Huawei Nexus 6P :: Ringer And Notification Volume The Same?
Dec 3, 2015
On my old Note 3 it had a separate volume for the phone ringer and a separate volume for the notification tones, like my text messages. I have noticed on my Nexus 6P that it seems the ringer and notification volume controls are the same. I use to turn my text message volume almost completely off at night and leave my phone ringer turned up some. But I have not been able to do that on the Nexus 6P. Am I missing something or are these two volumes on the same control? I am rooted and running Pure Nexus. I need separate volumes controls for them.
Let's say I have my ringer set to 5/10 (in terms of loudness) and I recently watched a video at 9/10 loudness.Â
It seems that no matter what I set my ringer to with the volume buttons, the notifications are using that 9/10 volume level instead of the ringer volume level.Â
I've turned the phone off and back on but that doesn't fix the problem. Not sure how to replicate this problem, as not always does it present itself.Â
One obvious workaround would be to watch a video (or perhaps play music) and lower that volume level, but that's just ghetto for such an expensive device that's supposed to just work.
I have a Nexus 5 running 5.0.1 and the issue is that every time I switch my phone on the ringer volume is off, as in silent.
I usually forget to turn it back up until lunchtime by which time I've usually missed a couple of calls.
For the life of me I can't find where to set the default ringer volume. I've played with Settings>Sound&Notification until I'm blue in the face. Ring volume is on full. Power off and on again and it's back to 0.
Any way to boost bluetooth playback volume. I have beats wireless studio headphones and they are definitely not as loud as they were when using them with my g3 on CM12. I do remember them being this low on the stock lg rom but when I switched over to CM the sound drastically increased. I am looking for a no root solution if possible as I am stock for the time being. I can't even feel any bass from these things and that's what they are supposed to be for.
It's weird. I'm not talking about DND. Seems as though every time I put ringer on vibrate it reverts back to sound after a while. Same with the media volume. I don't get it?!?!?
I have observed this since day 1 on my nexus 6p, that up till 70% volume level (volume steps), the sound is barely audible in lightly noisy room and then from 75% to 100% (volume steps) volume increases drastically and is loud, crisp & clear!
Sometimes when I silence the phone (vibrate) by holding the volume down button then later turn the sound back on, the phone will not make any sounds at all. No ringer for calls, no sample sounds while browsing the sound picker, etc. until the phone is restarted. Latest build (M) and rooted.
Having issue with the audio cutting out when the volume is up high when using headphones? For example, during a phone call, if things get loud, the audio will start popping.
I swapped from a Nexus 5 to the 6P, and I'm finding bluetooth volume to be incredibly low. I basically can't hear my audiobooks in the car with it being as low as it is. This is a serious problem for me. I have the volume maxed and it's like a whisper.
When I try change Notification LED Color, The primary color "Green" and "Blue" do not seem to work. But when I move the slider down, I get RED, Pink, Yellow and Cyan.
Using Elemental-X 1.02 Kernel and tried with Chroma, Noobuilds and PureNexus.
I just got my Nexus 6P. The volume of music is very loud, but of the phone-call speaker mode very weak despite me putting it at max volume while in call.
Yes.. At time my nexus simply loses its notification sounds. Media sounds still works just the notifying sound disappears. And after a reboot it works fine.
Since we don't have a LED Notification light and I am missing one hardcore. Any app that will create a notification on the actually screen itself. Like a pulsing white dot, anything really.
I've enabled System UI Tuner. But still can't customize the bar. At quick settings. I can see the hotspot button but it won't let me turn it on or anything. I can't see it in my notification bar.Its definitely not hidden in the status bar. So unsure what the problem is.
I have tried apple and samsung headphones that have volume controls on the headphone wire and both of them pause audio play back if you try to turn the volume up or down. I tried this in Google Music and Beyond Podcast and same issue. If I press volume up then playback pauses.
Having issues with video calls and speaker phone calls? Everyone I have talked to complains about barely being able to hear me. I use hangouts mostly for the video calls. Just wondering if it is my phone or a common issue.
The Volume Down button is jammed (the phone fell and landed on its edge slightly crushing the frame where the volume down is). Curiously the Volume Up button still increased the volume.
After turning the phone off the problem came when turning on the phone as it now only boots into the bootloader as a result of the jammed Volume Down button. Once in bootloader mode, the volume up/down buttons do not change the reboot options - it appears the stuck Volume Down button is causing this.
The way to fix this is to take the phone apart (as per the Youtube clips) and physically straighten the frame. This is no easy task, so the question: is there a way around this so that the phone can boot?It's rooted and fastboot commands work. (I installed TWRP but can only boot to recovery with adb).
There is a notification light at the back of the phone inside the black glass module?I was at the movies on saturday and noticed that the light blinks for a brief millisecond on every notification.Just noticed that its the camera flash actually which goes off.
All I want is "peeking" and the lockscreen notifications to work! Isn't this part of Marshmallow? Notifications to be not working/ inconsistent? What I am looking for is to have the screen turn on with every notification...this phone is either sitting on my desk or in a car holder most of the time, so I want to see the notifications without having to handle the phone. I've tried some 3rd party heads-up notification apps that work pretty good, but I am having issues with the lock screen (sometimes I have to enter and pin AND use the fingerprint scanner, which is a bit much to just access the phone).
1. I seldom get peeking notifications even though "peeking" is selected. With some apps, peeking works sometimes and not others. I have never seen a Peek notification for gmail.
2. I find the notifications seldom turn the screen on, even though I have the ambient screen turned on. Perhaps this has something to do with problem 1.
I've had the phone for a few days now, its been working great except for the fact that when i turn heads up notification off for pretty much any app the change doesn't survive a reboot. I am on stock MDB08B with root.
I've had my 6p for a while and running cataclysm since day 1 so I don't remember about this. But, does the LED light stay lit when charging on a stock 6p? My brother just got his in today and it's dark so I'm just curious if it's an issue or that's just how it is stock. If it's normal I'm gonna have him use lightflow to activate so that's not a problem.
I went into the settings of the Twitter app and turned of the vibration, but yet it still vibrates when i get a notification. It worked with my other phones, but doesn't work with the 6P....
So I took the first couple pics with the camera and now I've had a persistent notification (been there overnight at this point) that says "processed 2 of 8 items". Has a progress bar on it and (at this point) yesterdays date.
For some reason I cannot change notification sounds in each of these apps. It just falls back to the system notifications sounds. Do I need to change app permissions to allow for this change?
OK, gmail seems to work. Now just hangouts not working.
I used Gravity Box's Ultimate Notification Control on my rooted Galaxy S4. Mainly to control Google Hangouts to notify me only on the first message of each group.
Now that I've moved on to the 6P, is there a similar app or method to control these notifications?
I do not plan on rooting right away. Mainly because I want to be able to use OTA updates to the stock ROM. A way to mute consecutive notifications from hangouts messages would be amazing.