Is it possible when using the keyboard, and the symbol key to select a symbol etc, that after you've selected the symbol you want and you then press the space bar, that the keyboard reverts back to letters rather than remaining on the symbol page?
I keep getting symbols E (EDGE?) and G (GPRS?) on the top of my screen in my c3-00, but I have never connected to the Internet with the phone yet. Do those symbols mean that such a network is available or is the phone is connected to the Internet? I'd just like to be sure with it.
I have a E72 latest firmware bought in the UK, made in Finland.The keyboard appears to be a English design with no other symbols but the software seems to be finnish becaue when i press the full stop button it comes up with รค and i have to press ! to use the full stop. There are other keys like this too.
Before the recent 5.1 lollipop update everything seemed to work fine for me, but after the update for some reason when I type a message in Hebrew (I have English US and Hebrew enabled) and send it, the keyboard switches back to English and then I have to manually swipe the spacebar back to Hebrew after each time I send a message. Before the update the keyboard language would stay on Hebrew after I sent a message in Hebrew. It seems that the keyboard is defaulted to English because when I bring up the keyboard to type something it always comes up in English.
Why can't I hit the smiley face on the keyboard for emoji? For my galaxy 6 edge. It will only work if I haven't typed anything! If I have already started typing and want to add an emoji it won't work.why?
I cant see the smiley icon for my emoji. Even when I press and hold the microphone icon the icon for the emoji is not there. I tried to use my keyboard everywhere like my note and other apps. Still cant see my emoji icons.
When I'm typing with the stock Samsung Keyboard occasionally it deletes the first letter of the word I'm typing automatically. This is really annoying because then it predicts a completely different word to the one I initially meant to type. Also, the issue is only with Samsung Keyboard, swiftkey works fine.
Was just wondering if there is a way to disable keyboard sounds on the S6 Edge ONLY during a phone call. As, if the other party is on speaker phone and starts to type on the keyboard, all the click sounds go through to the second party and the voice goes very low.
I have got a new Xperia X10 mini Pro. Th problem is that the slide out keyboard mapping is probably wrong or some setting needs to be done.When I press a key with "?" on the slideout keyboard I get a ":" on the screen. This happens for other symbols also Numbers and alphets are correct only the symbols are messed up.
my keyboard has arabic characters as well. But after the ICS update the symbols on the physical keyboard (the ones in blue) dont correspond when I type them out. E.g:
" : " types as " & " " ) " types as " % " " @ " types as " : "
My keyboard now supports symbols such as $, Pound Sign etc. I dont really use arabic but only the english keyboard.Is there fix for this or is it settings related? My SI number is on the list and my android build number is 4.1.B.0.431?
I have a samsung galaxy s6 edge and everytime I log on to Facebook a popup comes up that says Facebook wants access to your Samsung Galaxy. I have given it access and it still comes up everytime I log on and it's starting to get very annoying. I have turned off my notifications yet this pop up keep coming up.
I am on Sprint and I am unable to send a MMS (group message) over wifi? I was chatting with Sprint text support and they are trying to tell me this is a limitation for Android phones. I know this is BS because my wife has a HTC M8. Am I doing something wrong? Are others experiencing this with their Edge S6?
Their solution is to send MMS messages over mobile data. I do not think it is acceptable to have to toggle between mobile and wifi to send group messages. I did test and the group/MMS messaging does work on Mobile data so this is purely limited to my wifi being an issue...
My samsung s6 edges gets too hot. Is it natural that samsung s6 edges cpu temperature Can be high as 57c to 75c? I was about to sell my phone. Now im not sure.
Cooler master software says phones temperature is about 38 c.
I just got a Samsung s6 edge and I am wondering if there's a way to put apps like whats'app instagram etc on the edge. You can do that on the note edge but I can't seem to figure it out on the s6 edge.
I just got the S6 Edge today and set it up. I've noticed that the phone heats up a lot when under a heavy load, which I understand, but when I'm holding it, it feels like it could almost burn me. The phone is not overheating, although when it does heat up I do notice the performance drop. None of this is a dealbreaker, I just wanted to know, is it normal for the phone to get so hot? Is it just because the phone's outer casing is metal and glass rather than plastic that it feels like this?
I downloaded a 3rd party weather app, removed the default Samsung weather widget from my home page, and added the 3rd party widget to my home page. As it turns out, the 3rd party app was buggy, so I removed it. I want to re-add the default S6 Edge weather widget to my home screen, but I can't find it.
I'm using Nova on ATT BTW. It seems that the widgets visible using Nova are slightly different from the widgets available using Touchwiz. How to re-add the default S6 edge weather widget?
Samsung galaxy s6 edge, unable to take photos while on a call .... get message saying unable to operqate camera while on the phone.... how am i able to take photos while on the phone...
Last night we were at the bulls game and phone was working great, but then i randomly checked it again and it was off. It shouldn't have been bc it was charged! ! It wouldn't turn on, and still doesn't. ...i charged it up last night and when i woke up it was hour and still not turning on! !
I just got a Galaxy S6 Edge and it isn't vibrating when I get an email to my main inbox. It is vibrating as it should for texts and calls, but not emails. However, it is updating when I get an email to my junk email. Over the last couple days I've had a couple loaner phones (due to my provider sending the wrong phones) and the S5 I had was vibrating when I got emails but neither the S6 or S6 Edge (which I have now) would vibrate for emails. Is there some setting I need to change so I get emails to vibrate?
I tried clearing casha through the hold power button front button and volume down button and restart but still fails. S6 edge verizon 64gb Sapphire Black model. Latest update is appled
How to turn off Mirrorlink once and for all on my S6 Edge. Everytime I connect it to the car, Mirrorlink automatically turns on and even when I turn it off in settings, it automatically switches back on. Mirrorlink isn't working with my car and I'm trying to get Android Auto to work with it instead but having Mirrorlink keep turning on prevents me from being able to load Android Auto.
Any way of having different vibrate options on the S6 Edge? I would like to have one vibrate for emails, and a different one for text messages. Reason being, when I'm in bed and I hear my phone vibrate, I would like to know if its a message, or an email coming in.
I know there's a setting for overall LED notifications but I'd like to set a different color based on the notification type. Especially for the two email accounts I am using, something like green for work email and red for personal email.
Is this possible without a separate app? If not, what app do you recommend? I really don't need it for anything else other than that.