IPhone :: Make An App For My Photography Portfolio?
May 16, 2012
i have been pondering how to best present my photography work, making a website or making something that will look great on iphone and ipad.i stumble upon a photographer app on app store, it looks great, but i wonder...
1. what app do i use to make iphone app for my photography portfolio
2. is it necessary to know coding? or has drag and drop feature?
We're having an issue with opening PDF Portfolio files created with Adobe Acrobat Pro 9. The message we get when opening the PDF file is: "For the Best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later."
If it exists, any app that makes it possible to choose any of the 1020's exposure times in a interval shoot setup. The apps ive found and tried until now have the interval option but no options to choose exposure?
Recently, my X6 Flash is not working during video shooting/photography/3rd party app like "BrightLight". About a months ago, I performed a soft reset to resolve this problem, my flash worked perfectly after that. However, it's not working properly not. Not that I don't want to perform soft reset again.
I've tried numerous times to post a photo to the focus and blur contest thread and I keep getting an error message that says "you may not have permission to do this action".
I find I travel to places where an iPad can attract the wrong type of attention. So I use my iPhone for docs and such. The trouble is that the dos and most other apps are not landscape. Is there away to make my iPhone landscape?
i can't make a phone call on my iphone i recently had re boot my personal computer , when i had rebooted my pc i needed to re install itunes so i did that, now when i synced my iphone to my pc , the music, the apps are synced - no problem but i cant make a phone call as where the network should display my network carrier but i does not its shows 'No service'what do i do?
I can't make call from my iPhone 5s!!!!!I have check my phone chip it's fine..I can check my balance send message and receive call as well and i did even update my software...
Is there a way to to make the iPhone vibrate over and over until the SMS message is checked? I couldn't find it in Cydia, can someone point me in the right direction.
I can get through the first one to the spot where you select your data plan and then click continue and you're sent to ANOTHER dreadful processing screen! I cannot make it through that! I always get an error! Anyone else?
I am working over in Australia for a couple of months and got the iPhone 4 on release in the UK on the 24 of June, the only micro sim available in Oz is for the iPad, so bought one with a view of using it for data purposes on lt on the Testra 3G network, just keeps coming up with Invalid Sim, but previously was getting a signal, be it weak believe it has something to do with the network settings and configuration. can anyone help, achieved what I'm after or know for a fact its a lost cause?
Has anybody notice how ridiculously short the iphone 3gs vibrates when you get a text message or email. It vibrates for about half a second. So now I find my self checking my phone every 5 minutes to find new messages waiting for me?
My phone was syncing no problem a few weeks ago with my computer. Now, whenever i make any changes from itunes - it doesnt change anything on my phone. Whenever i delete a movie from the phone, then sync it with my computer. It shows up again on my phone. I tried uninstalling, reinstalling itunes to no avail. This baffles me since i haven't made any changes from my computer and phone. Phone is a 32 gb 3GS, JB with blackrain but not unlocked.
I am in UK and I am using my iPhone 4S IOS 5.1 to text my girlfriend who is visiting Finland She has a 3Gs with IOS 5.1. Problem is she is receiving those messages sent as texts (green) but NOT those messages sent as iMessages (blue) They seem to change format randomly. I don't get to choose the format. Is there a way I can make sure every message is sent as a text? (not an iMessage)
Since yesterday my iPhone stopped making sounds from alerts and clicks from the keyboard but I know the speakers work because when I go to Settings-Sounds and I move the volume bar it rings. I'm already sure that the Lock sounds, Keyboard clicks and alerts are ON, but still doesn't work. Also, when I try to turn up the volume with the volume buttons on the iPhone it doesn't work. It shows the ringer icon but with no volume bars. I already cleaned all the dust in the dock connector and in the headset jack. Also tried plug and unplug the headphones, still not working.
I didn't drop the iPhone, neither spilled anything on it. It just suddenly stop working correctly.
I already restored the iOS 5.1 software but didn't work. It only works with the headset.
How to make custom ringtones in iOS 5.1. I was on iOS 4.3 before and i used to create the AAC version and then change the file extension & that file would come up in the Rimtones in iTunes, After the iOS 5.1 i m unable to add the custom ringtones to my iPhone from iTunes.
I have iphone4s in Shanghai, China, but I cannot use it to make a phone outside Shanghai. I have already changeded my SIM card and upgraded the iOS to 5.1 vision.