Motorola Droid Razr :: Change Background Colors On Text Conversations?
Nov 13, 2011
I realize this may not be related to only the RAZR but maybe Gingerbread, but is there any way I can change background colors on mt text conversations?
The RAZR M uses the LED in two ways, out of the box. Red LED when you're charging a dead battery, which goes off once the charge is high enough to activate the display; and Green LED for messages waiting.However, third-party apps also use the LED light and may flash different colors.What colors do you see, do you know which app is using it, and can you control it?
This has only happened twice since I've had the Razr but sometimes when I power on the phone the brightness is super bright and the colors are way off - like it is over exposed. Turning off the screen and on again resolves the issue.
We have two razr's both have all the same apps. We use chompsms as our texting app. On one phone it shows on the lock screen (Pic below) on the other it does not. BOTH have the stock app unchecked for default app, neither have disabled the stock app because it causes MMS problems. how one of us has it on our home lock screen and the other can't get it to do that? We didn't go to any settings to do it. BOTH of us had to do a master reset on our phones since the ICS update.
I've compared our settings and they seem to match it's really weird.
In the native Text Message application I am finding that for one contact, that I notice, the conversation is not grouping inbound and outbound messages. For all others it is. For example: If I open the Text Message application I can see two entries for the same contact. The first entry is all the messages I have sent to this contact. The second entry is for all the messages this contact has sent me. I have deleted the contact and recreated and it still occurring.
Yesterday I allowed the Motorola update on my Razr Maxx & now I wish I could undo it. When I go into "Phone", "Voicemail", "Text", etc. the background is black with white font (or in the case of Text, the background is dark blue with grey lettering). I am unable to read light colored font against a dark background so am having a terrible time with this update. Is there a way to change the color of the background and make the font black? I've tried changing the Display, Wallpaper, etc but that has no effect on the default background colors of the apps.
I created a smart action that disables data sync when the Maxx is not on a charger. It is an attempt to solve the problem of sporadic massive battery drain. I don't think background apps are running when this occurs, but anyway I want to know if a successful sync can take place while it is enabled only when plugged in to a charger.
I have a problem with the "My Music" app and music homescreen widget.
I can find and play music tracks but as soon as I hit the "home" key the music pauses. Basically, any time I exit the player, the music stops.. So I can listen to music OR do anything else.. annoying? yes!
If I press the "home" key or exit any other way - The widget on the home screen reverts to "Go to music dashboard" and if I press to un-pause the music, I am taken back to the "My Music" homescreen and have to re-select a song.
fix / workaround / another music player (one with Motocast capability?). Can i re-install "my music" or reset something?
- I am running motocast, but this problem occurs on Motocast and downloaded music. - i have tried turnignoff motocast computers. - This does not happen with podcasts or any other media - just music in my library.
Every time my phone wakes up, I receive an error message that the background data is restricted.What sort of things should I be looking for to stop this from happening? Right now I have a smart action running called "Display" that enables the cellular data to run when the screen turns on. With this smart action the notification disappears within 3 seconds. Obviously a better solution would be to keep the alert from appearing at all.
I'm trying to disable data for an application via the "restrict background data" option inside the data useage settings. However, even after selecting that, the app is still able to communicate over the wireless network.
Is this something that the app has to honor, vs it being forcibly put into place?
The app is "Slacker Radio" I want it to use content I cached instead of using data to pull down songs.
Is there any way to change the black background that is loaded post-ICS update to white? I HATE IT! It's hard to read and shouldn't there be a way for users to change the background to a color they want?
Brand new Car Dock and Razr. Installed and all good working no problems for first 2 days,then when I dock the RAZR it does not change to the car navigation screen or start to charge.Power light on the power cable. RAZR charges and transfers data via other cables.
I dont like the conversation set up in in text messaging, is there anyway you can change the settings to just show the messages instead of being grouped as a conversation?
Every once and a while, my background[which is the black small square pattern, I believe it's the stock background) will change to a lighter grey color along with my header panels . I turn my screen off then open it back up , the screen goes back to it's normal color.
since ICS upgrade I have a constant notification that states "background data restricted" touch to remove restriction. does anyone know what this is? Can it be removed permantatly?
Droid Razr 16, google speech app - when using speech app to dictate text mesage, and more than one sent to same person in short period of time (5-10 minutes), the first text message is resent rather than the second text message which has been dictated and appears in the confirmation/edit window. Verizon Wireless tech support was stumped, and no help in the online motorola tech support either.
Motorola, since it is clear we are not getting an explanation of what happened, I think it is reasonable to request a change log. Since it appears to have been a mistake Verizon has not put anything on their site. It is making it difficult for those of us that got it to know what we are supposed to have and exactly what may have been removed. It does not appear to be the same as what the M and HDs got.
I have two minor issues with the car dock/ vehicle navigation app. 1. Can I turn off the autolaunch when the phone is placed in the vehicle dock? When I put the phone into the dock, the app immediately opens, and I don't want it to. If I already have Pandora or Navigation running , I want that app to stay up and running instead of the phone opening the car dock homescreen. 2. Can I have the home button go to the car dock home screen when the home button is pressed while the phone is in the dock? Currently,if my phone is in the car dock and I press the home button, it takes me to my regular home screen. To get to the vehicle home screen, I have to pull down the notification bar and select the notification. I am currently using GO Launcher, but I think the issue still occurs with the stock launcher.
I updated my profile to show I now have the RAZR Maxx HD, but it doesn't seem that I can change my display name. It shows up as ***, doesn't like the nickname for Richard I guess. Any way to change display name.
I have just got an X10 and find the messages - white writing on light blue background almost impossible to read. How do I change the text and background colours.?
My Razr Maxx was updated to ICS this week. After the upgrade, my keys on the keyboard are about half the size they were before. It takes me 3-4 times as long to compose a text or e-mail because it is almost impossible to hit the right key or not hit two at the same time. there any way to get my old keyboard back? It was easy to use. What were the programmers thinking when they downsized an already small keyboard?
If you are presented with the dialog box to always do something with a particular file, but later change your mind and want to us another program or something, where do you go about chaging file associations? I haven't needed to do this yet, but have checked some of those boxes and always wonder what if I change my mind.
I have two minor issues with the car dock/ vehicle navigation app. 1. Can I turn off the autolaunch when the phone is placed in the vehicle dock? When I put the phone into the dock, the app immediately opens, and I don't want it to. If I already have Pandora or Navigation running , I want that app to stay up and running instead of the phone opening the car dock homescreen. 2. Can I have the home button go to the car dock home screen when the home button is pressed while the phone is in the dock? Currently,if my phone is in the car dock and I press the home button, it takes me to my regular home screen. To get to the vehicle home screen, I have to pull down the notification bar and select the notification. I am currently using GO Launcher, but I think the issue still occurs with the stock launcher.
When I first got my phone, the opening screen was a key and a circle of major functions. I could flick the key at a function and that would be what the phone did. Now, I open with a key, which I have to tap to get to the four functions and then tap the function I want.
Is there a way to change the colors of each account in the combined inbox? The phone selects the colors automatically when addeding the accounts. Currently I have: Grey, Light Blue, Dark Blue. Which are *REALLY* hard to tell the difference between all 3 colors when just glancing at the phone.
How do I change the text message background from Orange, to another colour? Also I am running lollipop 5 and Google everywhere does not work, I have only got the phone 2 days ago.
I prefer Froyo's vertical scroll in the app drawer as opposed to Ice Cream Sandwiches paginated flip like the iPhone... how do I change it back? It's a lot more work for me to flip through pages than just scroll at the speed I want and stop when I see the app. On a related note, how do I get back the long-press widgets that I can scroll through? The paginated widgets are even more painful to flip through.