HTC One M7 :: How To Enable Notifications For Text Messages
Sep 12, 2013
I suddenly stopped receiving notifications for text messages. I don't get sounds, the flashing green light or notifications at the top of my screen.
I have already tried going into settings > notifications and checked the "receive notification" and "play notification sound" boxes. I've chosen a notification sound with the volume up. None of this seems to work and i'm not sure why.
I recently received a text from my network provider with a link for an application in it, However I can't open the link the option does not appear all it says is delete. Is there any way I can enable links in my phone. N96 latest firmware. unbranded I dont pretend to know everything like some people on these boards i am just trying to help. Its not all about the kudos.
The text icon disappeared and I do not receive notifications of new text messages. The only way I can find a text is to locate the sender in my Contacts.
When working from my computer and so not to have to go to my phone, is there an app. (that will sync with my phone app.) or method to receive and send texts from my computer. Will it have a pop-up box on my computer?
Will it also show and save the texts on my phone?I am on verizon with an S5. I use the standard messaging app on my phone.
Every few days I keep getting this error message and find my Push Notifications do not work until I reboot. Rebooting does fix this, for a time, but the problem returns.
I am jailbroken, as may be obvious. I am not unlocked and am on AT&T. I can't figure out what is causing the problem. I have a list of all JB apps that I have if needed, but I am not sure what would cause this. Mostly I have some modest visual tweaks and some lockinfo addons.
I have a Galaxy S5 and would like to be able to stop the notification of receiving an e-mail without stopping the notification of text messages. Is there a way to differentiate? I was able to do this on older phones.
My current text messages are being combined with old text messages, creating messages that don't reflect what I sent. The recipients of my texts are very am I when I get there response.
I can send text messages but can't receive any text messages (sms). Ideed, i have a message like that : "message memory full" i delete a lot of messages, i don't have any video or pictures, my memory is not full, so i don't understand why it's like that. I have this probleme for 4 days ant it becomes very annoying. delete any message cause i delete three-quarters of messages..
I would like my phone to vibrate for text messages and all other notifications when set to silent without having it vibrate at all times, is this possible? If I go to menu/settings/sound/ and select vibrate in silent mode it won't vibrate when im in silent mode. The only way for it to vibrate is to go to Text messaging/menu/messaging settings/ and select vibrate(also vibrate when notified) but this makes the phone vibrate at all times which is what I dont want. I took the phone to a sprint repair center and the display model did the same thing, the tech just thought it was weird and that was it.....
add an option on BB messenger to disable or enable receiving Broadcast messages . in my country even my father and grandfather send Broadcast messages without any reason?
I have just moved from LG touch (hated it) to a very basic Nokia 2220. Previously had Samsung before.
With the 2220, when I receive a text I have set the tone I want however I cannot find if this phone will allow the tone to sound after every two minutes. All my previous phones have had this facility which I like as if you don't hear the notification sound at first it alerts you every two minutes.Is it just this phone or are all Nokia's like this?
I have the settings checked for sound and status bar notifications, but I am not getting notified. The little number is coming up for new email messages on the email icon, but not coming up on the sms icon. The only way I can tell if there is a text is to go to the text page, which really is not an option. I am with Verizon. The texts seem to go and come alright, just no notifications.
Just recently I have had some problems sending normal text messages..The problem is when I want to send a text I go to my contacts and try to send a sms message, but instead of opening up a conversation window I get taken straight to my recieved messages... I havent had a problem replying to messages after people have texted me, its iniating the converstation thats not working.
1) When sending text messages the messages go through but some remain in the outbox. They are actually sent, and not waiting for resend. The only option when selecting them is to delete, which removes them from the conversation threads. It doesn't seem to be related to service, but to whether I am using the phone for any other purpose at the time.
2) When connected to a car BT system, shut off car, BT seems to go into a black hole. You can't reconnect, can't make a call (well, it makes a call, but you can't hear anything; can't play music, etc.). The only solution is reboot. This happens with multiple systems in different brands of auto, so not limited to one brnad.
hello, I just upgraded my phone to the .732. Everything went smoothly during the upgrade, ever since then I have been having trouble with receiving text messages and MMS messages. I have gone to 3 sites for free ringtones have sent the ring tones to my phone, I have not received anything. I also have setup google voice and I am not getting any text messages from people tht text my google voice number.
I am using the Blackberry Storm, I believe the 9530 (its the first gen). Anyway, just recently my text messages only stay for a couple of days and then they delete themselves or simpley disappear.
There have been numerous cases where I need the information someone sent me in those messages, but I can't seem to find them. Is there something wrong with how the phone is set up? Is this a memory thing? Is there a way to get those messages back, are they stored somewhere?
I cannot find a setting that allows me to keep my text messages from being broken into many individual messages. The same happens to messages I receive. A single message may be broken up into seven or eight individual messages, which most often are not even in the proper order when received, or sent. Most text messages on other phones are one block.
I am new to the forum, and I am very frustrated with my phone. I've had it for 2 years, no problems, till the last few weeks.About 3 weeks ago, I stopped getting any messages or notifications from FB on my blackberry. Don't know how to fix that.I also cannot delete notifications I did get back to 9/27.I cannot erase my messages. It was erasing all of them just fine, then it was deleting current ones.Now its not deleting any. I have messages on my phone going back to 9/27. I've had this problem a few times here and there, but if I turned it off, took battery out and put back in and turned back on, it'd let me do it.I can't find anything on this website to help either problem. I am able to get an upgraded phone, but can't afford it right now. And even when I can, not so sure it'll be a blackberry. I really don't understand all the technical mumble jumble.
I am no longer able to delete the messages and notifications I am receiving from Facebook.Sometimes the FB icons are faded, but not all of them are. I am not able to remove either type using my delete options on the phone. If one of them is in the selection, nothing in the selection will delete either.
I have just got a m9 from a iPhone and the notification is driving me mad!how do I turn off the repeat notification for messages ? I l get a message at wOrk and not be able to check it but it will keep vibrating and beeping until I go into it and check it
When I recieve a text message with a picture in it, I get no notification. However, once I happen to see the text and download the picture, then the phone makes the notification sound and adds the new message to the notification bar.
So my N79 is refusing to let me send text messages on the grounds that "Text Message: Not enough memory to perform operation. Please delete some data first". So I went through and got rid of a heap of stuff - songs, videos the kinda things that are big files, and still no change.
My phone memory has 368kb free and my memory card has 3734 mb of free memory.Was working perfectly fine yesterday with more data and my phone stores about 1000 messages pretty easily, several videos, songs etc..