Galaxy S6 Edge :: How To Consolidate All Email And SMS Accounts

Jul 11, 2015

I have recently switched to Android after 8 years as a BlackBerry user. BlackBerry had a central hub--one inbox--where my three personal email accounts, my work email account, my SMS messages, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media all appeared. All messages of any sort came to this central location. Is this possible with my Galaxy S6 Edge? So far, I have my personal email accounts in one box, my work email (we use Google Apps) in another, and my SMS in a third. I don't mind keeping social media out of this inbox, but it would be nice to get all the other incoming messages 'under one roof.' All accounts considered, I receive 100 messages a day on average. A central location for these would be nice. I've been told that what I want to do isn't possible on an Android device, but I hoped for a second opinion.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Four Email Accounts - Showing New Message Icon For Each

Dec 6, 2011

I just got the s2, and i have 4 email accounts (2 work, 1 hotmail, 1 gmail). I have them configured and working, but they are all under the standard mail app (white envelop with blue @). When I get a new message, this icon will show how many unread messages there are. But, it shows for all of my accounts. I'm trying to have separate apps/icons for each email address that'll show some type of "unread messages" notification on the icon itself. Came from a blackberry and i had 4 individual accounts setup, each would have a red star if there was an unread msg in that account. I tried the hotmail and the gmail apps but they don't seem to show anything like this either.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Samsung Email App Not Pushing Gmail

Jul 5, 2015

Don't suggest using the gmail app instead of the stock. I want to use the Samsung email native app and I have my reasons. Now, I have tried what seems like every way possible to get gmail working on the native app but I get emails hours late sometimes the next day. I am using the proper server setting per Google:

Incoming settings
IMAP server:
Port: 993
Security type: SSL (always)

Outgoing settings
SMTP server:
Port: 465
Security type: SSL (always)

In the app I have under sync schedule "Auto(when received)" and "notify me when email arrives" checked. The part that makes this worse is I can get it to work on non-stock apps like AquaMail using the SAME settings, but again, I want to use the native app.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Stock Email Battery Drain

May 15, 2015

Last night my fully charged S6 Edge was taken off the charger and left next to my bed. When I got up 7.5 hrs later I was very surprised to see that approx half my battery was gone and all due to the stock email sync. I have unlimited data and didn't bother changing the sync to longer intervals rather than push. I have obviously changed the sync interval.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Email Notifications Not Working While Charging

May 14, 2015

I factory reset the phone after i used odin to flash factory rom. Installed latest ATT update. Setup google account and again put the phone on wireless charger, after 10 mins of no activity send myself emails from different accounts from the PC and No email notifications at all with just Mobile Network only turned on. I tested this with wired charging and the result is the same.

Test condition:

1. Charge phone, wired or wireless, only turn on Mobile network, no wifi!!!
2. Leave the phone untouched and idle for 10+ mins
3. during this time no txt or phone calls otherwise it will reset the sleep flag
4. after 10+ mins of no activity send yourself emails from a desktop or another phone. You should in theory get notifications but I'm willing to be you will not.

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IPhone :: Consolidate Itune App?

Apr 9, 2010

I have iphone app dl to different computer, some mac at work, some pc at home...etc. Some machine i don't even able to access anymore and i forget what app i put there.

Are there anyway, i can re-dl all my app to 1 machine all at once? or i need to check all my email/invoice and then re-dl one by one?

Also can i copy some of the app i dl at work to a flash drive and copy it back to my pc at home, does it work that way?( they both are under my acct).

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: How To Assign A Different Tone To Individual Contact Email

Jun 9, 2015

How do i assign a tone to a different tone to an individual contact email on S 6 Edge. I am able to do for all favourites. But if I need to set an alarm kind of tone for say my Boss only then how do i do. I could do it on My blackberry. In the Samsung S6 Edge i am able to do for Phone and Message for a specific contact but not mail.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Recently Updated To KitKat And Now Email Won't Sync?

Jun 16, 2015

I tried going to settings>data usage>settings auto sync is checked. I then tried another suggestion: delete my email account and re-add, now the blasted thing says it can't authenticate my account...

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Contacts Only Allow 1 Phone Number / 1 Email And Nothing Else To Be Entered

Sep 12, 2015

My wife's S6 Edge allows multiple phone numbers and other contact info to be added. Her phone also has a plus sign on the side that allows more numbers to be added and she can assign different types such as Cell, work or home. Mine does not do this.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: How To Get Rid Of Received Text Messages Sent To Stock Email

May 29, 2015

Not sure if I have accidentally pressed something to trigger this. I just got a TMobile 128gb.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Email And Text Alert Sounds Are Not Changing?

May 22, 2015

I have a S6 edge. I have different notification sounds for both. Starting today they are both playing different sounds. When I go into settings it shows the name of the alert I have picked, but it plays a different sound. I can't figure it out. It's been fine for the past week.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Email Inbox Conversation Mode Show All Sent Messages When Press On Sent Folder?

May 5, 2015

I have a galaxy s6 edge. A weird thing is happening to my email. i would like to use conversation mode to display my messages. Initially all good. But when I press on the sent folder (to see the messages I sent), the Inbox goes crazy.

It displays all my sent messages in my inbox! Not just the ones from within a conversation, but all my sent messages... This is extremely strange. did not have that problem with my Samsung Alpha... I am at lost to understand Probably some simple setting I am missing?

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IPhone :: Delete Email From 4s Without Deleting Email From YahooMail Or Gmail Accounts?

Mar 28, 2012

How do I delete email from my Iphone without deleting email from my YahooMail or Gmail accounts

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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BB Curve 83xx :: 8320 Removing Email Accounts / Can't Find Icon For Setting Up Email

Apr 29, 2010

I gave my 8320 to my niece , however i have two email accounts and a tmo.blackberry. email email on the phone, she is not using a data plan how do i delete the accounts off the phone? I can not find the icon for setting up email? what do i do?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: No Primary Work Email Icon / All Email Accounts Dump To Messages

Apr 28, 2010

I used a Storm for the last 30 days, and had 3 distinct and separate icons:
Messages - catchall for everything
Desktop email icon
2nd/personal email icon
However, I switched back to the Curve (8530) because of the keyboard, and now I don't have a primary desktop email icon. The only way to view work email is to use the messages icon where everything else goes as well. Is there any way to create or separate the two email accounts so I can view the work email separately?

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IPhone :: Prevent Personal Email Accounts (yahoo, Gmail) From Accessing My Work Email Contact List?

Jul 5, 2012

On iPhone 4s, how do I prevent personal email accounts (yahoo, gmail) from accessing my work email contact list? I want to keep my work contact list private.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Glowing Edge While Screen Off?

May 25, 2015

I just wanted to ask if there is some app or something to make my edge glow while screen off.

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IPhone :: Can Receive All Email But Can't Send From Certain Email Accounts

Apr 4, 2012

I am having email problems. I have several email accounts. I receive email on all of them, but can't send on all of them. Not even a reply. The email accounts that work are gmail and [URL]The accounts that don't send are: 1 account hosted by GoDaddy, and a few accounts on my 2 domains [URL] and [URL] all of these accounts work fine on my laptop via outlook 2007. The place that houses my 2 domains said they don't know why I am having this problem.

Windows 7

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IPhone :: Have 3 Accounts Of Email In 4s And Trying To Send A Picture To It Using An Email?

Apr 11, 2012

i have 3 accounts of email in my iPhone 4s and I'm trying to send a picture to it using my email, how do i know which email account is I'm using

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Move Picture From Email To Picture Gallery?

May 21, 2015

Want to move pics from e-mail to photo gallery of my Samsung Galaxy s ^., to use in my contact list.

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BB Bold :: Cannot Set Up My Email Accounts

Jan 14, 2010

Yesterday, I downloaded the new version 6.0 Bundle 3049.I cannot set up my email accounts. After entering the password, I get a message: "SORRY, UNABLE TO CONTINUE YOUR SESSION. PLEASE LOG IN AGAIN"

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BB Curve :: Can't Add Email Accounts

Aug 16, 2011

So my black berry has worked fine with one email account for about a year, but for about 2 months i've been trying to add two new email accounts. they're both gmail. so i tried the gmail app and it says " this site cannot be accessed in this manner. Please use the URL or link provided to you b your service provider." I did that and copy and pasted the link into the browser and it said the exact same thing. I then went to the settings> manage internet email and it says " We apologize, there was an error trying to access the service. Try again" The try again was a highlighted as a hyper link. When i clicked on that it took me to the Web2go website. the Browser, internet, and other apps seem to work fine. just not this?

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BB Curve :: Cant Add Email Accounts

Aug 11, 2011

Today I changed the passwords for my email accounts believeing them to be compromised.

My Blackberry then sent me messages to say it could no longer access those email accounts as you would expect. I tried to update the passwords on the BB but it continued to tell me the passwords were incorrect. I tried changing the email accounts to different passwords and tried to update the BB again. Still said passwords are invalid. Tried deleting the email accounts, rebooting and adding again. This time I receive an error which says "Blank password. Type a valid password" even though the field is not empty.

At a loss as to what to do now except create brand new email addresses or buy an iPhone.

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IPhone :: 4 Email Accounts Not Available

May 5, 2012

I haven't been able to send email in quite a while. I can recieve but not send (iPhone 4 with most recent iOS), the error I recieve is "the connection to the outgoing server "" [my correct server in Outlook] failed." .

Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Nokia :: N97: Impossible To Add Email Accounts

Mar 4, 2010

When I initially set up my Nokia N97, I added several email accounts with no problem. But now when I need to add an account, it is not possible any more.

The Help tells me to go to Messages > Options >Settings > Email > Email accounts and choose Options > New email account. But under Email accounts > Options there is no option New email account any more. Why is that?

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Nokia :: X6 / Unable To Set Up Email Accounts

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to set up my email accounts on my Nokia X6 but it's just not happening.I use the email set-up wizard and when I put in my email address and click "ok" it just keeps coming back with "unable to connect to server. Try again later" I've also tried by going into my Nokia Ovi Account settings and "verifying" my email account but no luck.This is the same for my yahoo mail and google mail.Any ideas?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Just Cannot Set Up One Of Email Accounts

Jan 19, 2010

I have a new 9700 with BIS.I have two email accounts. The first one was set up without any issues whatsoever.The second one is being more difficult.Up until last week, it was an exchange account so I tried to set it up as OWA. No matter what I tried, the 9700 wouldn't set up the account.

I then switched that email account it to another host at the weekend (the same host who hosts the account which does work on the 9700). The change is complete, the mailbox is 100% up and running and all the DNS records have been updated.

BUT the 9700 still won't recognise the account. I just don't know what else to try. I have tried a battery pull and also re-sent the service books but it still won't recognise the account.

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BB Bold :: Can't Set Up Internet Email Accounts

Jul 24, 2012

I cannot set up internet email accounts on my new blackberry bold 9780 . I visited the blackberry website and found the instructions on how to set up. Per instructions I should select - Set up - Email accounts - and then Internet accounts, but unfortunately when I select Email accounts it only shows me Enterprise Email account set up not Internet emails account set up , per instructions it should show me both options

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BB Bold :: Unable To Add Email Accounts

Sep 2, 2011

I would like to read my email on the BB and i have already added my hotmail-account. That's working fine.Now i like to add another emailaccount from my own domain. Although i am 1000% sure i use the right account login details (its working on i cant add these accounts. [code]...

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BB Bold :: Delete Email Accounts On It?

Jun 16, 2011

How do I delete email accounts on my Blackberry Bold 9650 phone?

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BB Bold :: Unable To Add Email Accounts?

Sep 20, 2012

I got my BB Bold 9900 just after Christmas and had no problems in setting up my email accounts onto my device (hotmail & sky) however upon downloading the Olympics app it appears too of deleted these. I have gone to my setup and clicked on email accounts but its just not working. It clicks but doesnt act on the click (i can click like 20 times and nothing happens) and the screen remains the same like I havent clicked on anything. I can click on other options as BBM and it goes staright to my BBM chat so no problems with the button except for it doesnt act upon the email account.

I am with T Mobile who have been most unhelpful with this, I have done software updates and still this is not working

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