How To Display Message When IPhone 4s Is Touched To Unlock
Jun 26, 2014
MY wife has a mile-stone birthday coming up. I Would like to have all her friends send a brief video or text message to her. My question - how can I setup her phone so the messages will be viewed randomly...
When she turns her phone on, or when she touches the screen to bring it out of 'lock' mode?
i connected my phone to a "unprotected" pc to download a mp3 song. after i did that the phone started to lock and unlock his keypad without beeing touched and when i pres the buttons sometimes the phone does what that button should do and somethimes it doesent. my question is "The problem is a virus (if yes how do i deal with it) or it's an hardware problem (with the slide or something else)?"
My iphone is 4s...My ios is 7.1.2Â ....i typed my phone password in arabic numbers. after i chnged my phone's display language to English i were unable to unlock the display again cause it did not support Arabic. What should i do
I recently upgraded my iPhone4 to iOS 5. There were no problems at first, but suddenly my screen hanged. After rebooting my phone, the touch interface was no longer working properly. Whenever i touched an area, a white frame would appear around the item touched. I would then have to press the area a few times in order for the number or letter to appear. Swiping doesn't work, everything else is very laggy.
iPhone 4 consistently drops call when touching the lower left corner of the device. I did it four times on video, but could have done it all night. Hopefully this is just a lemon.
I noticed that in ios8 that threads stay in chronological order even if the most recent message in that thread is deleted. In previous versions if I deleted a recent message and not the entire thread, that persons thread would drop in the order to the last undeleted text. But in ios8 if I delete a recent message the persons thread stays at the top of the screen even though their most recent undeleted message might be months old. It's not a huge deal but it's confusing as I like to see undeleted texts in the chronological order that they were received. I'm currently using an iPhone 6 running ios 8.1.1 but it started displaying this new order with ios 8.
When i want to use message and i turn the phone horizontal the screen turns off as soon as I start typing. This only happens in message. I can be using the internet and works just fine when i am typing.
There is no issues when i leave the phone vertical and use message.
When sending i-messages to other i-phones the receiving i-phone shows the original phone number that was supplied with my phone which is not the number used. Does anyone know how to change this number?
When I receive a text message, the first part of the message is displayed on the lock screen. How do I change this so it just says "text message" and does not display the actual message?
I am facing a serious issue with my sony xperia neo v. Seldoms mobile screen does not respond when trying to unlock. The screen soes not change from blank sreen. Please suggest a better resolution for this issue. I face this issue four to five times in a day and it is very frustrating. Does Sony provide a replacement as my mobile is still in warranty period?
When i unlock the phone with fingerprint the display suddenly when too bright and the colour fade away for a second and it turn back normal after few second.
When my new Xperia mini receives a call while in my pocket, the screen remains lock when I take it up and I cannot find any way to activate the display and thereby slide the slider to answer the call. After some seconds the call times out and the display becomes black while the vibrator runs constantly for around 30 seconds. After that the phone goes completely dead for maybe 30 seconds. And after that I can unlock it normally.I have not altered any of the factory default settings related to display locking.This does not happen if a call is received while the phone is on a table etc.
Iphone 5s – can you manage your main screen and phone / message to display in Horizontal mode like when your phone is in a Mount on Dashboard. The Mail center will go horizontal only along w/ Maps.
When the Bluetooth is on and I am near my laptop, incoming calls are connected without the phone being touched. I have seen a few comments about this in other threads, so it is not just me and this is the 3rd replacement phone, so it is not just a one-off fault.
I have a problem with the heart rate sensor. I don't have no health apps open. I use google fit and some of my apps are connected to it. But while I'm using my phone and i put my finger over the sensor it lights up red! Even a blanket lights it up. I don't know why it started doing this.
I frequently turn the Triumph sideways to use the larger keyboard (easier to press buttons). After the first few letters I press are displayed, I can hear the phone click to acknowledge that I pressed a key, but nothing is displayed on screen.Items of note:
-The audible click when a key is pressed but doesn't display is not the same sound as when a key is pressed and actually displays correctly on-screen.
-often, but not always, when the phone is turned upright, the missing key presses will appear after all as successfully typed in the display.This is my first smartphone. Is this a problem with the gyro-rotation logic? Is this a common problem with phones in general? Is it a symptom reated to scren protectors?
-I have not removed any screen protector meant to be permanent to the phone. I believe there was a bluish film meant to be removed (which I did - at least therewas definitely one over the camera lens)
-I did carefully apply a ZAGG Invisible Shield universal screen protector. NOTE: It was not quite as large as as the Triumph screen and thus the top edge of it lies slightly into the front-facing camera lens and the sensor on the upper right.
Cannot for some reason see descriptive/text info on the main display when I have new SMS. I do see the display indicators for this in the top right of the phone but for some reason the text detail when a new text event happens seems to have disappeared. but i don't have this problem with missed call or new e-mail. i didn't have this kind of problem till today and i also didn't change theme or something else...i also tried a soft reset and nothing changed.
I just upgraded my BB to 9930, and all messages are now shown in 2 lines (sender name in the 1st line and the msg title in the 2nd line). How can I bring back the "one line" display format? Someone told me that it is no longer available in OS 7. Can't be true, right?
I seem to have ticked every box I can find regarding 'Display name' but my 9300 3G still insists on sending text messages just using the text number and will NOT display my name as the sender of the text - why?I have no problems with the email - that displays my email address, which has my name in it.
just got a new Curve 9360. The default text message display shows all messages i.e. if I've sent a text most recently that is what I see at the top. What I want it to do is show the SMS Inbox (which I can navigate to via the folder options, but I can't find a way to set it as a default). Can't work out how to do it either on the device or when connected to the PC.
I am having a problem with message on lock screen not showing. I already went into options -> users -> and filled in everything but it never shows up when I lock my device. What should I do? How do I get it to display text on lock, like my old 8520 curve?
I am a new HTC user and there is one thing that is bothering me about the software and that is the new text message notification. Is there a way for this notification to only say "new message" instead of saying who it is from and what the message says before the message is even opened from the home screen?
I have a one week old MOTO WX345 ans I am getting intermitten EMERGENCY messages on the display. Has anyone encountered the same message, and if so what is causing it?
I also noticed that after i updated my software whenever I receive a message, the display message indicator at home doesn't indicate the total number of text message i receive but rather it displays the number of contacts who sent me messages. like for example contact A sent me 2 messages. It will only appear as 1 and not 2. how do i solve this problem? Do you experience the same?
i found this page on the bb website[URL] but its not correct in that 'Message Display and Actions' does not exist under options. I tried to look around but couldnt find anything close.