Galaxy S6 Edge :: Alarm Clock Won't Work When Phone Turned Off
Sep 15, 2015
Is there a way to get the alarm clock to work when my phone is turned off. Or do I need to download a different alarm app to do this. I am using the alarm clock that came on the phone.
Lumia 900 failed to wake me up this morning. The alarm just did not sound at all.
- Alarm was set and was shown to be in use. Even the Icon in the start screen was shown - Tried multiple times afterwards setting the existing alarm a few minutes forward. None of the attempts alarmed.
How I set the alarm is that I always edit the existing alarm, edit the time and push the alarm on.When I tried creating a new alarm (a few minutes forward), that ringed ok. But the existing alarm failed to ring
I've recently upgraded my Bold 9000 software device software from v4.6 to v5. Everything work excellent EXCEPT from the Clock-Alarm Sound !!. When my hand-held is Activated, it works according to my relative settings. The problem is when I've set a Clock-Alarm time and turned my handhold OFF. When the time comes, the handheld wakes-up (as it should normally do), displays the dialog form regarding the snooze or the alarm termination but there's NO SOUND AT ALL !!. I've searched the community for regarding problems and I've tried to apply to my handheld every potential suggestion like: 1). usage of a build-in simple sound 2). a sound file stored on my handheld's device memory and not onto an external card 3). battery correct physical enforcement 4) and of course, many-many baterry pool outs (for hard reset) !! Unfortunately nothing worked !! Because i use my handheld as my main (only) wake-up alarm in the morning, I tried to make the following test: 1). Selected the "No Sound" profile (I don't want an accidental call to wake me up after midnight..).....
I can not set my alarm for 2:30 am since daylight savings time went into effect today. It changes to 1:30 - I can set it for 3:30 correctly. Will this correct itself after midnight tonight?
I usually use my mobile as an alarm clock. All handsets I had until now where ringing even they where off. I can't the same with my new X10 mini. I don't want to have the handset on all night near my head. I'm using Android 2.1
Every time I set an alarm, it goes off, but complelty silent. I keep my phone on mute at night because I don't want to hear anything. But the Alarm, used to go off even though on mute. Here what I've done so far.
Settings > Sound and Notification> Application Notifications > Clock > Priority (Set to On) Settings > Sound and Notification> Application Notifications > Interruptions Sound Mode = Mute Set priority interruption period: Here, I selected every day, and start time of 12:00AM and a End time of 11:59PM.
I thought these settings would cover me, but the Alarm still, does not sound. How to get the Alarm working when the phone is set on Mute Mode?
Having issue with the alarm clock not staying on the alarm they choose. Today is the second time I chose an alarm and it didn't go off because the phone had a different alarm set.
I am on a Galaxy S5, in the UK on EE. Running Lollipop 5.0 but with a new update that has fixed the no silent mode issue. I have just tried to set a reminder using Google Now with my voice, which has always worked before, except now the reminder sets my clock alarm instead of storing it in Google Now in the usual way! I've checked that the Clock app hasn't been set as default etc.... but to no avail.
How do I set the S5 Clock to alarm in Silent Mode? If I want ALL alerts off, so I can sleep, but still want to be woken up, what is the new way to set that? When I am now in silent mode, the clock is silent too.
Alarm clock app for 950XL with following attributes: can use customized sounds like Ringtone/Music each different alarm time can be customized for its own sound from Ringtones/music. Does not repeat at all if at each preset time when alarm sounds is not snoozed or cancelled, i.e., just sounds once at specified time and waits for next alarm time.
Is there a hack or an app that makes the edge lighting work when the phone is face up? I like knowing who is texting me by the edge lighting but don't always want to have the phone face down.
I recently bought a Lumia 800, and found that the alarm clock only works when the phone is ON, but it doesn't work when it's OFF. Is there any way to change this setting? obviously it doesn't make sense to have the alarm which is only working when the phone is on, as I don't want to leave my phone on overnight.
I noticed the stock alarm clock seems very stripped down compared to the one on my note 3. Either that or I am not seeing the settings to change these things. Here are some things that are bugging me:
- when the alarm ring there are no icons that show snooze or cancel. (just an X in the middle and you can slide left or right but no icons telling you what they do.)
- When I turn an alarm on there is no pop up that tells me in how long it will go off. (Good for when you accidentally put the time in PM intead of AM you can catch it with the pop up.)
- When I turn the snooze button on in settings, I can not customize the 5- minute intervals it snoozes at.
Is there any way to change any of these??? They were in the stock alarm app for my Galaxy note 3 so I am wondering if maybe I am not seeing something.
kies advised that a system update was available for my S5 so I updated. Since then, my alarm doesn't sound in silent mode and system doesn't allow me to change sounds of silent mode.
I've tried 3rd party alarm as well, but didn't make a difference.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.I've missed my alarm the last two mornings and I now realise why > the vibration wasn't working. I have it set to Vibrate only (no Sound) as I don't want to wake my baby as well.
Tests today also showed that when I put it in Silent/Vibrate mode it doesn't vibrate when receiving calls either.However when I select Silent/Vibrate mode it does the little vibrate feedback so its not like the vibrate feature doesn't work at all.
I have saw several posts on people wanting the message preview to just say new message or just the senders name,i figured out how to get it to just say new message!!!
I set my security up last night to recognize my fingerprint, when i did that there is a option in there for you to click that it "hides content" when you click this,it just shows "New message" on your lock screen.
I have my newly purchased yesterday Galaxy S6 Edge for Verizon and auto-brightness is turned off. However, when I go into a dark environment my phone screen dims itself even though the auto feature is turned off.
When in a dark environment I can can hit the phones camera sensor with a flashlight and the screen returns to full brightness. When the screen is then locked and unlocked again it will return to the dim setting.
Extremely frustrating considering how beautiful the S6 Edges screen is. Wondering if there is a fix I can do now, waiting for an OTA update, or just return the phone and get something else.
basically my phone is not connecting to mobile data after wi-fi connection is lost or manually disconnected. This is not always happening but once it happens the only way to bring back mobile data is by restarting the phone or manually toggling mobile data on and off in settings. Once it connects to mobile data it'll work for a while but then after being connected on WI-FI for a while it won't go back to mobile data on its own.
The first time I tried to use it it did work (unfortunately I couldn't see how to turn it off and turned the entire phone off to stop the alarm). Since then after playing around with it quite a bit and a visit to the shop I just can't get the alarm to work. I can't see anything is turned off or down.
why doesn't the alarm work if the nokia lumia 920 is off? this is ridiculous. windows phone is junk, nokia should have stuck with Meego Harmattan and the Nokia N9
so last night i restarted my phone . after this the following happened my alarm had no tone selected my "home " key doesnt do anything.I get no notification icons on the top bar ( they are set to on ) my ringtone defaulted to something i hadnt selected when you drag down on the notification atthe top there was a "settings" icon this has now vanished.
I'm trying to set up the fingerprint lock on the edge 6. So I've gone to setting and security and all that. I've added both thumbs as fingerprints. And under lock screen type it says fingerprint. Yet every time I lock the screen and hit the home button it says swipe to unlock. Even tho I go back to settings and under lock screen it says fingerprints. What step am I missing? Also I restarted the phone and the first time I pressed the home button it asked for my fingerprint but then after that it went to swipe screen. What should I do to fix this so it's fingerprint every time.