IPhone :: Edit List Of Words That Are Suggested When Texting?
Jun 15, 2012
When inputting letters into the keyboard, suggested words appear when the word is incomplete or misspelled.Can one edit the list of words that the computer (Iphone 4S) retrieves from?
Every few days texting takes on a life of its own, starts randomly and rapidly composing nonsensical strings of letters and words which I cannot stop. The X/erase button does not work. Putting my finger within the text results in green trails. I must turn off or restart my phone to stop this behavior.
Have had the phone about 2 weeks; only added 2 apps - weather underground and pedometer which did not affect the phone at time of adding them.
I close my apps faithfully, having learned to do that when my phone started flashing webpages rapidly as well as the text feature going wonky.
Also, some text messages have to be downloaded to read them.
I am forwarding a message. before emailing it, i am trying to edit it but cant do anything. how to delete for example some words or the sender of the forwarded message? maybe there is any app able to assist me on this?
When i add a new contact, or when I edit an existing contact. It appears in the top of the contact list. Knowing the the contact name does not start with letter A, and it appears above contacts with letter A.
The entries in my contact list were created on the phone. I did not import it or sync it with anything. But I cannot edit the contact. I go to phonebook, pick a contact, click edit, then I get the "Contact not found: This contact was not found in the Work Email contact list". I have no idea what this mean.
How do i edit my contact list? when i got the phone, i put in the sim card it asked me if i wanted to import contacts and i said yes now i have duplicates.... (example: there would be a "John Smith", and then another one that says "Smith; John") i've been playing around with the bb key and options and everything.
My contacts in my phone are just freakin' trashed, I have no idea how the hell it happened and im not sitting on my phone all night editing them, theres special characters in them, unnecessary numbers... how can I do it on my PC? Im not paying for Outlook, so thats out of the question...
I will try again and hope I have entered all relavent information. I have a 8530 curve, I am having issues with my contacts list. I have tried to add and or edit. I am able to get to the screen and press edit and or add contacts, but after I click on them the phone does nothing.
Can't edit, add/remove contacts. Only can open a few contacts of the contact list not all.When turning on the device appears: "Uncaught exception: Application net_rim_bb_addressbook_app (245) is not responding; process terminated"How can I repair this error?Blackberry Storm 9550
I can't save new contacts on my phone. Once I go to contact and go to new contact there's no action on the same way. I cant edit a contact on my list and another on my menu there's a option that says: "This has no contacts"....
Somehow some of the contacts on the "Messaging contacts list" have mixed info. For instance the name doesn't match the picture or the name and picture do not match the related cell no. (1) How do I delete the contact entirely? (2) How do I edit the related info? (3) What if for instance my contact changed their cell no. and I need to edit the list or the info on a particular contact?
Love the phone - just got a really irritating problem. I've synced my phone with my gmail account - the My Contacts list has my key contact email addresses. Then I have multiple groups within gmail account relating to work emails etc, nearly 500 odd.
On the phone, when I click my 'Contacts' button, initially it showed all my phone number contacts, as well all google email contacts mixed with them. I corrected this by going to 'display options' to select 'display only contacts with phone numbers', so that I didn't have to trawl through random email addresses mixed with my proper phone contacts. Great, sorted.
But, when I go to compose a text message - if it is to one or two specific contacts it is fine...I just type their name and it comes up. If I want to scroll through all my phone contacts to send the same message to multiple contacts, big problem - I press that envelope button in the top right corner next to 'enter recipient', and it takes me to the Contacts list, but here it still shows ALL 600 odd contacts with phone contacts still mixed with google email contacts, which is impossible to scroll through and select multiple people to send a text message to....Does anyone know how to sort this out?!??!
I have a problem with creating new email. In the past when ever I would write a new email I would get list of suggested email addresses in the "To" field. For example, if I would was to write the letter S I would get the email address of the people in my address book whose name starts with an S (sam, Sofia etc). For some reason this feature stopped working on my phone and I can't find how to make it work again. If I want to send an email I need to manually write the email address in the "To" field. The auto suggestion feature works perfectly on my wife's phone (an E72 with the same firmware - 22.007) but on my phone it won't suggest email addresses from my contacts.
Another problem is that my Gmail that is synced to the phone, through the Nokia Messenger server is locked on "hide emails older than 2 weeks". Now, I have hundreds of emails stored on my phone that dates to February 1st - the day I got the Phone! Is there a way to delete these emails automatically, without deleting them on the Gmail account itself? It makes my phone really when going through the emails.
brand new Bold 9650. Issue: I want one suggested "contact" to go away. Example: I have Dave Smith in my contact list, he's the only Dave. But one time I got a listserv email from Dave Adams, whom I do not know nor care about.Dave Adams not a contact, but my friend Dave Smith is.Now every time I begin composing an email to "Dav" the BB suggests Dave Adams first.How do I make this guy go away?
MS Outlook has a featured called "suggest names while completing the to: cc: bcc: fields..." where it does a similar thing. It will suggest any random name you've ever emailed, whether or not it's a contact. HOWEVER...you can delete that name right then and there.To me it seems similar to the predictive text input issue.I.e. one time computer was misspelled "comptuer" and now every time you type comp comptuer is suggested.It's not in the custom dictionary, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get rid of it.
Using iOS 5.1.1 on iPhone 3GS. I was browsing through my pictures in the photo album and noticed the edit feature, I wasn't sure what the buttons at the bottom were for so I clicked the red circle and realized it is the red eye edit tool. But it took me to a full screen of the picture and tells me to click on the red eyes and to click twice to undo, but after lots of clicking I can't seem to get the screen to go back to my normal photo album. How do I close this feature? I can access my camera roll through the camera but not through the photo album. Even after hitting my home key and trying to get back in it still takes me to the picture that is in edit mode.
1)when you receive a text, can you tell how many other people that text was simultaneously sent to, just like u can tell on the regular non-smartphones and non-PDAs?
2) Can you setup stored quick reply text messages on the Storm2?
Is there any way to turn off the suggested text box that pops up when im texting on the Curve 8530? This is annoying. This is not the autotext feature that changes preset words like dont to don't. Its the box that pops up for instance when you type yay.
After years and years of iPhone use I just want to add words to the dictionary, for example hell comes up as he'll etc.Why carnt we add our own words!?
Since I updated iOS 5.1.1 Words with friends app keep crashing when opened. I deleted and reinstalled....that didnt work. I rebooted my device and still has the same issue.
I get a continuous loop when trying to use app Words with Friends. Any suggestions? Also, gmail keeps stopping and I have to reboot phone to get my email Need help!
My autocorrect has taken on a mind of it's own, and will now change perfectly fine words to completely different ones. It will change "it" to "is" or "bad" to "sad" and many other unnecessary changes. Today was the final straw, it changed "there" to "their". when the sentence was, "He's been upset since he got there." So it's not as if it was being smart enough to replace the proper tense, it was just wrong! Will there been an improvement with autocorrect in the next update, because I've decided to turn it off until this madness stops.