Galaxy S6 :: Calendar Sync Icon Always On In Account Settings
Jul 12, 2015
Under my Google account in settings my Calendar sync icon never goes away. I've noticed a drop in battery life lately and Google Play services has been topping my battery charts, I'm wondering if this has something to do with it. The icon does stop spinning but it never disappears like it does for all the other items. I found someone else who had the same problem and he said he deleted then recreated his google account and that fixed it. I tried that and now not only is the sync icon still stuck there for Calendar but now it's stuck there for Google Play Newstand as well.
I just did a software update on my S5 and now my IMAP email account only updates like 2 times a day even when the settings are set for every 30 minutes. It won't sync when I press the refresh button. My work IMAP email works fine.
I just noticed that when in monthly view anything listed on each day is not in English. I have checked my accounts online and everything seems to be in English. Why the language switches.
My Z5 compact calendar on google account only sync through wifi. (only calendar not syncing - to do)With mobile data it gives errors although internet, facebook, etc is working. Also Whatsapp messages sometimes only arrive when app is opened. Stamina mode turned off.
On May 18, 2015 I did the software update for my Lumia 1020 and now my phone seems to be experiencing a bunch of issues. Email doesn't refresh and I have to do it manually. My MS account cannot sync email nor calendar. Text messages don't send and various apps (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) won't open. Is there any solution to this? If not, how do I roll this back?
I have an exchange mal account setup on a blackberry cruve running software V6 and the callander is not syncronising across. ive been advised ths should do it automaticly. would there be a setting i need to check or change on the blackberryf ro this to happen?
Recently Google Sync was shut down, I followed the steps suggested by Google and went to my Blackberry Internet Service webpage. My service is with Optus in Australia. I opened the email account that I wanted to edit and checked the boxes for syncing of Calendar and Contacts, clicked save and then a message appeared on the page saying I should go to email setup on my phone and complete the security activation. When I did that I found that the email setup icon was not active
I then called Optus Tech support and was put through to a centre in Manila, they really had no idea what I was talking about and used a stock answer that it was a Google/Gmail issue. While I had them on the line I set up a new email account with, when I tried to sync calendar and contacts the same issue arose.
When I bought this phone I had to use the BIS to set up my email accounts, the setup email icon did not work then either but I was told by Optus that was normal and all setup should be done using BIS.
I no longer have calendar syncing which is quite important for my work.
I did try a suggestion from the forum by logging in to - communicate - email and editing from there but there is no option shown there for calendar and contacts, the only option is for syncing deleted messages.
My husband has the settings on the calendar all messed up .... he originally had my Google outlook calendar and his sync'd on his old S4 phone but his settings are messed up on the New S5 phone and I cant seem to get it corrected, the phone wont sync the calendar at all I've tried to clear the data and cache and stop the app. I don't see anywhere to delete the settings, hitting edit does nothing.
That doesn't work, cache and data clear....I think it might have to do with when we originally set up the phones on mine I told it I didn't want to use the samsung calendar and put in the info for my outlook calendar on my google acct. but I cant get that question about the samsung calendar to come up on his now that its been set up once and it keep telling him to log in to his samsung acct when he tries to sync it?
Is there a way to change the default 5 min calendar snooze to something else without having to download an app? This is for a S6, my wife has an S4 with latest OS and she has this option.
I want to sync my husband's google calendar to mine on my S6. If I add his google account under the add account it adds his whole google account, all his gmail and every hangout notification also pings on my phone. Is there a way to sync only the calendars? I've tried going into the settings for the google account on my phone and there is no sync toggle for hangouts
I have the Verizon S5 SM-G900V running 5.0, I use OK google to set up things like the days I work, Where I'm working, Who I'm working for, Dr. Appointments etc. Well when setting up these things using OK google voice command it automatically defaults to reminding only 15 minutes before the event. I need a full day notice so if someone asks me a day before hand if I'm available the next day I'll already know. Instead as it is right now if I forget I have Dr appointment it only gives 15 minutes notice and with my Dr being 45 min drive away this is just not sufficient. (MORE DETAIL) I am in fact using the google calendar on my phone and not the samsung calendar.
I have went to google calendar on my laptop clicked on the gear and went to calendar settings and changed that to default 1 day for both settings listed there and saved. I know this won't change past submissions but it didn't default to 1 day on new submissions on OK google. I even manually synced the calendar and tried again. The old phone I had (LG Exceed 2) allowed me to set a setting in the calendar settings to default events to remind 1 day in advance. But no matter where I go in the S5 (google settings,calendar settings, OK google settings) Or even web calendar settings I can't find a way to make it work?? This is a big nuisance for me to have to manually change it every time.
How to get the calendar to sync with your Google account or Samsung account? When I first updated my Galaxy s5 to lollipop, my calendar didn't sync over after I FDR. Then when I switched to the Galaxy s6, my calendar again didn't sync. Any settings I'm missing? I do have sync calendar in both Google and Samsung account enabled but it's not carrying over.
My name is ivan and i have a galaxy s2 from canada. im gonna be completley honest here. After rooting my phone, the settings icon was gone. i didnt care for awhile but after i few days, i recently came across lag and was forced to unroot and reset my phone. thinking that would do the job and bring my settings back, sadly it didnt. I factory reseted my phone but the settings icon was still not there.
I used Smart Switch for pics, texts etc but the calendar icon was faded out, so I couldn't select it. How can I transfer my thousands of appointments etc from my S4 to my S6!!!
My Photon 4 G does not sync calendar, contact, Gmail with my company Gmail account. I believe that it just stopped syncing last week and I believe that it was following a Motorola update, but cannot say for sure. Under Data Delivery, both Background Data and Data enabled are checked green. However, this is interesting because Email and corporate sync is grayed out on that screen. When I go to Account, checking the sync options is not possible, but I can do a manual sync. Please note, at one time, these options to sync Contacts, Gmail and Calendar were available. I've pulled the batter. I really do not want to reset to factory default. Suggestions? (Please note this is a company Gmail account, not just regular Gmail.)
If I click Edit & look for it in the rest of the inactive icons it's not there either - I mean it's not even there for adding. I used to have it & use it every once in a while
I received a new gs5 phone. I crushed my previous gs5 and after retrieving files and resetting it, I mailed it off for my insurance claim.
While setting up the new gs5 everything went smoothly, but for some reason my Samsung account would not sync, displayING "sync unavailable right now, we areally working to fix the issue"(or some thing along the lInes of that. I didn't think much of it.
Now everything a Samsung app goes to update, it says update failed and the app is deleted. I started to get concerned... I went to the Samsung App store directly and upon entering it said my Samsung app store needed to be updated, and now it is deleted too.
The S Health app seems to be the only app that I am noticeably able to use that Samsung had on my phone. The Geo News app says registration failed every time I loads up.
When I reset my phone, it has a pop-up bog that says "Download Fail. Please try again later".
I recently upgraded from a Note 3 to an S6 on Verizon. On my Note I had my Exchange calendar sync'd to my phone so I could see when meetings and such were. But on my S6 so far there isn't even an option listed in my calendar to display my Exchange calendar and it's quite frustrating. I've checked in Settings and Accounts and it shows the calendar should be syncing but nothing is populating in my calendar.
Using whatever crap came with this new S6 Edge, I can't get my calendar to sync with my work calendar no matter what I try. (It's a Microsoft Exchange thing.) I have talked to Verizon tech support,as well as the IT people here are work and my settings are right. I'm thinking about trying to install the Nine Exchange app, even though it galls me to have to pay for a calendar that will sync.
My question is, should I uninstall both the email and calendar that are on my phone now, and then set them all up again after Nine Exchange is installed? I guess I'm not clear on what the app is actually doing.
I am having troubles getting my Outlook calendar to show on my S6.Emails have synced perfectly well and the account is set up correctly in the same manner as my S4 and Tab 3, however my calendar isn't even available for selection on the page where you choose which items to SyncI have removed the Exchange account several times and set it up again to no avail.
What's the difference between Settings->Accounts->Google which sync all sorts of data, including "app data", and between Settings->Backup and Reset->Google Account, which also says that it backs up app data?
When I go to settings ->Accounts ->Google it says 'sync error' and when I refresh it keeps giving me the error. At the bottom of the screen it says "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly".