HTC :: Texting Options Mytouch 3g

Feb 13, 2010

I bought my son a mytouch 3g. He can not text on a qwerty kaypad nor can I. we both learned on a numeric t9. Is there an app to get the old school keypad for texting?

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Help! 3 Texting Questions For Texting Gurus!

Jun 7, 2010

1)when you receive a text, can you tell how many other people that text was simultaneously sent to, just like u can tell on the regular non-smartphones and non-PDAs?

2) Can you setup stored quick reply text messages on the Storm2?

3) Can you lock text messages to save them?

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HTC :: Mytouch 3g Sound Gone

Jan 12, 2010

i was downloading sum application or just going through my fone when i got a usually makes a noise .... but sound would work....or Internet...people wud kall me nd it wud jus vibrate..i had to restart my fone to make my sounds work nd to get Internet to work.....anybody know why my apps nd my sound didnt work until restart???

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HTC :: Clarification On Magic Vs Mytouch

Mar 25, 2010

I realize this is an old topic but I needed insights on the phone from anyone who has knowledge/experience. I'm a complete n00b to smart phones as the htc magic or mytouch would be my first one. Anyway I know the htc magic is the original european version of Tmobile's mytouch 3g. I've done a little research and heard that the Magic has more RAM, and a few other perks that the mytouch did not come with. I actually am thinking about buying an unlocked magic and using it here (washington DC) with t-mobile. Ultimately, my question is, does anyone have any feedback on using the magic on a tmobile network? Since vodafone is the provider for the Magic, would I be missing out on cool features available only on the European network? And would I be better off just sticking to the US tmobile version?

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HTC :: Mytouch Audio Adapter

Jun 23, 2010

I am looking to make my mytouch _slide_ work in a docking station application for my car. My question is about the mytouch (non slide) audio adapter. Will the slide version still output audio thru the microusb port audio adapter that is intended for the non-slide version?

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HTC :: Partially Bricked Mytouch 3g 1.2

Jul 17, 2010

I attempted to root the phone and when i updated the rom it just sits at the htc hagic screen.I try to send over the recovery or any other rom thru hboot/fastboot and nothing is working. I have looked everywhere and cannot find any information. Has this happened to someone or does anyone know how to fix this?

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HTC :: MyTouch 3G (MT3G) Disable SIM Lock?

Feb 13, 2010

I have my MT3G unlocked to use any SIM I want. With the current SIM, the phone always starts up with a message saying for me to enter the PIN. Gets annoying. Is there a way to deactivate this?

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HTC :: Installing Apps On Fender Mytouch 3G?

Feb 28, 2010

i got the fender mytouch 3G, it came with firmware 1.6, is there a tutorial somewhere on how to install cracked downloaded android applications?

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HTC :: Listening To MyTouch Music Through Bluetooth

Apr 20, 2010

Is it possible for me to listen to music & podcasts (playing on a MyTouch) through a bluetooth headset?

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HTC :: How To Keep Mytouch 3G Lens Cover Clean?

Apr 24, 2010

I've noticed via search that I'm not the only one who sees issues with the clear plastic piece in the back cover of the Mytouch 3G. It won't stay clean and ruins camera pictures. The usual Q tip route doesn't seem to work; maybe there are scratches on this cover for some reason. Has anyone found a back cover replacement for the Mytouch 3G that has a bigger/better clear plastic piece over the camera lens?

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HTC :: Mytouch Slide Internal Storage

Jul 19, 2010

I'm new to the Android world and settled on a Mytouch Slide from T-mobile. A week after buying this phone, I am running low on internal storage.The phone has 512 megs of storage, but even after I did a factory reset, I started with only 137 megs.I guess the operating system eats up most of that memory. T-mobile recommends always keeping 30 megs free, so the bottom line is I have just over 100 megs for apps.

What I don't understand is this.The phone came with an 8 gig microSD card, but I have read you can't store apps on this.So unless I am misunderstanding something here, I only have 100 megs for apps, but I have 8 gigs that are completely worthless unless I want to take tons of pictures or use my phone as an iPod. This can't be right, no company would be this stupid.So my question is, what am I doing wrong here? How am I supposed to manage my apps? I can't figure out how to move them to my SD card, and I don't even see a place on the marketplace where I can save a list of what I have downloaded for easy access later. The best I can figure, you have to constantly manage your apps, and then if you want one that you deleted, you have to search for it in the marketplace and download it again?

I just refuse to believe this is accurate. I've never had an iPhone before, but I have friends who do, and they never complain about running out of space for apps.

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HTC :: Mytouch 3g Slide Build Quality

Aug 3, 2010

It seems that the slide has build issues. My first slide, the battery cover made a squeak sound from being held during a phone call. My second slide, when I slide up the screen for texting and press the back key (by the genius button) it squeaks like crazy. These squeaks are like 2 plastic being smashed together. Wondering if anybody else had such problems.

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HTC :: Mytouch Extremely Disappointed With Repair

Aug 27, 2010

A few weeks back, my HTC Mytouch (Magic)'s headphone jack stopped working. I had called them up and had an RMA set up to have it fixed.In the box, I had included a typed note stating the problem, stating the phone is unlocked and that I would like it returned unlocked, and a simple request to remove dust from under the screen (since they would have the phone apart anyways)

Anyways, when I get the unit back, they changed motherboards (new IMEI number), re-locked the phone and didn't clean the dust out from under the screen. I called HTC support on Monday and explained how the phone was unlocked when sent in and because it is a different IMEI number than the one that I purchased, T-Mobile wouldn't supply the unlock code. The woman on the phone said it could take 48 hours for them to get back to me with the code.I called HTC and they said it could take up to 72 hours to get the code. Called yesterday. Was told that the guy had emailed the support team directly and I would have it by this morning. Called and they said it would take 7-14 days and it would be text-messaged to me. I'm really, really ****ed off. They didn't read the note I included and wrapped the phone in and they are taking forever to get the code to me. T-Mobile isn't any help because I had initially bought the phone and used it as a pre-paid. Closed the account there a few months back.

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BB Torch :: "Advanced Options" Missing From Options?

Jan 19, 2011

Clicking on Options from home screen, does not show the menu item "advanced options". It used to be there nut now is gone. It "was" the last menu item in the option but now the last one is "Third Party Apps".

In order under Options the list is as follows:

1. Sounds and Ring Tones
2. Network Connections
3. Display
4. Typing and Input
5. Device
6. Call Management
7. Security
8. Accessibility
9. Third Party Applications


Device Software Version: Software Version:

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LG G4 :: Lag When Texting

Jul 17, 2015

A lot of the time when I'm texting the letters take quite a while to show up and most of the time will be incorrect from how I typed it out. I know I type pretty fast but that shouldn't have anything to do with it being this slow. It often has me going back to correct it because of this just making it take even more time to send a message. This has happened on my old phone before at times when I would be texting back in a relatively large thread but some of these on this phone don't even have that many messages so I don't believe that is the reason.

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BB (RIM) :: Help With Texting Issue

Apr 18, 2010

I'm having an issue with the folders text messages are ending up in.

Its as if the BB9700 cant tell the difference between a BBM or and SMS text.

I had some messages not being sent so did a battery pull (possible cause of issue?)

Now when I get a text it shows up in the SMS And MMS folder but in the folder the icon is like a little bubble with lines in it whereas it used to be an envelope.

Also, when I get a SMS from a contact who is in my BBM, the SMS shows up in both the SMS And MMS folder and in BBMessenger. It never did this before. Th icon for the text message is a little black phone.

I have not done any OS changes or added any apps. This just started happening yesterday.

Any help to get it back like original would be appreciated.

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IPhone :: Texting Between 4 And 4s?

Apr 14, 2012

My wife has an iphone 4 and I just got the iphone 4s. I can text other people no problem but there are issues when I text my wife. If I create a text using Siri, she doesn't get it. When I type a text, she usually gets it, but not always. I have no problems sending/receiving texts with anyone else. And I've received every text she has sent. She has no problems sending/receiving texts from other people.

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BB Curve 8900 :: Texting Without Name

Aug 30, 2010

Is there a way to send a text without showing your name?

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Xperia X10 :: Used PC Suite For Texting Via PC?

Sep 27, 2010

I have just got a X10 and having a few problems.1st does the x10 work with PC Suite ? As I used PC Suite for texting via PC 2nd can any one tell me where I can down load all info for mem card as I had to replace my SD card so have no help files or software.I have been useing Satio and Vivaz up till now so finding it hard to get on with are screen lock up's common for the x10 also is there a way to stop my texts coming up as threads ? As would like them to come up as text's in order as they come in .

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HTC One M8 :: Phone Just Turned Off When Texting

Aug 7, 2014

I was texting and the phone just turned off, I tried to wake him up again but it didn't. I connected it to the charger to see what happened and a charging icon appeared while the led light was blinking in orange, but it was not the normal charging icon that appears when you're charging the phone it was just an empty battery with the lightning icon inside. I thought it had no battery left and I wasn't realizing it so I left it there to charge but nothing happened. I contacted support from HTC through their live chat feature and they told me to try a battery calibration but it didn't work (I think it was because i had the fast boot mode turned on).

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HTC One M7 :: App For Texting And Calling On WiFi

Jan 11, 2014

Is there an app i can download for texting and calling on WIFI using my SAME number? Im not talking about textnow or textplus.You have to create a new number.I have low signal at my house and id like to be able to use an app that has my same number so people can still call me without being confused and having two numbers.

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HTC One M8 :: Texting Between Android And IPhone

Jan 6, 2015

Right now I have a Samsung Galaxy SII. I Will soon be getting the HTC One M8 when At&t finishes buying out Alltel/setting up towers blah blah whatever they are doing, which is supposed to be by February.My sister has an iPhone 5 and almost EVERY time we text, we will be in the middle of conversation and I will get a blank text. I will have to get her to screenshot it so I know what she said. It's SOOO ANNOYING. Or I will get two **, which I'm assuming is her sending me an emoji or something. She said I'm the only one she has problems texting. She also said that my texts will come broke up, even when it's not a long message. I want to know if this is going to be a problem with the HTC One M8, because if it is, then I might just have to consider an iPhone because I text my sister A LOT since she lives so far.

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HTC One M8 :: Texting - The Picture Won't Attach

Jun 7, 2014

I have an issue where when I go to text someone and I select the thread for the person and hit attach, I select the picture and it won't attach it. It gives me the please wait circle then disappears without actually attaching it. This happens with all forms of attachments.

I talked to HTC support about it, he had me reset app caches, do a complete clear cache, and finally a factory reset which did fix it.

This morning while readjusting my phone from the previous reset, I disabled Verizon messaging app and the problem came back. I re-enabled the app, along with resetting the caches,

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Galaxy S5 :: Texting App On Laptop

Mar 25, 2015

Is there a texting app I can use on my phone and on my laptop? I prefer using a different phone number, rather than my real phone number.I've tried textnow, but the thing is it doesn't allow me to send web links.

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HTC :: Touch Pro 2 Texting Time Not Right

Jan 4, 2010

When i send texts, it records it with the correct time being sent, but when i receive texts, it's at a completely different time. Weird thing is that my bf's Touch Pro 2 also has the same problem...but check this out too:let's say it's 6:00pm.i send him a text at 6pm, and it records it at 6pm on my phone
but when he receives it, it will say i sent it at 11:12am on his phone

so he'll text back right after, and it will say he sent it at 6:01 on his phone but when i receive it, it will say he sent it at is it that the "received" time corresponds on both of our phones and is not correct? Anyone else have the same problem or have a solution?

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IPhone :: Set Up A Group For Texting?

Apr 18, 2012

How do I set up a group for texting?

iPhone 4

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IPhone :: Put A Signature When Texting On The 4?

Apr 29, 2012

put a signature when texting on the 4?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Disable Texting On 3gs?

May 7, 2012

I have a teenager that I want to give an I phone but do not want him to be able to text. Is there any way to disable texting?

iPhone 3GS

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IPhone :: Problem IOS 5.1.1 Texting

May 10, 2012

My wife and i upgaded to 5.1.1 from 4s and 3gs and now we run in to some problems. When i text her, my texts are shown as if she send it.

She's uses my account on her phone which worked fine untill 5.1.1. Also she can see my imessages to other people. Which she couldn't see before....

we both think it's very strange. Hopefully this can be easily fixed...

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, same apple ID

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IPhone :: Will Not Allow Texting Of Pics

May 24, 2012

my i phone will not allow texting of pics. the camera icon is there but it is "greyed out" as in i can not click the button. i have restarted the phne, i am not over usage limits, and software is up to date

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IPhone :: Getting Off Group Texting?

May 28, 2012

getting off group texting!!

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