The speaker placement is not as optimal since it is easily covered. On my DX it was lower and never was completely covered. Not a complaint, just surprised as I missed a few calls due to the phone sitting on my car seat and sofa.
When I have the headphones (standard, no controls) plugged in and media playing, the ringer will only ring at the level the media is set at. You can move the slider back and forth but it will stop increasing the volume for the ringer when it gets to the media slider setting. If I increase media slider, the volume for ringer will increase. It will go lower when reduced below media setting. The volume for the media setting seems to be a cap for all volume while headphones are inserted. It must be a bug in GB because Verizon was able to reproduce it. I need the phone to ring loud when under these specific conditions as I get called to go to work, it HAS to be able to wake me up. Ive performed a full factory reset and asked if I can go back to Froyo without a root and, no dice.
My Razr has suddenly started the ringer volume bar coming up on the screen by itself. I can only get it off the screen by turning my phone off and then back on again. Then after a period of time, it comes back up again. This is killing my battery life.
This is the second time this has happened. This morning my alarm did not go off because the phone shut itself off. Phone was fully charged last night. This morning phone was off and would not boot up until I pulled battery.
Has anyon had the problem of shutting down the phone and then it turns back on. I shut it off go to bed in the morning I hit the on button and it's on no boot up it's happened about 3 times. I can't figure out what is causing it.
so I've been waiting for an update to the update to fix all the little quirks i have had since the GB update....but this just started about a week ago and i cant wait for a general fix.....when i type in a txt or on a web page the keyboard shuts seems to happen when i finish a word and hit the space bar to move on.....i thought it had some thing to do with the auto guess of the next word but i don't know how to turn it off to check it out.....i have restarted the phone.....i removed apps that updated since the problem started......tried may things short of a factory reset.......
Who else screen just turns off out of nowhere while your using it like i was on the internet and out of nowhere my screen just went black while i was using it.
When I check email (gmail, earthlink) or use the browser the wifi turns itself on. To be clear it is OFF to start with. Then when I do these functions the ? mark in the wifi symbol appears and it says "wifi network available, select a preferred network" and it is now turned on. I turn it off and then it goes on again as I said. Just got phone, only apps added were no lock and battery widget if that helps.
So since this phone does not have an LED light, the only way to know when you have a message is via Moto Display, right? Well, now the display comes in anytime there is any vibration, its diving me nuts. The MotoDisplay has no options other than on/off? I really just want the screen to turn on when I either have a new message or when I wave my hand over it, NOT when it senses vibrations. If the phone is on my couch, the display comes on all the time. Even when its on my desk, it can sense when i drop a folder or book on it and the screen turns on. Are there really no ways to turn off the vibration sensors?????
For some reason the shutter tone for the camera never turns off. Whether marked on or off, it's on. I have downloaded a couple third party apps like Camera 360 and still get the same result. This is just a hassle when I'm trying to sneak pictures of my 10 month old sleeping.
Sometimes when I turn the screen off on My Bionic, it immediately comes right back on.Now, it doesn't happen every time and I can't repeat the problem on demand.Seems as though it has a mind of its own.I don't believe it is a bad app causing the problem either.The phone has been doing this on and off since I activated it yesterday.Not sure why it does this, but I wanted MOTO to be aware of this issue.I'm not sure if it is a hardware or software problem, but it didn't go away after a battery pull and reboot.
I'm not sure what's causing this, but the screen just randomly turns on sometimes but doesn't make a sound. I've thought this was a notification but sometimes there is one and sometimes there isn't. The phone's sitting perfectly still on a desk or lamp table etc. I don't have any settings on that turn the screen on for notification.
Is there a way to keep WiFi Connected all the time? Mine turns white when the screen goes to sleep and takes some time to turn back blue. i have checked the advanced settings, and it is set to Always keep WiFi on during sleep. When it is white, I don't get email, Gmail Chat, etc. As soon as it turns blue, I receive email, and Chat messages.
I have a Droid Pro and a 2011 GMC Sierra with Bluetooth. After about 4 days of using the bluetooth feature constantly, I was in the middle of a call and heard a very loud echo/feedback sound. I looked down and the green bar on my "bluetooth" button was out. This now happens frequently and the only way to get it to stop (temporarily) is to power down and remove the battery for a brief period of time. When this does happen, I can tap the button again and it will usually go back to bluetooth, but only for a minute or two, then it turns off again. I really need a remedy.
I just got my Rar Maxx last night and it was working fine. I would notice however that every couple of minutes the screen would turn on, stay on for a minute, then turn off. It would then repeat the process. So I did a factory reset, same thing happened. I realized it would turn itself on because it would drop the 3G connection totally, then when it connected again the screen turns on. I put the SIM in my Nexus and it's fine. And it doesn't really matter now because the phone won't turn on anymore. I picked it up to check it and nothing happened when I hit the power button. And I can't get it to turn on at all now.
Every time I get a text message my screen turns on and off. I don't have this problem with any other notification I get just text messages. The screen just turns on and off in like a seconds time.I dont know if its a setting I might have set or if I have a bad phone.
My Nokia 2730 rings a low sound first and then 4 sec it rings in a high sound but in the settings - incoming call - it is in ringing but it is working like ascending how is that.
My Iphone (white) turns on then off then on then off then on then off! Finaly when I eventually get to the lock screen it says: conect to power but I charged it last night and the percent bar (top right) says 100% . Now it says to charge with itunes? What am I supposed to do!
I ran the update on my phone this morning and now I cannot get my settings back to what they were before. After the update my texting language changed to Spanish. I was able to switch my text and swype language back to English, but my dictionary, all my help keys, and my swype help is in Spanish. Anyone know how to get everything back to English?
I'm trying to set my Droid Bionic phone up with a static IP address because of a finicky router. I've checked the "Use static IP" box and entered all of the settings (ip address, gateway, dns, etc.) but my phone still keeps trying to use DHCP to get settings from the router and eventually fails. How do I set a static IP address on this phone? This option worked on my old Nexus S 4G phones with Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich. I don't want to use up any more of my data on Verizon than I have to.
I went to Menu, Manage Apps, then Manage All Apps, then Accounts & Sync Settings.I cleared the cache, and then pressed on "Clear Data".Did I make a mistake by doing this, possibly deleting something I shouldn't have?