Blackberry when you remove programs, the program remains in the memory of the phone do you stay? For example, facebook application removed from the phone, he remains in the memory is there? Do I need to wipe? To be completely clear?
I'm sure this has been asked before but for some reason when I connect my BB Bold 9700 to my computer it says my memory is very low or exceeding the limit... I have very little apps on my phone, and I regularly delete emails/sms/mms messages. Now when I go to take pictures it says I only have "7 Photos Remaining" when before it never said that. How do I check my memory? Or how do I clear my memory or delete unnecessary things? I have already tried restoring my phone and it didn't really work.
I bought a satio one week ago, and its working fine. The only problem is that the phone memory keeps decreasing. Earlier it was 44Mb ans now it is only 10Mb. I have stored everything except messages in the memory card. When I check the memory details, it shows 51Mb in other files. I checked the phone memory and I found nothing that big in my phone memory. clear some phone memory! And what gets stored in other files?
how to clear the cache memory and cookies of this phone's web browser..? Im not asking about the Opera mini's browser but of the phone's original browser, which is used from media player..
Is it just me or are there other folks out there addicted to finding ways to clear more memory? I'm hovering around 31mb after deleting Facebook (think there was a memory leak).
so I was going to buy gta for my s5 I started to download it but I did not know that it would take up 2.4 GB wile I had like 1 GB so I did not have enough space and I would just get an error so I deleted tons of apps till I got 1.2 something GB when I tryed to download the app again it said it was downloading and would take 2.4 GB but I had 1.2 so once it reached 1.2GB/2.4GB it gave the not enough space error so, I checked to see how much space I had, well... i had 109 MB... yep. GG google playstore. GG. so I refunded gta (gives my money back AND uninstalls it) and checked back at my storage... still 109 MB. How do I delete this 1.2 GB unfinished file off my phone?? I looked all over my phone and can't figure it out. I am rooted on s5 Verizon by the way.
I don't like how my only way of finding help from apple is talking to a bunch of random ppl just like me. The area called "other" on my phones' memory (on the device summary in iTunes) keeps getting larger. what is in this area and how do I erase it?
I have been trying to recover my IPhone for the past few days now and I keep getting an error message that says that it can't be recovered. iTunes is saying that my IPhone is in recovery mode.
I updated my iPhone 4 (for verizon) with the latest update 5.1.1 and now it it shows the little plug going into itunes. When I try to recover the iPhone it says that it is unable to be recovered. I have tried restarting the computer/iPhone/iTunes and it still does not work. My iTunes is fully up to date as well as my computer.
A friend gave me their old Blackberry but it was used for his work email and was set up with a password just to access the phone. He doesn't remember the password. I put a new sim card in, but is still asking for the password. We tried 4 different ones. On the 5th it warns you that your program will be deleted. We haven't tried the 5th password. It we do will it erase information in the sim card?
Is there a way to clear everything out of memory and reset the Blackberry to it original defalut settings.I tried pulling out the battery with the phone on, but that doesn't do any good.
For some reason, all of my music and videos disappeared from my Iphone. When I re-synced everything again, everything came back, but not any of the album art. How to recover. The phone looks so primitive without it!
In the task manager, if I click "Clear Memory" under RAM tab, it said more than 10 apps closed. But when I click the same button after few mins, it said the same number of application closed again.Actually which applications got closed when I clicked the Clear button first time, and how those apps occupied the memory once again, how do I ensure, my RAM is not used by unused/unwanted apps, where can I see the which applications are using how much memory?
I have a curve 9320 with bbm 6.2 I just need to know how to permanently delete chat history from a contact. Is it also possible to check that deleted chat cannot be recovered and are not being backed up somewhere.
Following the L update I found I couldn't edit photos normally in Photos....just got 'Downloading resources etc' message. Eventually found a fix....turned off mobile data, turned on wifi, tried to edit a photo, got the message, clicked OK, and the editing tools downloaded. Photo editing now back to what it was before the update.
I've just come out of a 2 year contract with AT&T and I'm eligible for the free unlock. I follow the email I've been sent but still no joy. Do I need an AT&T& sim card in the phone when I do it? I've spoken to AT&T& and they say that everything is ok their end and I'm out of the 90 days apple care window.
phone charge keeps going down even if I am not using it. It remains hot even after unplugging from the charger . I have switched off notifiications and background refresh of apps I dont care and even locations. When this is sleeping it Loses charge and remains warm..what do i do
Have an issue with 1 user. When he deletes email from Outlook (on Mac), it remains in the inbox on his iPhone. This will remain even if he does a manual sync. If he empties the Deleted Items forder in Outlook it will remove them from the iphone. If he deletes the email from his iPhone it will be deleted in Outlook.
have removed and re-added his account to the iPhone with no help.
I went on vacation where cell service and Wifi were both very spotty. Now that I'm back to good service area, my email won't download. Old folders bring up prior emails but inbox remains totally empty. I've tried several hard restarts & deleting and reinstalling Yahoo email account. Â
I'm still on the road and don't have access to my main computer to back up. I can pull up Yahoo mail in Safari and read emails from Yahoo's website fine. Â
ay i have 2 active applications, do i have to go into the active applications page to clear to clear exit all applications !!what i mean is, if i go onto messaging then stop it it, still tells me on the home screen i have one active application, then i need to click on active applications and click exit
When I delete an individual text message, the text goes but then the time and date that message was received remains on the summary screen - not in the conversation thread but on the screen where all your messages are. Example - I sent a text at 8:30 this morning. The last text sent before that was at 9:30 the previous night. So I deleted the text from this morning and the text went but on the front screen it has last nights text against this mornings time and date.
The sent SMS text remains in the SMS & MMS list even after the SMS has been sent. I dont need to archive the sent SMS though.Moreover, when someone replies to the SMS I sent, my original text sent to him also returns as a trail, something like a chat session. I want to disable this function. Even tried the toggle for switching off "Save text" option.
I have woken up this morning to find that my LED (red) is always on.I had a text come through and the green LED was flashing (so it looked like the red and green were alternating).I checked for water damage, fully charged the battery, restored / backup the phone and still the red light remains on all of the time.I checked the forums but found nothing on this ... any ideas?I would take it into phones4u, but last time this happened it took 3 weeks to simply replace the USB (had charging issues