My daughter has sent me a couple texts about there being no spell check on her new Lumia 1020. As I am still on WP7 and my Daughter lives a little ways away from me, I decided to throw it out there if there is something in the settings in WP8 or on the L1020 I do not know about which kills the spell check. She has not red line under mispelled words and no suggestions as she types.
I have just purchased Lumia 800 and enjoy it very much.I have just one question... how to disable spell checks while composing SMS? I sometimes send SMS with language other than English and every now and then the spell checks just changes the wording. Therefore I really need to disable the spell-check.
I have just purchased Lumia 800 and enjoy it very much.I have just one question... how to disable spell checks while composing SMS? I sometimes send SMS with language other than English and every now and then the spell checks just changes the wording. Therefore I really need to disable the spell-check.
I have a Blackberry Torch and I've only had it a few weeks and all of a sudden when I write a text, bbm or email, instead of underlinging the misspelt words it's just randomly underlinging any words, ones that I know are spelt correct like you, but, and etc. and it's stopped automatically adding apostrophes or captalising words. I know it's not a huge issue but it's really annyoing.
The spell-checker on my Torch checks words against a Spanish dictionary even though I've instructed it to use English. This seems to happen sporadically and I can't figure out how to get it to stick with English
Since upgrading to Windows Phone 8.1 I can't seem to check someones phone number without ringing it.
- I go into the Phone App - Bring up my address book, find persons name and select it - If I have two numbers for that person it brings up a screen showing both numbers and I can select one if I want to ring it. - But if I only have one number for a person, as soon as I select their name from the address book it starts ringing them - Which is annoying if I'm just trying to find out what their number is so I can write it down...or dial it from a different phone.
Do you need to activate spell check to make it work? Whenever i try to spell a word wrong, it doesn't activate it. I've tried to spell the word in both English and Norwegian (as I'm from Norway), without any result.
for some reason my blackberry bold touch 9900 doesnt spell check anymore (when a word is spelt wrong it has a dashed line underneath the misspelled word and gives you suggestions or correct spelling suggestions), how do i reactivate spell check for my sms and emails? its really starting to bug me, because my auto correct still works but spell check doesnt!
I have recently upgraded my Bold 9700 to OS 6. Everything is working well.But I'm having trouble activating the spell check feature. Where should I look?
I never use the spell check feature. It has been turned off since day one. Now all of a sudden it gives me the suggested letters/words as I'm typing. I have searched every setting and can't find anything other than the spell check feature and it is off. Am I missing something? It also now does the short vibrate when I press a key. I have that feature off as well.
After updating to the new software my Bold 9930 does not have spell check on it anymore... I looked in the options menu under Typing and Language and Spell Check is not there. Word substitution is still there however.
I'm an Italian living in UK and I need to text and write emails both in Italian and English.Is there a way to completely disable the spell checker? I don't want to keep switching languages and it's quite annoying to be corrected everytime I type in a different language than the one which is set in the phone.
So i'll be texting a friend and usually my spell check usually works, but reciently i have noticed its not underlining at all. i purposly spell things wrong and it still doesn't do anything!
Ever since I've upgrade to the 5.0.x software, even though my spell check and autocomplete are turned off, the software is still correcting my words. If I type: The program sam is made in The software corrects it automatically to: The program Sam is made in Erasing the word and typing again will not work as it will be capitalized. What works is pausing after writing the word sam and then chosing from the popup that allows a choice of sam or Sam.This was not the case in 4.7 . If it is of any importance, I use multitap.
I did something and now all of a sudden my spell check function is underlining almost every word (even those spelled correctly) and making bizarre correction suggestions. The options for changing spell check settings are limited and haven't resolved the issue.
I broke the screen on my 1520, and got a 1020 as far it has been great!!! The only question I really have is a way to get Swype as my standard keyboard as it is on the 1520.
My Lumia 1020 is acting up. The device powers up, and the TOUCH aspect of the screen works, it receives calls etc... but there is not DISPLAY. The screen remains completely off. I've tried multiple power off and ons, as well as holding the power button and down volume at the same time..
I bought my 1020 and was working just fine, but after 20 days, the camera stopped working. This is what I did after it:
1) I tried a hard reset and it worked for a couple of hours 2) I tried a soft reset and it worked for 1 day 3) I noticed that when I changed the date to the past and turned it off, the camera strated working for some hours. 4) I don't have a warranty, because I bought in USA and here, in Brazil, they don't accept the warranty. Even so, I took it to the assistence. They updated the software and, after 1 day, it stopped working. AGAIN!!! They said to me that if it crashes again, probably it would be a hardware problem, but they don't know how to fix it, since 1020 is new in Brazil.
My lumia 1020 screen its not turning on i even got the screen changed but didn't work. I tried to reset it but it doesn't show the exclamation mark i conect it to the pc and it regonizes it so the phone itself its not entirely dead....
At time i have to double tap 4-5 times before my Lumia 1020 reacts and wakes up. And it can be really slow. My previous Lumia 820 had no issues with this what so ever, it work up instantly and i never had to do multiple double taps.
It's actually completely useless like this (since it ain't double tap but sometimes tap'extravaganza).
I am running Lumia Black build 3051.40000.1345.10285
My phone's screen turns black a number of times now. Navigation keys are working and lights up. I can still hear the alarms and notification sounds. It sometimes takes more than 24 hours to resume to its normal function itself. Soft reset (vol down + power button) is a hit and miss and most of the time I'm getting the screen below.
I tried to connect the phone to a PC but it did not recognized because the phone is locked. I don't know if there's another way to unlock it.
My flash suddenly stopped working on Sunday evening.
I was tweaking the manual camera settings, and then a few minutes later it would not flash. The assistance light turns on, but then nothing - the pic takes without flash. I don't know if it's a coincidence that the flash stopped working just after trying to discover the manual settings, or if somehow that has affected the flash.
I tried resetting all of the manual camera options first (to auto). I then tried "using default settings" in settings, then tried "camera reset" in photos+settings, then restarting my phone, then a soft reset, I even tried uninstalling and re-installing the Nokia Camera app. Nothing has worked.