Since updating to ios 5 my iPhone 4s has had problems updating and downloading apps. I have a 100 mb/s Internet connection with Telstra and the apps take hours to download. My internet connection works fine with other apple devices as well as home computers. What can I do to fix this?
So I am a total noob here, I purchased my XOOM 3 days ago and already I am totally frustrated and annoyed with Motorola and there customer service, or the lack there of. It's beyond me how a 6Sigma company who holds their suppliers to such strict standards can have so little regard for their customers and their level of satisfaction.With that off my chest, I wonder if any of you bright individuals can help me out. As I said I purchased my Xoom 3 days ago and after unpacking it I wanted to put my SD card in to retrieve some pictures and other files from my old tablet. I found the slot and removed the plastic piece and saw there was something written in it. It said "Replace with Micro SD only after Android system update". I thought that was odd but went ahead and started the update to 3.1. Well it has been downloading ever since and is now at a whopping 3%.
My Wi-Fi connection appears good and fast, I can download apps from the market in seconds and the web is quick.I started a service call regarding this; you can probably guess how that is going, even though they say, once you jump through all the hoops, that you will receive a reply within one business day. Apparently I am unfamiliar with what constitutes a 'business day'.
I have an iPhone 3GS and noticed some of my apps needed an update. I tried to update them and they stay stuck saying waiting and they don't progress at all. I've tried all I know to do. Furthermore, it does the same when trying to download a new app also.
I can't update my apps on my iPhone 4. I try but it says sign in required, sign in to view billing method, and there was a error in a previous payment. I thought deleting my apps that I had paid for would solve this but it didn't, now I can't update or download my free apps!
Well I'm having trouble with downloading or updating my apps, at first I thought it was a problem with my iPhone 4s or the storage so I turn off my device and reboot it but still no movement on the "waiting" under the app so now they just get stuck?
I can't download or update apps on my iPhone 4s or iPad. I've been seeing this come up a lot and I can't seem to see a fix for this. Does anyone know how to fix it?It's frustrating to have 2 devices that I can't use properly. Has apple addressed the problem yet? After 10 minutes it says can't connect to iTunes store.
I have a Verizon Iphone 4S. I am running 5.1.1. Recently I have been having trouble downloading or updating applications.They will no longer download/update at all. It hangs at the waiting.I already did an Iphone restore and reset all of my settings. That hasn't helped.
My iPhone won't update or download apps it won't recognize apps that need to be updated and won't download new or old apps and it won't ask for my iTunes password when purchasing a new app. also I'm having trouble with downloading music i have signed in and out of my iTunes account to reconnect and try going to the app itself in the app store for the updates but only show the open button.
On iphone 4 Not able to update any apps or buy iTunes since updating phone to 5.1.1. Tried doing a cold boot of the phone and resetting password but still get "unknown error" message and a prompt to cancel or retry.
I am using an iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1 (I believe), I never had any problems with app store before, but recently I cannot update or download any apps. When I put in my password, it says "Unknown error". I tried turning it off, but still didn't work.
i have just updated my phone though pc companion, all was good with the back up and restore but there were a few apps that were missing (ebay, autotrader) and my phone will now not download
When I try to install software updates, the progress bar is stuck at 0%. I also can't install apps, which are stuck on 0.1mb. I was on build .0 and hard restetted, still same issue. I used the recovery tool to go to 1511 still same issue. I also got an "not enough storage" message although there is nothing installed on the phone.
I can't update or download any new apps from Market on my X10. I did search the other posts and tried the suggestion of going into settings/applications/manage applications and uninstall updates, but I still can't download anything plus I can't see Market on my list of applications when I go back into settings/applications/manage applications. The link for market on my apps page still seems to work.
I recently cannot update my apps from Android market. It gives an error that says "Download was unsuccessful, please try again'. My software is updated, am I missing something here?
Just switched from a Lumia 920 on WP 8 and I could at least dl most apps and get updates over cellular. With the 950 all updates and even installing new apps want wifi. My work pays for unlimited plan so I don't want wait for wifi.
I am unable to download and update free apps from the Android Market on my Xperia X10 since the last 15-20 days. Can anyone help me with this problem? I am facing a lot of issues due to non-availability of many already installed apps and also I am unable to download and use new apps.
I am facing a strange issue for the past few days that I am not able to download or update any application from the market and the message I get is " Download Unsuccessfull". I went thru several discussions on the forum and have uninstalled unpates, clear cache, restarted it several times..I already uninstall few apps thinking it was due to memory issue and have around 70 MB free memory.
I've never been more excited to get something in the post, and when my Xoom arrived today I was ECSTATIC!However, my initial joy has turned to pure frustration, as NOTHING on the market is working correctly!
1] I can't install ANY apps from the market place, free or paid (they download SOMETIMES, then just hang with thart green status bar that slides to the left)
2] I can't update ANYTHING (not even Google Maps!!!)
3] I can't install/update ANYTHING from the web version of the Market place
I am in London, UK using a password protected Work Wifi network
I have an iPhone 4S, and when i try to download/update my apps using the phone, i get an "An unknown error has occurred" message. What's going on and what do i do to fix it? I don't want to delete everything and start from factory default again?
I have an iphone 3gS which I have just updated to the latest ios. I have also got icloud. Since I've updated its been really slow. When I open an app I get a blank screen for a little while and then the app starts.
I am trying to download apps from the store and it wont let me download any app even free ones. It tells me to sign in and to check my billing information. I check it and my details are correct but it says there was a problem with the previous purchase. How do i sort this out?
I was curious to making a long of all JB apps that are currently causing bogging of the UI. Notice any problems? Performace issues? Do you know where it's coming from?
Ive noticed this for a while on my iphone 4 (IOS 5.1) that it takes about 20 - 30 seconds from when i click on the shaking x to actually get the prompt come up saying are you sure you want to delete this app. Ive got plenty of space left on the iphone (about 1.7GB) so im a little bit confused on why its so slow to delete any app.
I have problems with my Iphone3 getting slower connecting to networks (like Facebook and other websites) and suffering frequent dropouts even when the battery is fully charged as well as using WIFI connection.