I love my iphone 3GS but I had to switch carriers, I paid $129.99 a month for unlimited min,data,text,picture,gps on my iphone and I cant believe Sprint have that and includes sprint tv also just for $69.99 a month.
I wish I could have a cdma iphone for sprint.
I hope Sprint and Apple work something out, because verizon sucks.
I have an iPhone 4s (Verizon). I had recently purchased what was described as an OEM screen plus LCD after I had cracked my factory screen. After replacing the screen and LCD such features as the side volume controls, vibrate switch, and proximity switch (dimming after accepting a call) have stopped working. I double checked to see that all of the connectors were pushed on correctly and they were. Is it possible this may not be an OEM screen and causing the problem or is there a piece of the hardware that I may have damaged that controls all of these functions (i.e. motherboard)?
So of course there's switch mode from work and "play". I have this issue where when I switch from one the theme changes and if I switch back the theme doesn't change. I thought this would be fix, but I guess I was the only one with this issue. Just updated to .54. I'm of course not going to do anything about it I'll just work with it. Seeing that nothing else is wrong with my phone but that. Which is GOOD. Anyway wanted to see if and one else has this issue. I've had this issue since .52 didn't have it before that.My N8 as current Green running Xeon^4 3.2.1My E72 as backup 1 WhiteMy E63 as backup 2 BLUE (Where's my Icon...?) and..[URL] with the popup notes Nokia sheesh I don't need help from you :/I run Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit/Ubuntu 11.10 64bit on my HP Dv6 1030us (DiViUs)Windows 7 64 bit Pro on my Desktop (Giniro)Green Nokia N8 Current Phone running Xeon^4 3.2.1
Just wondering what the general opinion is here on how important having an iPhone is. Would you guys switch carriers left and right to follow a release of a new iPhone, or would you stay put with AT&T and get something else?
My iphone 3 gs has just suddenly stopped connecting to my carrier. it has been like this for 2 days. Have checked the sim in another phone and the sim is ok. Also how do i reset my phone without losing my info?
I researched and found nothing, except one post on yahoo answers that the iPhone 4s is compatible around the world with any carrier - this sounds too good to be true.
I currently have an Iphone 4s from Sprint that I purchased. I have a business cell phone account with Verizon and a Droid. I would like to use my Sprint iPhone on Verizon but I don't want to do it with "aftermarket" means. Is it possible to take my phone to an Apple store and have it flashed for Verizon?
is their any way to know what carrier has locked my phone, i have been submit the unlocking request to AT&T but they return it twice, now how to know which operator unlock it?
I just moved to another country, and purchased a sim card for my unlocked iPhone 5s. After realising I purchased the wrong one, I cut down the micro sim to a nano. It seems like all services are working - I can make calls, receive texts, etc but the carrier name won't appear. Not sure if this is indicative of troubles to come. It appears blank next to the signal strength. Could this be because of the DIY sim card or was my phone not unlocked properly? I had it unlocked through my carrier back home.
I wanted to buy an iPhone 3GS from Apple unlocked for any carrier if I restore it for any reason is it unlocked automatically or do I have to take it to Apple to get it unlocked? Maybe jailbreak?
I purchased two unlocked iphone 4s phones a few months back. I put in the sim card for my new carrier and it says activation required. When I say use cellular carriers network its telling me the sim card is not recognized and to use it with another carrier. I called AppleCare to confirm that in fact both my wifes and my phone were unlocked and could be used with any carrier. They said yes its unlocked and can be used with any carrier around the world.
I am looking for a way to determine if a used Iphone came from the factory carrier unlocked. I want to be able to check before I buy it and before I get ripped off. There are too many charlotans out there passing off their jail broken phones as "factory unlocked". .Calls to apple are not helpful. Apple does not want to be helpful in this even though they have a distain for jailbroken phones.
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, Any phone any software.
I just bought an iPhone 4S UNLOCKED on March 2012 in Austin, TX.
I bring it to Brazil, but when I try to use my carrier's SIM card the iPhone locks the system saying "Only compatible SIM cards from a supported carrier my be used to activate iPhone. insert the SIM card that came with your iPhone or visit a supported carrier". When I try to use AT&Ts SIM card (that came with the iPhone but doesnt work here in Brazil) the iPhone unlocks the system. I just want my unlocked iPhone....
I have an iphone 4 the network is from Mexico but I am currently in the UK, is there any chance to have unlocked so I can install a micro simcard so I can use it overhere in London?
I've bought a second hand UK iPhone 4s locked to O2 and I'm heading back to the United States in the morning. I need to unlock it to use my American sim, and wondered if I use the apple auth unlock system whether it' matters where in the world you are.