IPhone :: How To Get Apps On Home Screen
Jun 24, 2012How do I get facebook, Facetime and other applications to appear on my home screen?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
How do I get facebook, Facetime and other applications to appear on my home screen?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I'm using Nova Launcher. Whenever I exit my applications with the home button, it directs me to the homescreen selection/dial (not sure what the appropriate name is). . :/
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a iphone 3g and I am having big problems accessing my apps. Everytime I go to use a app e.g facebook or ebay the scrieen goes black and then goes back to the home screen. It also seems to be taking forever to got to make a phone call. What can I do as one of the main reasons for getting this phone was using the apps
iPhone 3G
How do you add a page on your iphone without any apps so you can just see the background picture. every time i try my itunes just deletes the empty page.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi install new apps in iphone but can not see on home screen...
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
II'll buy an app and it says I bought it but them I'll go on my home screen on my iphone and it won't be there.
iPhone 4S, iOS 7
Apps are closing and iphone returns to home screen. I tried rebooting, downloading new apps, restoring, still the same problem.
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
I would like to get rid of some of the apps furnished with purchase of the iPhone, does anyone know how to make that happen?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
Is it possible somehow to move a certain app (icon) on the home screen without changing of the positions of the above icons? Hope it's possible still!Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.2
Whenever a banner alert appears from my home screen, it prevents me from going to open a different app. This is happened when using WhatsApp so I don't know if it's a third-party issue.Â
For example the banner alert is from WhatsApp, but I can't tap on the app itself, I have to tap on the banner alert. I try tapping on different apps and it won't let me.
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2
Switch the home screen apps on my lock screen? Or just delete the apps all together on my lock screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a htc ozone.On prior wm phones i have owned, whenever i added a new application, it was very easy to show the new app's icon on the home page/menue.However, on the ozone i can not accomplish this.I am able to see the new application after i hit the start button.I would like the new application to be visable from the home screen (thus not having to make an extra click on start).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a Nokia 5800. Very happy with the phone. The only thing I am annoyed about is the limit on the number of Apps which can be displayed on the Home Screen. Anyone knows a way to display more than 4 apps on the Home Screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is probably an error 40, but I can't fix it. - There's a space in the top of the homescreen that was filled to begin with - now there's a gap (see the picture) and I can't make the app icons 'fit' to the top anymore.
View 12 Replies View Relatedi have just updated to 2.1 but have lost my downloaded apps and when i have tried to download them again they wont go on main screen
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo far, I have had nothing but problems since I upgraded from S3 to S6. I am going through the tedious job of redownloading my S3 apps. Several are duplicated on my Home Screen. I don't want them there, but I can't move them. Apps were easy to move on the S3. Is this a problem with the S6, or has the method of moving apps changed? There is nothing in the User Manual...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to see calendar and tasks on my home screen. I also want to be able to access other apps from therE. So far I have tried agenda view, today view, see tasks in calendar. Tried both viewS on the Zen screen. The only thing I've managed to do is. Delete one of the. 3 message icons.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAccording to Nokia's user guide for the C6-01, I should be able to press and hold on the home screen for the Add shortcut option to appear. It doesn't. Instead I am given the option to only add widgets. Can some please tell me how I can add apps to the home screen, or at least transfer them from another screen
View 1 Replies View RelatedNever had this problem before but it started in the last few days... I can no longer add apps to my homescreens by selecting "add to homescreen". I can move them around, delete them, add widgets and shortcuts and stuff like that. BUT I can not add an app by selecting the 'add to homescreen' option. I cleared teh cache and am not runnng any boot loaders of the type. Up to date droid x.
View 8 Replies View Relatedits possible to show all aps on home screen, and remove APPS icon.....
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got the bb storm 2 from verizon and I don't want all 8 of these apps on my home screen.all i want is messages, email, bbm and media.how do i get rid of the other icons on my home screen?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to see calendar and tasks on my home screen. I also want to be able to access other apps from therE. So far I have tried agenda view, today view, see tasks in calendar. Tried both viewS on the Zen screen. The only thing I've managed to do is. Delete one of the. 3 message icons. What do I do?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to find out what apps were recently deleted ?Reason I ask is 2 apps are missing form my 1 of my home screen and have no idea what apps that are missing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Defy has an odd problem whereby every so often I am not able to move apps around the home screen, or add new ones. If I click and hold on an existing app icon, or an app in the drawer, then I get the vibration as normal and I can drag the app around the screen but:I never get the green highlight showing new places where I can put the icon, andI can't drag to another page of the home screen: the side bars never turn green to let me flip to the next page.I also can't resize widgets like the clock or weather when it gets in this state.The only way I've found to clear this fault is to reboot the phone, which is a bit of a pain.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI always believe it is better to use folders to organize apps on home screen in terms of better performance. However, I don't like TW lollipop folder icon, so I'm thinking about adding a lot of home screen pages and sort apps on different pages.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a question/problem. I set my home screen theme to "Shortcuts bar" and i try to see the five bars that appears In the "home screen" adjust menu. I mark the 5 options but in the home screen only appears the "Shortcuts bar" and the "Search" bar. I can't see the "Music player", "Radio" and "Calendar" bars. Somebody knows why?
View 12 Replies View RelatedOn the home screen of my blackberry torch the search box at the top is there all the time and the menu tray is kind of faded, even when you open it. i can still select the notification tab thing but it's under the search box and when it drops down, again, it's faded. How do i get this back to normal?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe settings and apps selection icon appear on every home screen panel. I don't want either on my main home screen panel as I keep hitting them when my phone is in my pocket and end up with stuff added or changed. I want them gone even if that means they are gone from every home screen panel.
View 1 Replies View RelatedChecking out media players, I downloaded Zimly and Mixzing to compare. Both installed instantly but only Zimly appeared as an icon on the home screen. When I go to Settings>Applications>Manage applications they are both listed as installed, however I need to have Mixing drop its icon for me to be able to use it ... from reviews etc I actually think that's the one I'll be keeping anyway, a clear case of sod's Law that of the two that one would be the one with a problem!I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice, same result.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this question has been asked, I couldn't find anything when I searched. Is there a way to stop the apps from automatically loading on the home screen after they are downloaded?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi've been noticing that while I'm on apps such as Facebook or Instagram that my phone will start clicking on people's profiles, liking posts, or clicking links unprovoked. I thought maybe it was a problem with the apps, but I started noticing it happening whike sending a text the phone will click on suggested words by itself, and even if I'm just on the home screen apps will open on their own.
iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1