Lumia Icon :: Moving Contacts From Android / Gmail
May 4, 2014
I'm giving serious consideration to moving to WP and the Icon from Android and a Galaxy S3. I'm not overly concerned about the so-called app gap but I'm curious to hear stories from others who have made this move and how you may have handled moving all of your google contacts and calendar appointments to a Microsoft account. Can I just add the google/gmail account and have the contacts move over automatically?
So despite my last thread where I was worried about missing some features I picked up the Icon. So far, I'm enjoying it a lot, aside from the fact I can't get my gmail contacts to sync. I've been googling and searching this forum for an answer and it appears I'm doing everything right, they just don't sync. I've deleted and re-added the account, with a restart in the middle.. nothing. I've changed the cardDAV server to and Google and nothing. Any way besides a hard reset? It's pretty frustrating not having most of my contacts.
Ok, my wife just switched from VZ and was on an Android based phone, but she no longer needs her GMail Contacts but we want to move them and her Calendar to the iPhone and start Syncing her MobileMe, how can we do this.Everytime I think it is done and remove her GMail account from her phone her contacts go puff. I am very familiar with the iPhone and MacBook, however not so much with the Android and GMail settings.
I moved from iPhone to HTC One (on VZW) recently and I am having a hard time figuring out the syncing process on Android phones, esp HTC One I have. I have a gmail account and a lot of contacts are there, but there are some that were only on my iPhone so I imported all my iPhone ones to the HTC One.
I consider myself a power user. Please do not refer to older apps (like Contacts, its really People app now in JB). Also, I have lost about 60 contacts recently while trying to figure out the process.
I think it would be useful if I ask few specific questions:
1. Are gmail contacts the master contacts for syncing purposes? If yes, what is the role of Google+?
2. If I'd like all my contacts to be always backed up and in sync with Gmail contacts, does it really make sense to have local phone contact? Somebody I met recently showed me that he adds all his contacts directly to Google from the phone (HTC One), so I was wondering if keeping local phone contact is really necessary. Mention any scenarios in which local phone contacts would be appropriate.
3. How does the relationship between phone contact and my google contact (gmail, that is) work in terms of addition, update and delete? When I erased all my contacts on phone, it ended up erasing my contacts from gmail when I tried to sync contacts.
4. In HTC One People app, when you add a contact, it defaults to "Phone". Is there a way to change that default to "Google account"? I saw on someone's phone and they could not explain how that was configured.
Been pretty happy with the ICON. Noticed a problem with sending group messages to Sprint Android users from Verizon ICON. They are getting a blank group message. Tried an Android on ATT and it worked. My friend tried it from is WP on Verizon and he gets the same results. Tried to talk to VZW and "We'll look into this" and now its marked as resolved but the same issue exists.
I'm having issues in getting my contacts from my GMail account to my new Lumia 800. I find lots of references telling me to go to '' on my phone but this just ends up in a loop (it redirects me to a page which says to visit [URL]
I also have the contacts in vcf format but again, can't find anything relating to importing these to the Lumia.
It's a great phone so far, but ultimately pretty useless if I can't get any contacts in there!
Does the native HTC Mail app in Sense UI, push gmail? Or any other IMAP connections that support the IDLE command? Or does only the native gmail app push gmail? I ask, because I have multiple email accounts on my phone, gmail, hotmail, etc.. gmail is on the native gmail app, which is currently pushing... but the others are in the HTC Mail app.
I'd rather have 1 app for everything, instead of bouncing between.. IMAP is IMAP.. which the HTC Mail app supports (for moving to and from folders).. but if it doesn't push using the IDLE command (like gmail app does).. then I'm stuck where I am.
I recently got an LG V10 (I know, I know, I hated giving up Windows Phone but I had to), and the ATT store was unable to transfer my SIM contacts to my new phone. The SIM from my 1020 was larger than the SIM for the V10, and apparently it's not possible for them to use their software to transfer SIM contacts off of Windows phone because of software restrictions.
I'd really like to get my contacts from my old SIM card transferred to my new phone but I can't figure out how to do it. I connected my 1020 to my computer but I can't find the SIM contacts anywhere in the file directory.
Prior to having an android phone, I was using some other "not so smart" phone, and all of my contacts were handled through Backup Assistant. Now I have my android phone (DX2) and want to move all of my contacts to my Gmail account instead of Backup Assisitant. I am planning on leaving Verizon and going with another android phone, on Sprint. If I don't want to re-enter approximately 500 contacts (498) manually, I need to sync all of my contacts to gmail. There had been an app for that, but Verizon took it out of the market.
I'm a bit stumped. I have my Icon synced with my Mercedes C300 via Bluetooth. Everything works fine..receiving and making calls. Responding to texts with Cortana. However, I want to add a new contact to the cars phone book. I go to the contact on the share the contact...choose via Bluetooth....but the Bluetooth connection for the car does not show up to select. This is very strange since the phone and the car are already connected via Bluetooth.
Well on a call the other night I tried to access my contact list, it keep putting me back to the call screen, (caller id, speaker phone, mute, etc.) but no contact list icon, so you have to hit home, then people, then name , and open the contact to retrieve the number. tedious to say the least. and it's bad enough, but half way though the process it kicks back to the call screen, now its frustrating. I had to call them back.
I salved the problem by put my contacts in a folder on my start screen. simple enough , but I still had to open the folder, and each contact to retrieve the number. Well I was watching the folder cycle though the names, it came to me, why not add the number with the name , John 123-123-123, (if you want the number above the name add it first), now the live tile will cycle though showing the name and phone number, open up the folder and you get all the names with number in front of you.
So I was wondering how to sync my contacts from my google account to my phone. My wife had a Samsung and I synced the contacts with her google account but the contacts won't sync back to her new Icon. Is this not possible?
The app drawer icon in dock can't be move and I want to be able to move it away from the dock. Is there any way on how to be able to move it. I am using Stock TW Launcher. My S6 (G920F) is rooted. Not want to use USING 3rd party launchers. I want TOUCHWIZ. I JUST WANT TO MOVE THE APP DRAWER ICON FROM THE DOCK.
I was attempting to move an icon on my Downloads panel to my media folder, and I highlighted it and pressed the menu button, when the entire panel suddenly went blank.
I've used Transfer My Data to move contacts from my Lumia 925 to my Lumia 950. I got my emails from the exchange server. Music and pictures, I can get from One Drive. But I can't figure out how to move my SMS texts. I had a back-up of my Lumia 925 on One Drive, but nothing jumps out about moving texts.
My old LG phone is damaged, so I can't install the Experia Transfer Software onto it, which is requied to move contacts directly from one phone to another.
However, I do have all my contacts backed up on my PC. But I cannot find a way of moving them onto the Z5.
I have downloaded the Sony PC Companion software, but can only see options for moving data from the Z5 onto my PC, not the other way around.
i used google sync to upload my contacts from the blackberry and am using the contacts but these contacts are not saved on my handset. if i do not have the net connectivity, i cannot see the contacts. how can i save these contacts on my iphone? i has used this approach sources from a Internet video
Godd news for X10 owners!We just released a new version of the Gmail app in Android Market, so Gmail updates aren't tied to Android version releases anymore. Now you can get new Gmail stuff faster without having to wait for system updates. To start you off, we've improved message replies, access to quoted text, and more.
I have a Lumia 950XL. When I got the phone, I did not have a SD card. Once I got the SD card, I moved all the apps from the phone to the card. Everything moved except one app, Candy Crush Saga. Now in my app list it displays as "Pending". It's available in the Xbox app, but I cannot play it. I cannot uninstall/install this, since it is not providing me with any options even on a long-press.
i finally got myself a macbook pro and i love it! anyway to get to my question. my iphone was synced with my pc so all my apps contacts and music are all on my pc, but now i've got my macbook i want to start syncing it with that instead. i see a way to do it on Internet were you move the itunes music library.xml and the itunes music library files from one to the other (old pc to new pc/old mac to new mac) so that the phone thinks its syncing to the same computer iirc? but i don't think it works from pc to mac? because the itunes music library file on the pc is a .itl file but on the mac it isn't? i've tried changing the file name to just itunes music library (instead of itunes music library.itl) but it doesn't work? so i just wanted to know if there was a way of doing it?
I just moved to the Curve. I cant move contacts via SIM because its locked for some reason. So I now want to go the other route, which is apparently downloading from the phone to my computer and then upload to the Curve. I know, How to upload to the Curve but nothing on how to download to the computer. The original phone is the LG Xenon.
I have been ttrying mightily but unsuccessfully to add my contacts from my BB to my desktop PC.I use Microsoft office on my desktop PC. The email address for that is different that my BB address. I don't think that should make a difference as I only want my contacts to be available in the address book there.I tried doing it thru desktop manager and it it seems to have transferred a small percentage of them but by no means all of them.
As seeked over the Internet, it turns out that me and so many others are facing the problem of not being able to turn on and off conversation view on android Gmail app. I wonder why Sony support still didnt care enough to fix it.
I have a Samsung Galaxy 5, using Virgin Mobile Account. When they set up my phone we used a password I don't remember. Is there any way for me to view my existing password or a utility I can buy to show it.
I have noticed that when I move certain apps from the SD card to local storage the tiles on the home screen becomes blank if using small tiles. using medium or large it shows a link @d:**** (**** equals path to file)
I want to add more music to my 1520, so I was thinking about getting a bigger microSD card. It's definitely outgrowing my 32GB one, so I have my sights on a 64GB (or maybe even a 128GB). I don't mind having to re-add my music to the new microSD. The major question here is: Can I move my apps (and data) from one microSD to another microSD smoothly and successfully?
I'd really don't want to have to re-download ALL of my apps onto the new microSD card. Downloading my apps to my phone's memory is not an option; the phone doesn't have enough free memory to accommodate my app catalog. I already know how I will do's only a matter of if it can be done.
We took delivery yesterday of a Bold 9900 to replace my daughters 8520. We thought it would be easy to get going but it appears that contacts on her phone can only be copied one at a time to her SIM which we will then have to put in her new Bold 9900. O2 suggested there was an option to do all the contacts in one go but we cant see that! I tried installing the desktop software on her laptop from her original curve CD. We then went through a series of updates, crashed her curve enentually got it working again) and ended up non the wiser. What is the safest and most reliable method of backing up and then copying Contacts to her new phone. Not to worried about other stuff as she can reinstall facebook etc and a can copy photos on to her PC.