IPhone :: 4S Sprint Battery Life For Standby And Usage Time?
Apr 16, 2012
I was just wondering what everyone else's experience with the battery life was. What's your best standby and usage time and was it with push email on or off?
I checked the info under General > Usage and the "Usage" and "Standby" are exactly the same, which I am assuming means it is not really turning off when I am not using it. Is there a fix so my battery doesn't deplete in 8 hours?
What gives? My usage is showing 30 hours as well as my stand by time, theyre exactly the same.I restarted the phone and now while they are different , they are still proportional with each other. After one minute of usage, both the usage and standby time increase.
I have an iPhone 4S and I charged my phone last night and unplugged it once it got to 100% then left it overnight for standby, it was around 98% and when I woke up, it dropped 20% down to 78%. when i checked my usage, my usage and standby times were exactly the same at 7 hours and 23 minutes. I powered off my phone and turned it back on, and it resumed as normally with the standby time usually being higher than usage.
I have problems with my iphone 3gs running on ios5.0.1, the battery usage and standby time are always equal. And it drains my battery way too fast, I disabled all the settings on my device, I also removed tweaks from cydia that for me causes the problem. The tweaks I have left are: SBrotator 5, zyphere, killbackground, nowplaying, activator, gravi board. But all of the tweaks that I mentioned are all disabled!
In Settings/Usage the battery usage for Useage and standby are the same. This means the phone never goes into standby mode and reduces the battery time. I tried a resore in iTunes.
I have a problem with my iPhone 4s:Â Usage and Standby are almost the same, they only difference is about 3 minutes.The battery last about 6 hours and half even I don't use it!I restore iOS 7.1.1 already three times and nothing changes. There is only 3 apps installed: whatsapp, twitter and instagram . Location services are off, parallax too, email are set on manual. Sometimes I have no audio, system wide and music app...
I noticed that after I installed the latest IOS 5.1.1 the battery life seems to deteriorated over the course of 1 week use.
The strangest thing happened yesterday. My phone was on %9 battery life and I decided to keep it as I was out and I put it in my pocket. In less than 10 minutes I pulled it out and it was dead, no responce. It actually chewed %9 percent while being on standby. No extras were turned on, bluetooth was off and wifi was off too.
Last night I went to bed and my phone was %53 percent charged and I left it locked next to my bed. I woke up this morning finding my phone completelly dead?
I will monitor it closelly over the next week but I had it for a year and this had never happened. The only common denominator is installing the new IOS.
Just had my new m9, with 6.0. I noticed my cell standby in my battery usage list is over 30% most of the time. What can you say about it? Is it normal?
My Admiral does not seem to have the fantastic battery life I have heard these phones are supposed to have. Under normal usage It will not last a day without charging. I noticed that "cell Standby" is always the highest on battery usage. It's always above 25%, most times higher than that (30% to 40%). The area where I work has poor cell reception inside the buildings so I often go 25% to 50% without a signal (Sprint). Is there anything I could do to improve any of this? This is a work phone with a work email address conected to it. So I cant use an app that turns off syncing. Will keeping on wifi improve this? Seems wifi uses less power than cell standby.
My data usage on my iphone 4s has all of a sudden increased and my battery life wont last longer than half a day to a day, i dont know if there is some kind of virus that is forcing downloads or is it an error with the ios?
Finally got around to sticking my SIM card into my 6P and decided to leave it off the charger over night to see how much battery percentage it would take away. I fell asleep with the battery at 55% and awoke with it around 30%. Looking at the battery usage, cell standby is consuming more of the battery than anything else. I've seen this bug in previous versions of Android, but have not heard anything about it with 6.0. Is my phone bad?
I have a user with a E72. It has the most up to date firmware. The user is finding that the battery does not last very long. By mid day the phone is almost out of life. He is not making lots of calls. Life goes while on standby. We have also brought a new battery, still has the problem. The battery is a genuine Nokia battery.
When I playing game or using internet explorer, it feel hot , then I stop playing and stop using phone, standby mode, it continue feeling hot and reduce battery life.
Curious how the battery is for everyone and just trying to see some metrics. Right now I'm at 80% battery with 1 hour 21 minutes of usage and 5 hour 56 minutes of standby.
I'm getting ready to buy one as I've done away with AT&T + the iPhone 3GS (Love it but too expensive), so I jumped ship to the Tmobile and thinking about getting a Nexus One.My big question is, what is the battery life like on this device? With respectable backlight brightness (50%) to get the daily pop from the screen but what is your typical battery life like?Also can anyone recommend a good headphone for the nexus one (hopefully pressing a button to scroll to the next song) and what music app to use to play songs?
So lets have a poll of some sort. As soon as you unplug your phone at 100% charge, what is the average and immediate stand by time. I'll go first. Mine says: 1 day and 3 hours.
When I look at the battery usage the one thing that stands out is that the highest percentage of battery usage is "CELL STANDBY". This just should not be!The top of the list should be "Phone Idle" if the phone is not in use. I basicly left the phone unused today. Pulled it off the charger at 9am. Phone network set to CDMA only. WiFi off, GPS off, Bluetooth off. By 10pm my battery was down to 30% with 60% used by Cell Standby. In reading other forums, this seems to be the norm for this phone. But that doesnt make it acceptable. I have run the *228 option 2 from Verizon to update cell tower info. And my service is very good. Pretty much always 4 bars and never a dropped call.
I've seen quite a few screenshots where people's battery were saying 21 hours for estimated usage time remaining at 100%, and some have been getting 2 days of use, even if it's minimal. My question is how is that even possible, when after a full charge to 100%, my estimated usage time remaining is only 10 hours?? This is my 2nd S6 as the first one had a camera problem, but both only estimate 10 hours when full.
I have noticed the battery on my defy+ goes down to 90% from full charge within an hour. This is my 3rd charge and I charged it for 3 hour for the first time like it said in the user manual. After it goes to 90% the battery holds good charge. It lasted me 12 hours with me playing around on it all night. Also I had my phone on for 2 days and I checked the phone up time in the settings and it said 55 mins. So I don't know if it has been rebooting itself maybe because of updates or a problem.
I am really enjoying my Samsung Captivate. As a result I find myself running out of battery life during the course of a day. Beginning the day with a full battery, I only get about 2 hours of web browsing time, when doing browsing only. At that point I've only got about 20% battery left for making calls or sending email. Anyone care to comment on your Captivate Battery Run Times?
What is the average battery life time if you listen to FM radio (with earset and moderate volume).In some GSM specification its written "20 to 37 hours if you listen to music...." .Is this MP3 music listening or is this FM radio listening also ? (I mean "classic" FM radio NOT streaming radio !!!).I'm looking for a GSM that I can use as "walkman" (FM radio only !) during several hours a day without loosing too many battery power so that I still can use the GSM for making calls.....
My iphone 4 battery seems to be draining way too quickly. I just charged it up to 100%. Disconnected it and made sure that the following things were turned off: wifi, location services, notifications, mail. I double clicked the home button and closed all applications.
I am using 1% battery per hour. Usage reads 2 hours 5 minutes. Stand By reads 2 hours 5 minutes. Does this make sense? How can usage and stand by be the same when I have done nothing except hit the home button twice and looked at the battery strength?
my usage has been the same as my standby. which I assume means that ever since my iPhone has begun it's new "cycle" since the full charge. it's been "working". Normally I'd go through a charge cycle as almost 2 days of standby and 8-ish hours of usage; however last night my battery drained nearly 15%, and I noticed my usage increased to 17 hours. indicating that it had been active overnight. That I guess has continued today, since my usage and standby are both near 3 hours. what is going on all of a sudden? What apps may be running in the background and why?