Huawei Nexus 6P :: Earpiece Not Working When On Charge
Nov 20, 2015Having this problem?
View 1 RepliesHaving this problem?
View 1 RepliesI don't know how to test the Type-C cables so I downloaded Ampere from the Google PlayStore.
I only use the official cable & wall charger that came with the phone.
Ampere states that it is charging the Nexus 6P at a rate of 1360mA-2230mA. Every time I charge it is charging at the 1300mA range.
How to fix phone that won't charge properly... I know this is a very common complaint, any good way to fix it?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I open my camera it shows only camera logo and the shot button at the bottom. it happned on stock and I am now on purenexus and the same. what can I do. (its not hardware because camera is working after few seconds when restart and than its crashes)
View 10 Replies View RelatedOccasionally, when using the slow motion setting the video will record, play back in slow motion, but the fps will not be up to par - as in, it'll be set to 240 fps but will most definitely look choppier and not as smooth as I know it should be. A restart of the phone usually fixes this but there's no way to tell if it's not working until I record a video and play it back. Also, all the sample slo-mo videos online look so crisp and clear, while my videos tend to look pretty noisy, even with decent light.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my voicemails are not being sent to my google voice even though it shows that it is set up properly. I am stock/rooted on att.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to adb sideload custom rom but adb devices is not recognizing my nexus 6p. I have deleted my internal storage, I have no os, am I screwed? My computer recognizes that my phone is connected, adb recognizes my phone is attached when not in recovery. The only time my phone is not attached is when in twrp recovery, when in recovery my phone shows up in device manager with an exclamation point and the message that the drivers are not installed but adb is installed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo i recently flashed back to stock and since my mobile radio has just stopped.
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust got my Nexus 6P from Google UK to replace my HTC One M8 GPE (Been an amazing phone. made better by GPE)
Anyway, I've enabled developer options, but can't for the life of me get System UI tuner to work, the settings symbol just wont spin at all, tried holding it for 2-3 seconds, 5 seconds and 10 seconds.
Also tried this on my HTC One M8 GPE, Nexus 9 and wont work on them either?
Got developer enabled on them all.
I've enabled pulsing light in notifications but for some reason light flow us still not to get it to work right?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI can't delete any system apps with it anymore,....
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe camera stopped working on my phone. I uninstalled google camera then reinstalled it. It didn't work. When I hit the camera button on screen, the controls for the camera show up on the screen, but nothing works. The screen is dark (like there is a lens cover on it).
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo yesterday my accelerometer completely stopped working. I even factory reset the phone to try and fix it. The thing that fixed it was dropping my phone on the carpet from a small height. Keep in mind that I went through a whole 8 hour work day constantly moving around, setting my phone on the desk, and setting it up in my car mount.
None of that was enough to cause enough shock to make it work. Also, my volume rocker bent in the middle from it resting against the arm of my office chair.
I made a video of the issues: URL....Skip to 1:05 for the volume rocker and 2:15 for the auto rotate issue.
I am on stock rom, using SuperSU 2.66. I have tried using texdroider_dpi and one other app but they cannot change my dpi. It says it sets but then I reboot and I'm stuck on 560 dpi. I changed dpi in adb but some elements don't work such as my Swiftkey, the little blue diamonds for top devs in play store.
I assume this is a SuperSU issue but these DPI apps have worked since I first rooted this phone back in November. Only the current update has broken this.
I manually upgrades my phone to 6.0.1 and since I can't use camera. Tried clearing cache and rebooting. Nothing. Tried other camera apps and those also are not working. Just black screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSnapchat is not working right after I tried to use snaprefs to upload a pic, I cleared app data to get snaprefs working! I did softreboot a few times, then when I tried logging in snapchat I wasn't able to.. I got a pop up saying
"Oh no, your login temporarily failed, So please try again later. If your login Continues to fail, please visit (I can't Add links as I'm a new member)....
Image : [URL] ......
Later I installed rootcloak and tried to hide root acess to Snapchat, even then I get the same message! How to get snapchat working without unrooting ?
After getting my nexus 6p, i added pure nexus/xposed/root on it. However, for whatever reason my GSAM app just doesn't work even with the root. See screenshot for what is happening.
My 6p was stock rooted using the "old" method with modified boot image (i.e. not systemless). I manually flashed the 6.0.1 update and apply superSU 2.62 (i.e. systemless root). The youtube app worked after the first boot, but when I rebooted the 6p the youtube app no longer works -- I kept getting "Please check your network connection". I uninstalled the app, clear app data/cache but to no avail. I even reflashed 6.0.1; again, the youtube app worked in the first boot, but no afterwards.
I've been on wifi all the time, and I could watch youtube from my browser by going to (and use adobe flash).
Everything else works after the 6.0.1 update. I really don't want to have to do a factory reset.
I got my phone yesterday, and it was working for about 18 hours. All of a sudden I picked it up at work and it is no longer turning on. I tried plugging it into the charger, holding volume up + power, holding volume down plus power, but nothing worked. I called Google support and they are going to send a new phone, but this doesn't give me a lot of confidence in this phone.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI was coming from Stock rooted, modified boot.img, superSU 2.52Beta, ElementalX Kernel.
Fastboot flashed 6.0.1 Radio, System, Vendor, rebooted to TWRP 2.7.82, flashed modified SuperSU 2.61 systemless.
Everything works fine. Band 12 works fine. WiFi calling is enabled, turned on, and set to preferred.
Phone status reads IWLAN and network disconnected. WiFi data works.
How to get the stock google drive pdf viewer to work? I get an error every time. The dropbox pdf viewer does work however. I am stock and rooted.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHaving issues with trusted places now working for smart lock? I have it set as my home as a trusted place, yet it still requires me to unlock it when I'm at home. I've deleted and re added home as a trusted place. Same thing.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm running stock 6.0.1 rooted with Xposed (only using gravitybox). When I do the double tap on power to launch the camera, nothing happens other than the power button functioning normally. It did work at one point but I'm not sure if it was an app, Xposed or a system setting which stopped this feature from working. I tried disabling Gravitybox but left Xposed itself still installed. I've also tried changing the "Power buttons locks instantly" setting under Security but that didn't make any difference either.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm loving my N1 but have something that sounds loose near the earpiece. Everything works, including camera, audio and proximity sensor so i'm not sure what it is. Its not the power button, either.Does anyone else have this rattle that sounds like a loose piece of gravel or plastic in there?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhile on a voice call in Hangout, how do I switch from speaker to ear-piece on Nexus 6...
View 3 Replies View RelatedExperienced a repetitive clicking noise in the earpiece while on a call?
View 1 Replies View RelatedBlack 16GB Nexus 5 here. My in call volume using the earpiece is very very low since the 4.4.2 update. I have the volume maxed out and have already cleared cache, and even data reset once. Did not work at all.
The only way to use the phone making a call is to use a headset or be indoors in a very quiet room. Even then it's hard to hear the caller using the earpiece. I always have to use a headset for making calls.
I remember the in call volume being louder before the 4.4.2 update. After the update, however, the microphone functionality is improved and people can hear me better now (compared to 4.4.0 stock). However, it's hard for me to hear them.I just wanted to see if someone else faced this problem or whether this is a manufacturing defect in my phone.
So just got my 6p yesterday but it seems as though ambient display although turned on is not working ND when I answer a phone call my screen stays black during the call and won't wake up.
So apparently it's because the tempered glass screen protector is covering the proximity sensor. I still have to actually test that theory out once I get a new protector but from doing some digging that most def it. Just a heads up I used the one by super shieldz so don't buy that one until they make a cut out for the sensor.
The earpiece on my Nokia 5800 is not working, everytime i have to use the Loud Speaker or earphones to take a call.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've had an iPhone 3G for one year and a half. I Opened it up a few months ago to change the back cover, which was broken; and I broke a bit the plastic piece of connector 3 of the mother board (see at the Attached image); However, It worked perfectly... Until now, that I've reopened my iPhone to change again the backcover (false covers aren't very good...), and when I finished... Noticed that the earpiece is not working! I can't hear anything while calling! I know that the connector 3 of the screen is the cause, because proximity sensor isn't working neither...
But my question is:
Is there any way to know which part of the "connector 3" has been broken? The MoBo, or the Screen Flex? Because if it's the second, I can replace it for a few bucks, but if not... :S Or... Is there any other connector that I could damage or put badly, so they are doing contact with wrong pieces, etc etc? Notice that I had to disarm the whole iPhone to change the cover... So perhaps.
Earpiece and proximity sensor do not work. I can hear people fine when they are on speaker. The screen does not turn off when I place my hand over it.
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