IPhone :: Download Newest Software And Lost All My Contacts
May 8, 2012
I just downloaded the newest software to my 3G S and now I can't retrieve any of the contacts, how do I get them? I did back up the phone before I updated the software. Everything else came back but my contacts.
I would like to know how, other than plugging my MOTOACTV into my computer, can I download the update. I've tried several times without success to receive it
When I try to use Ovi Suite's own software updating feature, it can't download the update completely but after 16M/16M informs me about server/firewall problems. I alternatively tried to use my web browser with star downloader and after downloading everything it tries to catch file info from Nokia but then the connection is dropped. I had the same problem with PC Suite, so problem is probably how my computer and Nokia support site discuss together. But is the solution (as Nokia support QA suggest) to drop your virus software and firewall down. For me that sounds quite strange. Any help?
I have a Blackberry Curve 8310.I tried to follow the instructions on a similar post and go to my address book to change the contact directions, However I lost my icon for the Address Book for some reason.how to make everything operable again?
Why have i lost all my contacts on my iphone4s that I just purchased 5 days ago?
I noticed that the contacts were there a couple of days a go and now the whole contacts directory is gone. This is my first iphone having had a Blackberry Storm prior to this. I just signed up for icloud and I'm wondering if it might have been something that I might have done. I'm not familiar with many of the options on the iphone.
I have numbers in my recent phone calls list that used to show their name or nickname, but now just show the phone number, and of course I check the contacts, and they're Gone. I had NOT done any updates recently. My iCloud was set with "contacts ON". My wife also has an iPhone. She also has not recently done any updates. We both have our own logins for iTunes. I have tried Connecting my phone, opening iTunes, and clicking Sync. This did not work. Is there any way to find out where SOME of my contacts went?
I have Iphone 3G - no jail brake!In Itunes i backed up my iphone (i can see the last back up in folder as well in device preferences > devices > device backups) Then I decided to update my Iphone from IOS 4.x.x (i dont remember exact version) to the latest (5.1.1)After update was succesfully done it automatically took latest backup and installed it on iphone. I have all SMS, contact favorites, last calls - BUT THERE ARE NO CONTACTS. Interesting that during pushing favorites it shows very shortly favorite names, but then stays only numbers.I tried to off/on I cloud, sim import, restart, restore from backup - nothing works.
I restored my iphone 4S to have all my contacts lost ! I back my iphone on itunes and icloud I need to get my contacts back as i have not used any other backup service expect that of apple??retrieve my lost contacts?
Since going to the APPLE store and being told yesterday that the 50.1 update was the best update ever and trusting an APPLE employee.I've had nothing but problems, my iPhone's battery drains faster. Turning brightness low, turning everything off. The battery still drained.I came into the store today; low and behold I got my phone restored, didn't help. Do you think there's ANY possible way I can replace my phone to one that doesn't have the newest update?
I bought my bold 9900 last november and back then I connected the phone to the computer and switch from the 9700 that i own previously. Since then I never connected the phone to the computer again until yesterday to update the software. In the middle of my first attempt to update there was a crash so I started again but for my surprise after de update has finished and i reinitiate the handset it seems that almost eveything was wiped out, I had to reinstal all the applications and when the phone was on it came the option the contacts from sim to be installed but then i have some contacts missing and part of the info of some of the ones that still there are also missing, the weird thing is the pictures that i had in the phone are all there.... DO you think theres anyway to get the contacts back? SHould I restore from the backup of the 9700 that i did when i bought the new phone?
Lost my contacts when I click the contacts Icon. My phone still has them housed somewhere because when I get a call or text the phone still shows the contact name. Now when I click the contact Icon it reads Find at the top, Personal and No Contact?
I have lost all of my contacts.I was having problems with my iphone and did a restore, not from backup.Now the iphone is working properly but I lost my contacts in the process.I checked my itunes backups but it only says today's date.I did a time machine backup of my whole computer which included iTunes.I am thinking there should be a folder with my contacts in that but I am unable to locate it.All of my contacts where originally added to my iphone manually.Please help,I do not know where to find the contacts and I am very worried about being able to recover them.
My iPhone syncs with my gmail contacts, but they were all lost during upgrade. In the gmail account settings, it no longer allows me to select contacts for syncing. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have a jailbroken/unlocked 3G phone and when I got up this morning i realized that all my contacts were gone. I thought if I was to synch the phone all my contacts may appear.That never happened and thus I lost my contacts. Any solutions I can try? I am using Baseband 05.11.07 and itunes 9.0.1
I updated through my phone not itunes to 5.1 everything worked and is fine except it deleted all my contacts in my contact list. The weird thing is that in my txts the names are there and if you hit contacts at the top of the txt it shows all the info of the contact like id be looking at it in my contact list.
I have an iphone 3GS using 5.1. I regularly sync/backup to my Macbook running 10.6.8. I probably do this once daily at least. The last sync/backup was this morning. Sometime this afternoon I lost all my contacts on my phone. It may have happened when I plugged my phone to my imac at work to recharge it (it is set not to sync, just to recharge, and I also do this regularly without any issues.) Recent and favorite phone numbers are there, along with texts and phone numbers for those, but only one contact was saved. This contact was added earlier this week. I tried to restore using the backup in itunes, but nothing came back. When I check for backups in the Devices tab of the Preferences, the only backup that shows up is the one where I tried to restore the contacts. I tried "Import SIM Contacts" through the Settings on the iphone, but nothing came back. I have also tried the trick with finding a message with a restored contact name (I have one) to "magically" get back all contacts and that does not work either. Everything else on the phone seems to be in place; just missing the contact names. Cannot find these backup files on my computer or on TimeMachine backups either.
I was up dating my wife's Iphone GS3 and when the up dating was finish wife lost all of her contacts on her phone. Can anyone tell why and what I can do get her contacts back on her phone?
Updated my iphone last night and lost 800 of my phone numbers. How can I retrieve my lost contacts. I back up my computer with carbonite and tried to put the folder back into itunes but when I resync they did not show up.
I have updated to os 5 today. Took all the precautions beforehand pressing sync and backing up etc. After the update I have lost all my contacts and apps and how they were arranged on the home screen. Stangely, I still have all my text messages. I'm not bothered about my apps or music they can be purchased again but is there any way of getting my contacts back? I have spent 3+ hours trying many of the options that other have used after a google search but they don't work.