IPhone :: How To Search In "spotlight" Details In Contacts

Jun 15, 2012

When I seach informations in contact lists with spotligh (Ex.: Address, Notes, etc.... ), it only show results of the contacts principal header, and not of the other camps (notes, address, etc...).

How to search in "spotlight" details in contacts, with base in another camps, how "notes", "address", and others?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Does IOS Spotlight Search The Notes In Contacts

Apr 13, 2012

It would be great if iOS Spotlight was able to search through the notes in the Contacts app.

how to get iOS Spotlight to do this?

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IPhone :: 4 Spotlight Search - How To Turn Off

Jun 26, 2010

Is there any way to turn off the spotlight function? I have not once ever used this and it just gets in the way.

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IPhone :: Spotlight Search Freezing?

Apr 5, 2012

When I try to do a Spotlight search on my iPhone 4s, it freezes as I'm typing the letters of what I'm trying to search. This started after the upgrade to ios 5.1.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone 5 :: Spotlight Search Not Working

Dec 8, 2014

spotlight search not working on my iPhone 5s with iOS 8.1

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IPhone :: Spotlight Search Doesn't Work?

Mar 12, 2012

I have been reading a thread about spotlight not working until people updated to 5.1. Well, I have the reverse problem. I updated to 5.1 a few days ago, and now I can search for everything EXCEPT words that begin with H or N. When I try that, the enlarged letters on the keyboard freeze for 10 seconds, then disappear. Although the N or H appears in the search screen, no search results appear. I have tried shutting off various programs but that does not help.

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IPhone :: 4S Freezes For Few Seconds Using Spotlight Search

Jun 28, 2012

On my iPhone 4S running iOS 5.1.1, when I try to type in a string in a spotlight search using the soft keyboard, the device freezes for about 5 to 8 seconds before resuming. Usually this happens when as I am typing the search string out.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 6 :: IOS 8.1.2 - Spotlight Search Can't Find Apps

Dec 11, 2014

Since iOS8.1, spotlight search no longer seems to be able to find apps on my device.I have 450 apps, and have used spotlight search since it was first introduced to find apps buried in directories on various home screens. I've tried turning off all other areas spotlight search can search, leaving only applications, yet that doesn't work. Most recent iOS8.1.2 update still has this issue.

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.2

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IPhone 4 :: What Is Spotlight Search - How To See Deleted Text Messages

Jun 2, 2014

What is spotlight search? How can I see deleted text messages?

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Spotlight / IMessage Search Function Stopped Working

Apr 14, 2012

For some reason, my Spotlight Search function stopped working sometime yesterday afternoon. So did the Search function on my iMessage. But the Search function on others e.g., Calendar seem fine.

iPhone 4S

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BB Bold :: Transfer Contacts Details From Handset To SIM

Nov 10, 2011

Any easy way to copy my contact details from my BB bold to sim. The reason being that I'm getting a replacement phone tonight as this hand set is faulty.

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IPhone :: Quick Search Contacts On 4S?

Mar 16, 2012

I cannot find quick search in contacts

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: How To Search Contacts By Zip Code

Apr 2, 2012

I have my contacts in my iphone, I am now trying to search my iphone contacts by zip code......can I do so with my iphone or with itunes or do I need some other means?

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Nokia Navigation :: Saving Business Contacts Details From Maps?

Mar 21, 2012

Why isn't it possible to save a business name, location and phone numbers from maps and city lens directly to contacts instead of saving them as favorites on maps.

And vice versa, it would be nice to be able to view contacts locations on maps without opening the contact first and clicking on show on map.

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Google Nexus 5 :: How To Display Contacts Details Including Address

Apr 30, 2014

I've a rooted Nexus 5 with 4.4.2 and I can't find how to display a contacts details including there address. As a result, I can't just punch an address into Maps to quickly navigate there!

The dialler just gives me phone numbers, Hangouts (which I hate!) just wants to start a conversation with people!I dl'd Contacts+ and that does the job! but I can't use that as, for some reason, once installed it sets my notification volume to zero and I can't change it!!!

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Nokia Nseries :: Editing Contacts Labels And Songs Details In N8?

Apr 24, 2011

Recently I purchased a N8 and using "switch phone" I transferred all my data from my 5800 Xpress music to it. I noticed that all edited labels in phone "contacts" turned to the default labels. Tried to edit them again but such an option is not given by the firmware. The same happens with songs details. I can not find an option to change title, genre,

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IPhone :: Contacts Missing But Found In Search

Feb 16, 2010

So when I click my contacts icon on the iphone a bunch of my contacts are missing. If I use the search function, the page to the left of the home screen, i can find contacts I've added and ones I'm looking for, but they dont show up under contacts. There're obviously on the phone somewhere, but I dont know where. O and if I add a contact via the contact icon, push the little green plus sign, and add it manually it will show up under the contacts, but if i try and save something from resent calls or maps and say add to contacts, new contact, it doesn't show up. Also if I add a contact to outlook and sink, it wont show up either. Thanks and hopefully this is pretty clear.

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IPhone :: Search Contacts From Phone Num Block?

May 27, 2012

When I am start to make a call I start the phone app. Then activate the num block.At the number keys there is letters.I would find it natural to start typing the letters that my contacts name starts with. But it do not work that way. Even when I know that the app is looking in the cantactlist after each number i press.

iPhone 4, iOS 5

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Nokia Nseries :: Import Contacts , Calendar Details And Notes From N97mini To C6-00?

May 20, 2012

How to import contacts,calendar details and notes from n97mini to c6-00..???

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IPhone :: NoSpot :: App To Disable Spotlight

Aug 30, 2010

New app from bigboss that disables spotlight.I've been wating for this for awhile.

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IPhone :: Invisible App That Only Shows In The Spotlight?

Apr 7, 2010

Hope this is the right place - this is my first post.I bought the app Kodak SmileMaker a while ago, put it on my iPod touch, then deleted it later when I needed more space.
Now a week ago, I reinstalled it directly through the touch's App store. I started using my touch for other things and didn't wait to see if it completely installed.Anyway, when I looked a bit later, the place where the icon was when it was installing, was empty.
I went back into the App store to download it again (assuming it hadn't fully installed), only to find the App store told me I'd already downloaded it and wouldn't let me download it again.
Through some coincidence, I must have searched something similar to "smile" on my spotlight searching function on the touch (ie. the screen before the home screen). There it showed up! I opened it and it worked fine.Now, I have no idea how this happened.My question is: can I do it again????Anybody?This would be brilliant! It would get rid of apps that you don't want to be anywhere on the springboard, yet you can use if you want to, because you know there on your ipod/iphone.In fact this is a great idea to develop a cheap application for, but I don't know how to do it and am not bothered about it.
But how can I do it again?

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IPhone :: Remove Spotlight From Device

Apr 19, 2010

I have a jail broken 3.1.2 iphone and want one page. Is there any way to get rid of spotlight without downgrading to 2.x? I looked across the internet and the best I found was a mod to remove the spotlight icon. It is a step in the right direction, but not what I was hoping for.

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IPhone :: Spotlight On 4 Showing Deleted Emails?

May 7, 2012

When I use spotlight for various searches, it shows email messages which I have already deleted. Although when you select them it takes you to the folder the message was originally stored in, but the message is not there.

The messages are not in any trash folder or deleted messages folder either on the iphone itself or on the server. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a POP account or IMAP account.

There are also a number of messages which can be read - these seem to be ones that I have written or started to write, but not actually sent (could have been saved as a draft - but again nothing in the draft folders). You get taken to and can read the full email from being selected in spotlight, but is not stored anywhere in my mail folders. I'm running the latest version of iOS 5.1.

Is there anyway to either reset the spotlight cache, or delete the cache to remove all these "deleted" emails from spotlight. I have searched many forums, but to no avail.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Clear Spotlight Email Cache?

Jul 3, 2012

Is there now a way to clear the Spotlight search cache, particularly email on the iPhone?

Info:iMac Intel 24", Mac OS X (10.6.6), iPad, MacBook Air, iPhone 4

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IPhone 6 :: IOS 8.1.1 / Spotlight Not Working Temporary Work Around

Dec 1, 2014

Spotlight for me is an important way to get to contacts and applications on my iPhone and iPad. With the latest iOS 8.1.1 release, the spotlight feature on my iPhone stopped working completely and the only way to get it to work was rebooting the phone. Even after that it only worked for half an hour (tops)!! My iPad on the other hand had no issues at all.Â

After going through a lot of forums, I limited my spotlight search to contacts and applications and reboote my phone. The problem seems to have gone away and I can finally work my phone with ease.Â

Give this a try until Apple get their act together and roll out iOS 8.1.2.Â

P.S - Restarting your iPhone or your iPad is NECESSARY after you've limited your options in the spotlight menu.Â

P.S.S - I'm not sure if this will work for those with the same issue on their iPads but it's worth a try

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1

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IPhone :: Phone Goes In Landscape When Go To Spotlight And Begin To Type

Jul 27, 2010

I have this really weird repeating problem that is quite annoying. If I go to spotlight and begin to type, sometimes my iPhone thinks I'm in landscape. I took some screenshots of it. I tried restarting the phone and the problem seems to go away but comes back later. I even tried restoring a few times but the problem still comes back after a while.

How do I make this go away or is this a bug? Is anyone else seeing this or am i the only one?EDIT: Okay so I just did a fresh restore and now the problem is worse. I think I may have angered it. Now the letters are in all weird places.

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IPhone :: Added A New Contact To 4 Through The Messages Now Can Only Find It In Spotlight?

Jul 1, 2012

Like the subject says: After I add a new contact to my iPhone through the Messages or Maps app, I can only find it in Spotlight. Yes I am looking in "All Contacts" and not a group. And as you can imagine, those contacts don't sync to my iPad or Macbook Pro. The only thing that syncs my contacts on my phone is iCloud with my Apple ID that I use for store purchases. I have an @me from my mobileme days but the contacts sync is turned off for that. I've seen boards on other sites with people that have the same issue but I have yet to find any solutions. Any ideas?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Pearl :: Search Contacts By Last Name?

May 5, 2011

I have recently deployed a new BB Pearl 9100 to a user that is attached to a BES server w/ MS Exchange 2003. This is the users first blackberry coming from a Nokia device. They are used to viewing their contacts by typing in the first character of the contacts last name such as "S" for 'John Smith" and all contacts whose last name starts with "S" are displayed.

On the current BB 9100 I can change the sort option on the phone by going to Contacts | Options | Contact Display and Actions | Sort By: Last Name. But when the user searches the contacts and types the letter "S" for 'John Smith' on the Blackberry, the user is shown all contacts that contain the letter "S" (first name, last name, or company). I know that you can type"SMI" to narrow your query but is there a function on the device or a BES policy that can be applied to display/search for contacts in the manner that they are used to?

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Nokia :: E52 Unable To Search Contacts

Apr 11, 2010

I've searched high and low, it seems I may be the first to report this issue:not long after I upgraded to the new firmware, I noticed that I can no longer search my contact list; I can get into contact list, but when I try to type some letters into the search box, the letters do not "stay", it comes up for a very brief moment and then deletes itself :-/

I've tried typing in other languages: same.

I've tried typing in other application: works as normal

I've tried clearing the cache using y-browser: no good

I've tried reseting the phone - both the 7370 and 7780 method: doesn't really fix it -> 7370 reset will fix it for a while, but as soon as I load my contact lists back in, it either stops working or allow for one more search and then it's gone.I'm suspecting it's related to the new firmware... and that's pretty much the only thing I haven't tried, I don't know how to roll-back the firmware

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Nokia :: E63 Search Number In Contacts?

Aug 30, 2010

As you know Nokia confuses duplicate numbers and doesn't show any names for them, showing only the number

I have a missed called from someone and I'm sure I know the number but can't figure out who the caller was because evidently I have it with two contact entries.I dont want to search more than 400 contacts!

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Nokia :: E75 Can't Set Contacts To Search By Company?

Jun 9, 2010

I have an E75 that I use for business.

Why can't you set Contacts to search by company? The settings only allow you to sort by first or last name.

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