Motorola Droid Turbo :: Volume Goes Almost Dead While On Phone
Jul 27, 2015
Almost every time I use my phone now the volume will fluctuate between normal and almost completely inaudible. I don't have time until at least Tuesday to possibly go to Verizon. So far turning it off and back on seems to knock it off for a few phone calls.
Motorola Droid Turbo (v. 1) Ballistic - I have a dead spot on the upper left hand corner of the screen, annoyingly right where a menu or "back" navigation button usually is in an app. I have confirmed this one spot is dead to the touch with a screen tester. When I turn my phone off and back on, it reactivates the spot for a time, then eventually it goes dead again. This phone is less than 2 weeks old...I just got my settings just the way I like them.
Any way to increase (and maintain) a louder volume from the speaker while using speakerphone or Bluetooth speaker? My Maxx was awesome!! I thought for sure when I got the Turbo it would be equivalent.
I often find myself disappointed in the output. The really strange part is that I swear that it changes somehow. One phone call on speakerphone is great. Same number calls back later and not so much! I didn't change anything. I then try to increase my volume to no avail. My Bluetooth does that as well watching a YouTube video. I can start the video nice and loud. Stop it for a bit to return later and I can't hear the dang thing.
I use all factory Android software without any additional apps, etc. for volume controls. All levels are set to high. No droppage or any damage to the speaker or phone.
Most notably is the alarm. There have been days that it is very loud and others I had to make sure the volume was turned up because it was pretty quiet. Luckily I was up this morning and waited for my alarm to go off. It went off but it was very quiet, if I was still asleep there is no way I would have heard it which is opposite yesterday because it woke my wife up it was so loud. I have changed the tone but it hasn't made any difference.
Just gonna ask because it has happened so many tines and I don't know what is going on: has noticed the notification volume turning itself down/unexpectedly lower than last set?
I have a new Droid Turbo. Among the ringtone selections, the loudest I can find isn't sufficient for me to hear. Volume is at max. Where can I go to make it even louder? Is there an app I can download with louder ringtones.
Since the lollipop update, even with my ringer volume at the loudest, when someone calls, it is really low and then eventually becomes louder. it never did this before the update.
how can i make it so the volume of the ringer is constant?
i thought maybe there was a setting that i need to check / uncheck but didn't find one.
Noticed that the speakerphone volume all the way up is not loud? Regardless of playing music or using speakerphone either on a call or watching a YouTube video, it just stinks.
I swear it used to be louder. I have gone into settings etc and nothing changes it. I haven't gotten it wet nor dropped it. I don't have pocket lint and crap in the way.
I have the droid turbo 32g. If I am listening to something on headphones and someone calls, the in call volume will be wake-the-dead loud. I can try to adjust the volume either before answering the call or after answering, but it makes no difference. It is loud enough that is uncomfortable to keep the speaker against my ear. I'd say this happens about 75% of the time. I can't figure out why it occasionally works correctly.
Verizon XT1254 Moto Droid Turbo, android version 5.1.About once a week I notice that my phone is on silent ringer, I might catch a call because I feel the vibe, or see a missed call. I check where the ring volume is and the slider is all the way to the left on silent. Pushing the vol up hardware key does nothing, touch and slide the slider and it will snap back to silent as soon as you lift your finger. I do have moto assist set to silence the phone from 11pm to 730am, but this problem seems to happen during the day, not just stuck from the nightly mute and the moto assist notification is not up on the screen. If I require the phone to ring at night, there is no problem just moving the slider and moto assist does not interfere.
I have checked through settings, tried multiple ways to raise the volume but nothing works. The only fix is to turn off the phone and then back on again. BTW, what happened to the quick menu that was under the lock button with a long hold that would allow volume changes, vibe on or off, airplane mode and restart? My Gzone has all that under a long press of the lock button.
I have noticed that my speaker volume is very low after I disconnect from my Bluetooth stereo. It has become a problem because I have missed my alarm the next morning because I don't hear it. I have narrowed it down to the Bluetooth being the issue but I don't know how to fix it. Do I not disconnect correctly?
I have a Droid Turbo, and on both KitKat and Lollipop you have to change volume settings separately. I'm always turning down my volume, just to get a full blast text alert that startles me right out of my seat. On previous phones (including other Motorola droids) all notification volume settings were linked and changed as one. Why is that not a thing anymore? How does that not just make the most sense? I know there are apps out there that could do this, but I don't want to have to download another app to simplify something that should be simple in the first place.
Over the last couple nights I've noticed that my Turbo won't charge overnight. I often read or play games before bed and it seems if I have a few apps open and then plug it in it won't charge. If I close all the apps down then I've never had a problem.
I've also noticed it freezing up at times and then rebooting by itself if I don't close open apps.
The phone is great and at this point I don't care about Lollipop. We've had 2 S5 go bad with Lollipop and until they get the bugs all worked out I'll keep munchin the kitkat.
i just installed the the outlook app on my droid turbo.when i send an e-mail, the recipient see's that it is coming from my e-mail address ( how can i change it so that they see it is coming from my actual name instead of my e-mail address?
Any reason why all of a sudden I am not getting notifications when I am on my home WiFi? It's weird, and I can't find a setting that would be causing this.
I traded in my droid maxx and tonight while disabling some apps I noticed under apps, all. That there is a demo app. I never saw it on my maxx. The disabled was grayed out so I forced stopped it. When the rep brought it out at the store it was a new unit sealed.
I am using SwipeDialerPro as my dialer app mainly because I wanted a dark themed dialer (the stock dialer is just too darn bright). I know you can set the default app for messaging (I have set 8SMS as mine).
It gives me the message There was a problem syncing this folder please try again later. This has gone on for days. I tried turning sync off and on a few times and restarted my phone. No go.
During the course of the day, at least once a day, sometimes more, for no reason at all, I'll get a notification on my Droid Turbo that the camera didn't initialize. If the problem persists please power off phone. Well the problem always persists and I always have to power off my phone and turn it back on to get the camera working again. I've tried clearing out the data and the cache and it doesn't work.
So im back on the Android Band Wagon(should have never left) was on Windows 8.1 phone. question is all my contacts were on the windows phone i think on outlook cloud. Is there a way to sync Google contacts with Outlook contacts and have facebook pictures also all combined into the phone app or main contacts screen, seems some of my contacts are missing or im doing somithing wrong.
Coming from a rooted Droid Razr MAXX using Titanium Backup to backup my apps and their data and settings, I'm feeling lost and extremely exposed with my unprotected Turbo.