Under messaging under settings, imessage is on..and it shows my phone number under recieve at....but when i text someone that has a iphone it goes thru as a imessage, when i text my boyfriend who also has iphone..it goes to regular texting...but when he replies back to me it goes imessage but with his apple id. How can i fix it to where only his phone number is imessage? is it his settings on his phone or mine? Under contacts i have to have two of him in my phone one for texting and the other for making a phone call.
Since midday yesterday I have been able to send SMS (and recipient is receiving them) however I can not receive anyones SMS to me. I have updated the Blackberry software and have rebooted several times since.
my wife and i got Photons last wednesday night. we really love the phone but for some reason im not getting most of her text messages and shes not getting my sent text messages. her phone appears to not have this problem. we got our phones at radioshack an d we have 30 days to return them or trade them in. im just not sure what to do. i have my phone set up with all my apps
After two or three charges my new (up to date) Lumia 900 stops sending/receiving text messages. The map app also appears black at every zoom level. However LTE signal is fine, I can receive phone calls, and use data to search for near-by restaraunts and overlay results over the black tileless map.There is no visible indication that the phone is no longer sending/receiving txt messages.. other than an angry girlfriend.Once in a while I open up the map app to see if its loading tiles. If not, I reboot the phone and everything returns to normal for a few days, and then problem comes back. It has been this way since I bought the phone three weeks ago.
I am not receiving text messages on my phone. I can send txts and call and receive calls. The SIM appears to receive texts in another phone. I read somewhere that this might be due to memory??? Is there a way to move apps to the SD card? My phone is not fully functioning!
i got a bb curve 9300 has the latest software update recently its been playing up one minute it recieves txts bbms etc and lets me send and the next it wont work at all i've done everything i can think of i've rebooted itdone a hard reset and still
haven't seen this issue brought up yet but it is being talked about on the verizon community website. have you guys noticed that the droid razr does not recieve or send all text messages. it is very random and does not always happen with the same person or service carrier.
A friend in Thailand is trying to use iMessage with an iPad, the iMessage has been working OK up to 2 weeks ago but now it will neither send or receive iMessage. She has: signed out and back in to iMessage checked that the email address is correctly registered turned iCloud off and back on Done a hard reset of the device Has the latest ios installed. iMessages sent to her phone show as 'sent' but no longer as delivered.
Whenever I send out a text message as one comes in, my text will error. I get the option to send again, and their text comes in without any issues.This has been happening since I upgraded to the iPhone 4S from my 3GS. This happens with both iMessage turned on or off. I am on 5.1.
Everytime I go to use my iPhone 4 to send a picture, or have someone send me one, it doens't work. It shows a little exclimation mark, and if I want it to work I have to completely reset my network settings, which is a constant pain, considering my internet WEP key is 26 digits long. Is there something wrong with my phone, or is it the phone company I'm with?
how to sort problems with sending/receiving picture messages on the iphone 4S? I've gone through all the re-setting etc at the place I bought it and it still doesn't work!! Spoken to 02 and they said it's an issue with Apple software?
My phone has stopped sending and receiving email. When i follow the troubleshooting on line it tells me to go into advanced settings and swithc the smtp server to on and then off again. Unfortunately when I get to that screen, its frozen, and wont let me move the sliders across.
In the past two days I've missed multiple incoming text messges and at least two outgoing texts were not delivered. I'm on AT&T with an iPhone 4S. The three other phones are not AT&T, but one is also an iPhone 4S. The missed incoming texts was from the iPhone 4S was sent as an iMessage with the blue bubble & "delivered" underneath. I restarted my phone three days ago & again this morning. I have sent and received other texts and calls during the timeframe. Is this a network or iPhone issue?
My iPhone 4S is not sending or receiving text messages (iMessage is fine). It is also not sending or receiving any phone calls. I'm with Fido and there are always full bars/signal available. This happens for about 2-3 days, then starts working, then 2-3 weeks later it happens again.
With my iPhone 4, when I make or receive phone calls, I can hear the other person,but they cannot hear me. Apps like Pandora, iTunes, Voice Memos, and Shazam all work fine as far as playing music and recording sounds.Does anyone have any suggestions? One thought I had was to get a bluetooth phone set.
Resetting settings didn't work and erasing everything only worked for about a day, then it started doing it again. This is actually my second phone to do this.
I have no other ideas why my phone is acting up. Nothing has changed in my house in the past 3 weeks besides getting a new computer. Since that time, my house has become a sort of dead zone for my IPhone 4s. Here is the computer I bought.
I upgraded the power supply and video card. I also disabled the built in wireless card and put back in my USB wifi adapter, which I used on my last computer and had no issues. My phone works like normal everywhere else. When I'm home texts says they failed to send, when It turns out they actually do sometimes. When people send me texts, It tells them it fails also. When I try to make a call, It says Call Failed. When I go outside, I get bombarded with whatever texts I missed but can also make calls.
I've called ATT, which is my provider. They've reset everything and ran out of ideas. I called Geek Squad at best buy. I exhausted their ideas. I'm hoping someone out there has a clue on what could have happened.
10 days ago, I downloaded the update of the BBM, as I was notified by App World. Since I updated the BBM I can not send or receive messages, this update is a disaster, Due to the fact that I'm traveling, I do not have the roaming services and have been using BB services via WIFI and Now I canīt connect to the BBM at all.I need help because I am very upset with this update. My Blackberry is the CURVE 9300.I have uninstalled the BBM and then re installed it, but it still does not work After reading the comments on this update I realized that everyone is complaining.
and it is draining my battery! My phone is just sitting beside me, not receiving any emails or texts and it isn't loading an internet page, so I don't know what it is doing. My battery is dying before 11:00 AM which shouldn't happen.
My bb tour 9630 won't send or receive emails and bbm. The phone sill works. Services Status tells me I am not connected but I can't connect. It stopped working yesterday.
My husband is currently deployed to Afghanistan, and usually, BBM works just fine. Recently, though, it can take up to an hour for my message to be delivered to him and vice versa. check mark will show up but no "d" He said he has service, enough so he can text and say BBM isn't working We have Verizon and both of us have Storm2. i was wondering if there was anything we could do to fix it or if our conversations would just have to take a few hours.