IPhone :: Keep Losing Service, And Searching On 4?
Jun 29, 2012
this past week (tuesday) I sent my wife a text, and she never received it as of thursday. on thursday I decided to reset my iphone, and after doing so my text messages were then received. however now I'm getting the "no service, and searching" indication on my phone when I'm in the house, and I've never received that before. I've also reset the network, and it still get the same indications. what do I need to do?
I've done everything I know to do (reset network settings, hard reset, software update, restore to factory default, replace sim card) still have not fully resolved the issue. It seems to work periodically at random, but only has 1 or 2 bars where I should normally have full service.
my i phone 3g wont let me take call or recieve text messages it keeps saying searching or no service just started about a week ago my wife has a iphone also and hers is fine i tried reseting my network but that didnt help any thoughts i also replaced the sim card
A few days ago my iphone went to a activation required screen, so I activated it then after that I stopped having service. I get service everytime it goes back to the activation required screen and that doesn't let me go on any other screen, otherwise it always says it's searching in the service bar.. Iv reset all my settings restarted my phone a million times, but it doesn't seem to work. I have an iPhone 4S unlocked for tmobile under iOS 7.
My iPhone 3GS on Tesco network keeps saying no service or searching I think it was since I updated it to 5.1 I've restored it and checked settings and still not working been nearly 3wks,what can I do?
I have had my iPhone 4 for nearly a year now and previously i have had no problems with the phone but over the past few weeks since i have done the ios:5 update.. It's been driving me insane. I lose signal when i need signal the most & it's also been cutting out all of my phone calls.
I had one little problem about two weeks after I bought it, where it suddenly froze up and then shut off and wouldn't turn back on for several hours until I connected it to my computer. Over the passed couple of weeks, I've started having trouble with it.It started as just being slow to connect to internet and to place calls, but it has steadily worsened to the point that I am randomly dropping service in places I've never had a problem with before. I keep dropping calls or calls won't go through at all, and the call quality has gone down. Messages also won't go through, and notifications from my apps won't appear. Even in my Facebook app, I'll recieve the red number telling me I have a new notification, but when I touch it, the notifications screen won't refresh. Today, the little "4G" symbol kept changing to the "E" symbol.
If I lose service for any length of time the phone appears to just give searching for it. I have to go into manage connections and disable/enable Mobile Connections and get back service almost immediately.
As not answering a call could cost me my job it would be pretty handy to resolve this.
I am on 7.0.0 Bundle 2290 and I only noticed this after the last couple of OS updates.
Obviously a reboot/battery pull resolves the issue temporarily but the next time I suffer an extended loss of service then it recurs.
My blackberry curve 8530 for metro pcs keeps shutting off by itself (very frequently) and taking like 5 minutes to restart. I factory resetted the phone and it is still doing it. I tried to update it using the Desktop Software but it would not even connect, it would just charge it. Also, I went to setting and memory and prompt when connecting, and it still did not work. Also it keeps going in and out of service, when I know I have service, it says "Searching for network".
I don't own a phone with OVI maps yet, but I'm seriously considering it. I would like some advice before I go ahead. I intend to download the maps on PC then use the maps on the phone in offline mode at all times. My question is:- When carrying out a search in offline mode, is it possible to search for local businesses or service types? E.g. If I'm in London, and wanted to find a hotel, could I just run a search for hotels within the city? Or another example, wanting to search for a local McDonalds? Would I have to know the address, or could I just type in "McDonalds"?
I have a Xperia Neo MT15i. Soon after I upgraded with the latest software it started restarting a few seconds after finished booting up. This only happens when I have a SIM-card in it. I've tried different SIM-cards with from different carriers and I get the same issue and the cards work fine in other smartphones. SD card or not makes no difference.I've got the phone back twice from service and they say they are not even able to recreate the problem, so they just upgrade the software and look happy.So today I did a repair in the PC companion, put the SIM card in, went outside, started the phone and it works for a few minutes without restarting. When I go back inside it immediately restarts.I live in a radio shadow, so I have lousy reception at home and I keep losing service. Reception is between 0-1 signal bars inside, but if I go outside I get 2-3.So my theory is that when the phone looses or is unable to reestablish connection to my service it decides to restart to try again.
I have a Xperia Neo MT15i. Soon after I upgraded with the latest software it started restarting a few seconds after finished booting up. This only happens when I have a SIM-card in it. I've tried different SIM-cards with from different carriers and I get the same issue and the cards work fine in other smartphones. SD card or not makes no difference.
I've got the phone back twice from service and they say they are not even able to recreate the problem, so they just upgrade the software and look happy.So today I did a repair in the PC companion, put the SIM card in, went outside, started the phone and it works for a few minutes without restarting. When I go back inside it immediately restarts.I live in a radio shadow, so I have lousy reception at home and I keep losing service. Reception is between 0-1 signal bars inside, but if I go outside I get 2-3.So my theory is that when the phone looses or is unable to reestablish connection to my service it decides to restart to try again.
My I Phone 5 keeps losing 3G and then loses service. The phone can be laid flat in front of me and I see it go from 3G to GPRS to No Service. I have a new sim and have had the antennae checked and also restored the software. Nothing has worked,
quite often when I press the power button to just shut the screen off on my Droid X, and then turn it on later, it says that theres no service for a second or two and it then returns to 3g. Is this happening to your Droid X too?
Over the past week, or so, I have been experiencing intermittent losses of data and phone service. This issue has been magnified over the past few days. Initially, I thought it was a result of an early season snowstorm, that more or less, crippled my state (Connecticut), and since I am a power utility engineer, as you can imagine, I have been on the phone quite a bit. As we moved closer to full electric restoration, I am seeing that this isn't an issue brought on by inclement weather, but by a software/hardware glitch.
I have an 8350i on Nextel and i have loaded OS 5 onto it. (a little background incase you arent aware.. Nextel has not yet released OS 5 but SouthernLinc has and ive been using SouthernLincs version of it for the 8350i for about a month or so with NO issues) I really dont want to have to reload my OS back to 4.6 as there are some major upgrades on 5.0 for the 8350i. You guys think it might be that im running OS 5? I also have the "Boostberry" configuration (aka i have a normal nextel data plan instead of a bb plan) ive had this for about 6 months atleast now without any troubles. So 3 times over the week or so ive turned on my device and had it "register with the network" then i go to compose a sms message or place a call and i get service book not found errors. I reload the service books and it works great for a few days then it happens again. You think its because of running Southernlincs OS 5 thats just not causing me issues or any other ideas of what it may be?? I dont want to downgrade back to 4.6 and spend an hour loading everything just to find out that wasnt my issue.
My iPhone 3Gs is constantly flipping between "searching" and "no service". I had the SIM card replaced at AT&T today, but that hasn't helped. I've done multiple forced restarts. Any other ideas? I don't want to replace my trusty 3Gs yet...
sometimes, my Iphone display "No service" or "searching"... I have to reboot each time... Somebody can resolve the problem please??? HELP!!!! I have do it several time per day... it's not funny...
iphone 6 plus keeps searching singal, I have tried on/off airplane mode, reset network setting, take out sim card, even reset all, but it still doesn't work. It's been 1 more weeks.
My iphone 4s keeps on searching for network. Initially i thought there might be a problem with the SIM i use. I tried using my sim in other iphone and it worked.
Other sim, they worked on my iphone. What could be the reason?