Motorola Droid Bionic :: Headphone Jack And Aux Cable Will Not Work - Random Occurrence
Apr 3, 2012
This just started last week. Once in Awhile my headphone jack will not work and the only way to get it to work is to power cycle the phone, and it is not just with headphones it has also happened with an aux cable. Now this is just a random occurrence Not sure what causes it just happens once in awhile. I've only noticed it twice in the last two weeks.
Like many of us, I have experienced the problem of noise from the headphone port of my Bionic. This was prevalent no matter what I was listening too (music, podcast, phone call, etc), and was most noticeable when in the car, plugged into the aux jack of my stereo.
A friend suggested getting a ground loop isolator, and I found one on Amazon for around $12 with free shipping. It arrived on Friday, and let me tell you, THE DIFFERENCE IS AMAZING! All the noise is gone, and my music sounds significantly better. No more hiss or noise. I didn't realize how much I had gotten used to it being there.
Maybe Im doing something wrong...connected two different sets of earbuds to the RAZR and the sound continues to come out of the external speaker.Used a set of Skull Candy buds and Senheisers same result with each. Didnt see any setting that was disabled....did I get a broken phone?No headphone icon shows when the ear buds are plugged in either
Jack worked on Tuesday, on Wednesday it stopped.Sound comes out of speaker only. Tried a couple headphones no difference.Cleaned with a paperclip, got one little dust ball.Noticed an adobe air update, uninstalled no change.
I have a standard headphone jack that worked on my 8520, but it doesn't work on my 9900.Does the phone ONLY accept the headphone/mic that comes with the phone? Which is a bit bad, as I think ALL phones that have headphone sockets, allow you to plug your own headphones in them - even down to big clunky headphones.
My headphone jack registers half the time, and my bottom speaker only works every once in awhile along with text/keyboard sounds. I can't recall any specific moments where my phone has gotten wet but is this some kind of water damage or just a malfunction?
the headphone port breaking/not connecting? I am replacing my third Bionic today for that exact issue. The first one a piece bent inside the headphone port, the second one a piece broke, and the third one just stopped connecting and producing sound.
Occasionally, I will lose both the wired and bluetooth headphones. My bluetooth headphones will work for the phone, but not for game or music player audio.When I disconnect the headphones, the speaker works fine. When I reconnect them, I still get nothing, but again, after disconnecting, the speaker works.Rebooting the phone corrects the issue.The best I can relate this to is muting the phone during a meeting.I have use the volume rocker and my "Volume Control" app.If I mute it, and put it back quickly, it works. It's when I've had it muted for an hour or so that I see the problem.
I'm experiencing an issue with seemingly random changes to my nofications and ringtone settings. The email or event nofication is set to one of the stock audio files but gets altered to an audio book chapter or music file on my SD card. It's really weird to wake up to a voice reading chapter 14 of a book to me at 2:47 in the morning or to hear one of my music files suddenly start playing out of the blue. And my ringtone seems to bounce around from the one I've selected to one of the music files.
So my iphone 4 is stuck in headphones mode. Can of compressed air works like a charm! But get this: Whenever I blow into the headphone jack, it goes straight back into headphones mode. Any idea?
I am having force closes of system processes on my bionic. I have done a factory reset several times to which a day later the issues recur. Are there any files or something I can flash that will allow me to try and format everything and start over? When the errors pop up I try to recreate the issue and one out of 5 times I am able to do so. I have tried battery pulls and several factory resets/wiping everything. It even froze up and force closed on my one time when I was about to do the reset..
I can't seem to transfer my photos onto my computer with the USB cable. It shows that the phone is charging, but none of the files appear on the computer.
Purchased the Bionic and several accessories including the car dock today. When I opened the car dock package, I discovered that the way the Bionic dock is made requires a special micro USB to regular USB cable in order to be able to power the phone while it is in the dock.
This cable is shown in the owners manual for the dock, but was not included in my package. Instead, I got a cable suitable only for plugging the audio from the Bionic headphone jack to the aux input on the car stereo.
Did anyone else get the Bionic car dock? If so, did you get the power / audio cable described in the owners manual or just the audio cable I mention above? I will probably go discuss with Verizon tomorrow too, but just wanted to know if anyone here knows what was supposed to be in the car dock package.
I am not the only one to have had this happen. ANother poster over at has had the same thing happen to them. The screen after disconnecting from the HDMI port will go dim like it is about to shut off but it won't. It will stay dim until you manually turn off the screen with the top power button. It is a glitch and battery killing one to say the least. Anyone else have the issue or remedy other than rebooting like I had to! I mean why do I have to tear apart an Otterbox case everyday? If the HDMI glitch doesn't bother me then it is the black screen of death requiring another battery pull!
I am having the same issue as many people with the fingerprint scanner. But I found a new issue over the weekend.My headphone jack doesnt work to listen to music. When I plug it in, I can hear that little click in the headphonebut when I go to play music it just plays it through the phone speaker.
My headphone jack stopped working mysteriously after I updated my phone to Motorola's latest software. Please see post by shawnsinclair - I am having same problem. I have tried restarting phone multiple times, tried various sets of headphones, brought it into Sprint store for troubleshooting, taken out battery for longer than 5 minutes, etc. I am very dissapointed that Motorola has said they will not send me another phone while investigating the problem with this one
Having problems with RAZR and the audio out abilities? I was on a plane a few weeks ago, put my headphones in and couldn't figure out why I had no sound... turns out all my neighbors heard it cause it was coming out of the speaker... Then when I got back to the US last week, I put it in my car dock and it doesn't send audio to the cable and plays only thru the speaker as well.
After the motorola update my headphone jack no longer works. When I plugin any type of headphone or cable for my car the phone plays sound though the speaker phone. It was working before the update.
I had noticed this problem before with the USB not working with non Motorola cables (INCLUDING ones purchased from VZW before the release of the bionic)5. Issue: USB Cables:The XT875 can only be used with Motorola USB cables.Action: No work around required.Resolution: No resolution required, working as designed and approved by Verizon Wireless.
Can the Bionic use MotoCast instead of ZumoCast.My wife finally decided to move to a smartphone, so she now has my Droid Bionic and I used her upgrade to move to the Droid Razr Maxx. Currently have ZumoCast (Bionic)and MotoCast (Razr)on our home PC, but would like to move to just one of those (preferably Motocast as it has more features). Would just try it, but not sure the Motocast out in the Market is the same.
I recently made the decision to stop using my headphone jack. To listen to audio, I plug my listening devices into th 3.5mm jacks that are located on the different docks. The problem I have is that a lot of the phone sounds still come through the external speaker. For example, I am watching a movie and I get an email, text msg, or phone call. I can't hear this because my headphones are on. If I plug my headphones into the phone's actual headphone jack, I hear all of the sounds. If I am in the car and a call comes in, the voice comes through the speakerphone. I have to manually hit the speaker button and then the audio comes through my car stereo. Does any know if there is a way to make the audio from the micro usb to work the same as the audio on the headphone jack?
I'm thinking that it should be able to sense darkness and turn the screen off. I have it checked and don't know if I'm impatient but you would think a couple of minutes should be enough time. I had screen timeout set to never so I tried it with a timeout set. I was thinking my shirt pocket was not dark enough so I put it in my jeans, still nothing. I even tried sticking it under a pillow and still nothing.
I just found a problem with my Bionic today. I was trying to access my voicemail and had to hit the number 1 on the dial pad during a call to enter my mailbox number.
The number 1 would not do anything during the call. All other numbers worked. If I kept trying to press the number 1 the screen would go black for a second then return with the dial pad. A factory reset did not cure it.
I went to a local Verizon store and the person there told me that this is a known issue and it only happens when the volume is up full. He then said that I have to put the volume down to 1/2 in order for the number 1 to work properly during a call
I called Motorola when I returned home and was told that this is not a known issue - they never heard of it.
Researching on Google and this Forum I have found others that have had this same issue. I have not heard of any resolution yet.
Both Motorola and Verizon Phone Tech Support recommended replacing the phone. Verizon Tech Support was supposed to call me back in an hour after my call with them to see what I wanted to do but never did. I was supposed to keep trying the number 1 after they had me force stop and clear the dialer and virtual keyboard. The problem still exists.
I only have a matter of hours before my 14 days is up at Verizon at which point I will be given a refurbished phone. For some reason I could not log onto this forum today to post this. I just now got in.
Do any other owners of the Bionic experience this? I don't want to replace the phone if they all do it. It's down to the wire now!
I have found it almost impossible to get a wired headset to work on my bionic when in my car (which has built in bluetooth, and which is bonded to the phone just fine). The only way I can make the wired headset take precedence over the bluetooth, and/or the phone's speaker phone, is to:
1. Make a call in the car (any mode). 2. Plug in headset. 3. Click on the phone's speaker icon (headset works for 1/2 second before sound reverts to bionic's speakerphone). 4. Unplug and plug the headset into the bionic, often 2 or 3 times.
Obviously this sucks and would cause a terrible accident if one were driving and doing all these procedures. I have read every documentation on the phone to no avail. I have called Motorola twice, to no avail (and was hung up on by the tech), and called Verizon tech, who also hung up on me.
When in a phone call I can't hear jack out of my earpiece speaker, have to put it on speaker phone to hear anything...So is there a software bug, or do I have to warranty out my device?
I've noticed something strange on my Bionic. If I enable any of the screen lock mechanisms (password, pin, or pattern), the home and search keys stop working. I have to hit the back key multiple times if I'm within an app to get back to my homescreen so I can open the app drawer.
Are you supposed to be able to see light if you look down into the headphone jack? It really doesn't bother me but I just noticed it and was wondering if it was par for the course.
So I got to work this morning and tried to listen to my tunes on my iPhone and I plugged my headphones in and the sound was still coming from speakers. I've tried three pairs of headphones and tried mine on other phones they don't work on mine but on my friends iPhone it's fine. Anyone know what the problem may be? I'm using a 2g 3.1.2 jailbroken not unlocked.