Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Get Micro USB Audio To Work

Oct 25, 2011

I recently made the decision to stop using my headphone jack. To listen to audio, I plug my listening devices into th 3.5mm jacks that are located on the different docks. The problem I have is that a lot of the phone sounds still come through the external speaker. For example, I am watching a movie and I get an email, text msg, or phone call. I can't hear this because my headphones are on. If I plug my headphones into the phone's actual headphone jack, I hear all of the sounds. If I am in the car and a call comes in, the voice comes through the speakerphone. I have to manually hit the speaker button and then the audio comes through my car stereo. Does any know if there is a way to make the audio from the micro usb to work the same as the audio on the headphone jack?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Support For 32Gb Micro SD Chip?

Oct 22, 2011

Will the Bionic except a 32gb chip?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: No Audio With HDMI?

Dec 28, 2011

When I connect via HDMI to HD TV it sporadically works for video but audio does not work. My freind has an earlier Droid phone and his works fine.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Does It Have The Same Audio Defect As The Bionic

Oct 18, 2011

Are there any changes to or improvements in the hardware to avoid the high-pitched whine that plagued the Bionic?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Sometimes Loses Audio After ICS Update

Nov 23, 2012

i noticed that occasionaly if i was looking at a Internet video or playing some other sound using native apps for playback, or playing a clip from a webpage on the native browser, there would be no sound. if i exit the playback and tap the volume on the ringer until i hear the up volume beep, and then go back to the source that was giving be a problem, it worked ok.

did not see this till the ics upgrade. my phone is stock and never rooted.

at first i thought it was just my phone, but see the discussion below, looks like others are having issues. [url]

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Audio Doesn't Always Use Bluetooth Speakers?

Sep 27, 2011

I hav noticed that when I pair my device with a bluetooth speaker, that sometimes audio will still come out of the Bionics speakers instead of the bluetooth speakers.For example, the alarm clock alarms.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Does The Power / Audio Cable Come With The Car Dock

Sep 8, 2011

Purchased the Bionic and several accessories including the car dock today. When I opened the car dock package, I discovered that the way the Bionic dock is made requires a special micro USB to regular USB cable in order to be able to power the phone while it is in the dock.

This cable is shown in the owners manual for the dock, but was not included in my package. Instead, I got a cable suitable only for plugging the audio from the Bionic headphone jack to the aux input on the car stereo.

Did anyone else get the Bionic car dock? If so, did you get the power / audio cable described in the owners manual or just the audio cable I mention above? I will probably go discuss with Verizon tomorrow too, but just wanted to know if anyone here knows what was supposed to be in the car dock package.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Plug In Headset And Listen To Audio On Speaker

Feb 3, 2012

If one were to listen to FM radio on one's Bionic (assuming this is legal. If it is against the rules, then note I would surely never do that!) do you plug in your earphones (needed as antenna) AND listen on the regular Bionic speakers? Is there a setting for this, or is it impossible to do?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Non-Motorola Cables Don't Work With Bionic

Sep 30, 2011

I had noticed this problem before with the USB not working with non Motorola cables (INCLUDING ones purchased from VZW before the release of the bionic)5. Issue: USB Cables:The XT875 can only be used with Motorola USB cables.Action: No work around required.Resolution: No resolution required, working as designed and approved by Verizon Wireless.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Losing Wired And Bluetooth Headphone For Non-phone Audio?

Sep 26, 2011

Occasionally, I will lose both the wired and bluetooth headphones. My bluetooth headphones will work for the phone, but not for game or music player audio.When I disconnect the headphones, the speaker works fine. When I reconnect them, I still get nothing, but again, after disconnecting, the speaker works.Rebooting the phone corrects the issue.The best I can relate this to is muting the phone during a meeting.I have use the volume rocker and my "Volume Control" app.If I mute it, and put it back quickly, it works. It's when I've had it muted for an hour or so that I see the problem.

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Motorola :: Will MotoCast Work On Droid Bionic

Mar 29, 2012

Can the Bionic use MotoCast instead of ZumoCast.My wife finally decided to move to a smartphone, so she now has my Droid Bionic and I used her upgrade to move to the Droid Razr Maxx. Currently have ZumoCast (Bionic)and MotoCast (Razr)on our home PC, but would like to move to just one of those (preferably Motocast as it has more features). Would just try it, but not sure the Motocast out in the Market is the same.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Does Pdanet Work With It

Sep 22, 2011

Does PDANET work with the Bionic like it did with the original droid I have not yet tried it and was just wondering.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How Does In-Pocket Detection Work

Feb 11, 2012

I'm thinking that it should be able to sense darkness and turn the screen off. I have it checked and don't know if I'm impatient but you would think a couple of minutes should be enough time. I had screen timeout set to never so I tried it with a timeout set. I was thinking my shirt pocket was not dark enough so I put it in my jeans, still nothing. I even tried sticking it under a pillow and still nothing.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: 44100 Audio Record Does Not Work At All?

Dec 5, 2011

I just tried to record audio by PCM Recorder Lite at 44100Hz and it does not work at all (it just record pereodic noise). 44100 it is native clock rate and I really need it to work.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Number 1 On Dial Pad Sometimes Does Not Work During Call

Mar 8, 2012

I just found a problem with my Bionic today. I was trying to access my voicemail and had to hit the number 1 on the dial pad during a call to enter my mailbox number.

The number 1 would not do anything during the call. All other numbers worked. If I kept trying to press the number 1 the screen would go black for a second then return with the dial pad. A factory reset did not cure it.

I went to a local Verizon store and the person there told me that this is a known issue and it only happens when the volume is up full. He then said that I have to put the volume down to 1/2 in order for the number 1 to work properly during a call

I called Motorola when I returned home and was told that this is not a known issue - they never heard of it.

Researching on Google and this Forum I have found others that have had this same issue. I have not heard of any resolution yet.

Both Motorola and Verizon Phone Tech Support recommended replacing the phone. Verizon Tech Support was supposed to call me back in an hour after my call with them to see what I wanted to do but never did. I was supposed to keep trying the number 1 after they had me force stop and clear the dialer and virtual keyboard. The problem still exists.

I only have a matter of hours before my 14 days is up at Verizon at which point I will be given a refurbished phone. For some reason I could not log onto this forum today to post this. I just now got in.

Do any other owners of the Bionic experience this? I don't want to replace the phone if they all do it. It's down to the wire now!

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Wired Headset Will Not Work In Bluetooth Environment

Sep 16, 2011

I have found it almost impossible to get a wired headset to work on my bionic when in my car (which has built in bluetooth, and which is bonded to the phone just fine). The only way I can make the wired headset take precedence over the bluetooth, and/or the phone's speaker phone, is to:

1. Make a call in the car (any mode).
2. Plug in headset.
3. Click on the phone's speaker icon (headset works for 1/2 second before sound reverts to bionic's speakerphone).
4. Unplug and plug the headset into the bionic, often 2 or 3 times.

Obviously this sucks and would cause a terrible accident if one were driving and doing all these procedures. I have read every documentation on the phone to no avail. I have called Motorola twice, to no avail (and was hung up on by the tech), and called Verizon tech, who also hung up on me.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: In Conversation Earpiece Speaker Doesn't Work At All

Dec 7, 2011

When in a phone call I can't hear jack out of my earpiece speaker, have to put it on speaker phone to hear anything...So is there a software bug, or do I have to warranty out my device?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Headphone Jack And Aux Cable Will Not Work - Random Occurrence

Apr 3, 2012

This just started last week. Once in Awhile my headphone jack will not work and the only way to get it to work is to power cycle the phone, and it is not just with headphones it has also happened with an aux cable. Now this is just a random occurrence Not sure what causes it just happens once in awhile. I've only noticed it twice in the last two weeks.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Home And Search Keys Don't Work With Screen Lock?

May 4, 2012

I've noticed something strange on my Bionic. If I enable any of the screen lock mechanisms (password, pin, or pattern), the home and search keys stop working. I have to hit the back key multiple times if I'm within an app to get back to my homescreen so I can open the app drawer.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Music And Pictures Work Fine Video Plays For About 6 Sec The Buffers?

Oct 7, 2011

Music and Pictures work fine Video plays for about 6 sec the buffers , How long should it take to load Video

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Audio Pop Or Click Before And After Audio Plays?

Feb 28, 2012

I've had two Razr's behave the same, whenever audio plays, especially using the headphone jack and external speakers, one can hear an audiable click or pop just before and after the audio plays. This happens with Pandora, Rhapsody, and Google Navigator. I haven't tested other audio based apps yet.Verizon and Motorola say they've not heard of this issue, so I'm wondering how many other Razr owners have noticed this pop? Hearing such noises as the audio turns on and off is not acceptable quality for a Motorola branded phone.I don't know enough about how the Android OS works, but I'm thinking there are two possible causes. First, as different apps access the audio hardware the internal electronics of the phone produce an audible pop as the circuits power up and down. Alternatively, the Android OS may be probing the headpone jack trying to determine if it's connected to external speakers. I've noticed that the pop gets louder as the phone approaches 100% charge.

With a 90% charge or better I've even had the audio output go quiet if the headset cable is moved, even though the audio application shows audio is playing. I know that removing the headset cable will pause the player, but in this case hitting play starts the player and it shows progress, but no audio is heard.

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Motorola Droid :: Distorted Audio When Using Headphones, Audio Jack?

Nov 9, 2011

I've been using my Moto Droid, running Android 2.2.2 for some time now. Up until recently, I've been able to use it to listen to Pandora and mp3s loaded onto the phone. Now, any time I plug a set of headphones into the audio jack, the audio is really distorted. It sounds like a channel is out or something, and this happens across all volume levels. It pretty much sounds like you're listening to music underwater. Doesn't matter if it's streaming adio through Pandora or mp3 audio. When I unplug the headset (any headset, mind you) and go to external speaker, the audio is fine.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Car Dock = Phone Through Speakers By Default?

Feb 6, 2012

My only "complaint" is that whenever a call comes in or when I make a call, it always has it on the phonespeaker and not over the car dock audio connected to the radio. I have to press the speaker button to turn it off each time.way to have it default to the speaker being off?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Transfer Files To And From Bionic To A Windows 7 PC?

Nov 28, 2011

Does anyone know of any surefire way to transfer files to and from the Bionic to a windows 7 PC?

I have been using Zumocast, but that's only a one way deal. You can stream and download files from PC onto the Bionic, but not vice versa.Also, I tried to download a 1.4 gig mp4 file but it doesn't fully download, and makes my notification area on my Bionic force close and the whole phone just wigs out and requires a reboot. So Zumocast needs to do some updates in order to support large file transfer.

Anyway, I am looking for a way to transfer files from my phone to my computer(s) wirelessly. I don't always have my USB cable around.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Apps Cannot Get Data Connection

Nov 17, 2011

Im having the same issue as a lot of other people (so i read). Mine has progressively gotten worse. My data connection shows active (sometimes it doesnt) but I cannot transfer data. After multiple restarts/battery pulls, i have data connection but NO app will transfer data except the web browser and dolphin. Even Gmail will not sync. So i can surf the web, but cant check my gmail app, pageonce, etc, etc. Wifi/bluetooth work fine. MOST of the time I can still text / make calls but not always.

I am hesitant to do a factory reset as the last time i did this, it did not change the problem and i was stuck with nothing because i had no data connection to connect to my google account with (nor wifi, i was on vacation).

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Put Bionic Into Field Test Mode

Nov 15, 2011

I can get a 4G signal rarely in home. At work and mobile I am usually 4G.I expect to be on 4G for a few years (5G anytime soon?) and was thinking of spending $$$ on a Wilson repeater to pick up 4G with a directional antenna and amplifier for home: url...I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator and the principals involved seemed sound to me.Also, does anyone know how to put the Bionic into Field Test Mode?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Zumocast On Bionic Playing Different Codecs

Nov 15, 2011

Has anyone had a lot of luck with Zumocast on the Bionic playing differenct CODECS? I seems to work awesome but has some CODEC limitations, is there any way to use another video player other then the default Android one (which it appears to be utilizing)?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic And FIOS Remote App?

Oct 2, 2011

Any one have any luck getting the FIOS Remote app working on their Bionic? I got it downloaded and followed all the directions but it wouldn't sync up. Home net is a std Verizon issued router (only thing custom is the net name, channel, and crypto key) and the Bionic is able to get on the wifi no problem.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Unthread Gmail On Bionic

Nov 6, 2011

Gmail is my email. I long ago disabled the "conversation" (threaded) view of messages in Gmail iitself on the web, and in settings on any device. However, I can't find a way to do this on the Bionic. There's no option in accounts > Gmail. I HATE having the emails strung together like they were text messages. One of the major issues is losing attachments (ex: photos) in earlier emails once additional ones have been added to the "thread."

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Overriding SD Storage?

Oct 2, 2011

Have experienced this with a couple of applications (Freecaddie Pro and My Tracks) the program is suppose to store to SD card and it saves to internal memory. Spoke to the developer of Freecaddie and he checked and it is suppose to save courses to SD but Bionic saves to Internal Memory. With My Tracks even when I pick "Save to SD card" is saves it to Internal Memory. What is up with that and is there a way to correct it?I know my SD card is working because I have moved pics and music to it without a problem.

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Motorola Zumocast :: Bionic - Songs Stop When Any Other Audio Is Played?

Oct 11, 2011

Bionic - just updated to the 1.1.2 version of the anddroid app from the market.Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit as my home server with the newest version of the desktop app loaded.Any time i get a text message, email or any other sound based notification on my phone 90% of the time the song that was playing does not continue after the notification sound is played. i have to unlock my phone and hit the play to continue listening to music. Songs are also cutting out/off more frequently this morning - but i see there are service issues.

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