Ive never dropped or spilled anything on my phone, and i've only had it for less than 7 months. It will randomly turn off and I will try to restart it. It freezes on the restart screen so i usually have to restart it again. Also, sometimes the screen will spit for a couple of seconds but thats minor compared to it shutting off on me 5 times a day. Im thinking its a hardware glitch, but at the same time i'm not very tech savvy! Im wondering if i have to pay for it and what's the process of them fixing/replacing my phone? Im a student and everything i have is on my phone so im really hoping i wont be without a phone for a week or so just so they can figure out the problem!
My iphone shuts off randomly even though it is fully charged. It then will not turn back on unless it is plugged into a power outlet. Is it the operating system or is the phone broken? It says I need to restore which I have already and I also have updated.
My ihpone4 keeps shutting off everytime it is not plugged in to a charger.
It has 100% battery so I know that the battery isn't "dead." I have pressed the home button and lock button together to restart the whole phone multiple times. Doesn't make a difference (and frankly that doesn't even work if not plugged in). Â
I've got an iPhone 4 that shuts down randomly, first it was not that often, now it several times a day. I really getting annoying. I've checked the apple website and it said that my warranty has expired. What to do?
I am posting this thread for a friend who is having some serious issues with her BB 9700. It is a phone that was purchased from TMOBILE that was unlocked so that she can use with her Service provider. During this week gone, she plugged her bb into her PC and an error came up. the PC asked if to fix the error or contnue without scanning. She selected the latter. Then yesterday, when she plugged her phone in to charge it immediately shut off. After putting it back on she plugged it in again to charge and the same thing happened again. Since then, she is unable open her pictures in her media folder- She can only preview it.Also when she tries to send a picture via BBM she only sees two of the pictures that she has on her phone and is unable to select any of them to send to a contact.She also isn't able to change her profile picture in BBM.She has done countless battery pulls and the issues stated still exists. she was however able to charge her phone without it shutting down this morning. But all other issues mentioned still exists.She is running the OS that came with her Phone She had an issue with her Phone previously and when she took it into our service provider they had to downgrade her OS back to stock for it to function properly.If anyone has any solution to the problems stated please reply to this post. Any help would be deeply appreciated. If anyone has had a similar problem and was able to fix it please let me know what u did. Also if anyone has any solutions that they think may help please let me know.
This has been very random. did it in my pocket, out of my pocket, on the charger and off. The phone is not overly hot. warm only when on the charger or in my pocket. This morning I have rebooted it several times. (I hold the power button for 10 seconds.)
My iPhone 5S charges fine when USB plugged in at wall but when plugged into computer nothing happens. I have tried using a different cable and computer but the same results. Any way to fix this as I would like to sync my phone again?Â
The last time I synced with Outlook, a lot of the same contacts came up multiple times -- around 50+ times each. Seems the only way to delete them is individually. I would like to know the following: 1) is there a way to do multiple deletes and 2) what made this happen.
My iPhone 3gs keeps turning itself off, then the apple logo turns up for like 3 minutes, and then it goes onto the lock screen and i go to unlock it and it just turns itself off again. It doesnt find reception and the battery goes in like 1 hour from 100% to 0. It also gets really really hot.
Just bought it less than a week ago, from the Apple store. It's shut down on its own twice - just going straight off. Plus has rebooted alone at least once that I know of. Is this defective or is there a software problem with the OS?
I got a new iphone 4s last week and for the past few days every couple of hours it shuts off and i have to hold down the power and home button to get it to start back up, while it is still under warranty should we take it in or is there something i can do?
My iphone since yesterday is shutting down and restarting like every 3 minutes. Also, if I plug it to charge the battery, it appears like the battery was at 100% but not.
I've iPhone 4 Version 5.1 ..Suddenly It Shutdown in Battery of 30% When I Tried To Turn It On .. a Screen Of Low Battery Appears.I Update it .. Restore It But No Change at All?Should I Replace The Battery ??
Okay so i got a gamestop refurbished iPhone 3gs and yesterday everything was working out great and the phone was working fine. Today on the other hand, i encountered my phone randomly shutting off by itself. Once it did it when i opened the camera app and the others were from txt messages or using the internet. The battery was around 50% or so too so it was far from a dead battery. Once the phone shuts off, sometimes i can reboot the phone and other times i need to plug it in to reboot.
My iPhone 4 developed a problem where it shuts itself off intermittently, sometimes at night when it is unattended (and yes, the battery was fully charged). It is my 2nd iPhone 4 with this problem, and from what I see on this forum, not an uncommon problem with this device. Apparently it is a known hardware issue with some iPhone's and the refurbished units they use as replacement devices have not been expunged of this circuit board demon.
Rather than swap out my phone for a new one (or even another refurb), I was given the possible explanations:An application is crashing the OS. (I interpret this statement as IOS 5 is no further evolved than Windows 3.1 where an app can crash the entire OS)An application may be using too much memory causing the phone to shut down (Really? No OS protection or throttling to prevent this?)A 3rd party application might have had a bad update in the App Store and Apple does not review updates (Really? So if I publish an app in the store, I can then update it with miscellaneous viruses and malware? Whoo Hoo)It could be usage (Translation: using an iPhone 4 to play music, run apps and make phone calls may cause the device to fail. Sounds like a breach of Warranty for Fitness of Intended Purpose) I am not an Apple hater. I just want my phone replaced with a non-defective device. I don't appreciate the total run-around and denial of responsibility on Apple's part.
My brand new iphone 4s has been shutting down all by itself whenever I try to take a video on the camera app. It is not the battery, my battery is charged, and it only happens when using the camera app. I can take pictures and my phone will stay on, but whenever I take videos it turns off. Does anyone know why this happens or what I should do about it?
My iPhone 4S is shutting down without warning, no low battery warning or anything, and it will not come back on until I reset it. Today the battery has been at 100% charge all day, and I have been using the phone, apps, messaging, etc.
it will not turn on it shut down by itself and came back on a couple days ago and then the home button didn't work it shut itslef off AGAIN, this is the 4th time if i plug it in it won't turn on if i reset it it won't turn on itunes won't recognize it
My iphone wont cut on it shut off and now it wont do anything, any idea to why? even when i tried to hold the power and sleep button it didnt even show the logo! is there a way to get it back working again
My iphone5 has been shutting down for no reason, or at leas no one I know of. I've tried resetting it but ir doesn't does anything.
When I put it to charge, it shows in 20mins that is 100% charged, but in 1 hour without using it, the charge goes to 60%, then the battery starts working apparently normal. But it keeps shutting down at any time, without me doing something.
I cant restore my iphone. Its turns off during the beginning off the restore in when the phone turns on or something.Either that when the screen of the "connect phone to itunes" part goes away the phones just turns off(screen cuts black) the phone isn't dead either just off the charger is doesn't turn on,when the charger is on it the phone battery is at 100%.
my iphone today randomly shut off,its done this about 6 other times and this being the 7th time.It also keeps on vibrating and won't stop.I have no clue what to do
After downloading iOS 8.1.1, phone keeps refreshing after minutes of being on it meaning I cannot make calls/messages. Also battery amount will change constantly. Increasingly getting worse and cannot be contacted on the phone any longer without it being charged!
Info: iPhone 5, iOS 8.1.1, Even on 100% will go dead on screen
Recently, my unlocked jailbroken iPhone 3GS kept on shutting off out of the blue, and did so on a pretty regular basis (I only let this happen for a day or so before I took action, did research, and fixed it). It would say there was 37% of the battery power left, then 5%, then 17%, and then it would shut off. It was as if it didn't remember how much of the battery was left. Never had that happen before.
I did some research online and talked to some guys at Fry's. Some people online said it might be because it got wet or that it just needed to be re-jailbroken. The guy at Fry's suggested that I re-jailbreak it. I didn't really care to do that, as I am running 3.0.1, and did not want to go through the hassle if finding the new jailbreak for the latest version of the OS. Plus, I either want to wait for OS 4.0 to come out (hopefully June 7 at WWDC) and jailbreak that when it comes out, or if Steve Jobs rocks our world and releases the iPhone 4G at WWDC, then I'll buy that.