Galaxy S5 :: Camera - Setting Phone So That Volume Button Isn't Used To Take Photos?

May 7, 2014

I want to disable the "press volume key to take photo" option and just use the on-screen button. Is this possible?

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Galaxy S6 :: Down Volume Button On Phone Is Stuck

Nov 30, 2015

My phone fell down the side of my recliner. My down volume key is now stuck and since my battery cut out my phone is now in safe mode. This means all my apps I have downloaded are not available.

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Galaxy S5 :: Delete Multiple Photos On Samsung Phone - How To Find Trash Button

Mar 14, 2015

I can only delete one pic at a time. How do I delete multiple photos. Someone says tap on the trash button. Do I go to my pic and do that. I try that still doesnt work. There is no checked box for me to select more than iphoto.

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Galaxy S5 :: Missing Camera Photos On Phone

Aug 21, 2014

I took some photos today on my S5 and even reviewed some of them straight away, but now they are missing. I definitely didn't delete any but I can't find them in any folders. Is there a way I can get those photos back again?

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Galaxy S5 :: Missing Camera Photos From Samsung Phone - How To Recover

Oct 11, 2015

Last night I noticed that all my photos taken by my camera are gone and only 2 from the last week are left :-( I had backed up my files about a year ago and didn't delete anything. Is there any way to recover the missing photos. I also have installed DiskDigger and it says my device is not rooted.

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IPhone :: New Separate Volume Buttons / But Still No Camera Shutter Button?

Jun 9, 2010

I feel like this was a pretty popular request, and when we all saw the separate volume buttons, many said the same thing.finally we can hold the phone like a normal camera and not have to fiddle with touching the screen.Evidently not, seeing as nothing was mentioned of it in iOS4 or iPhone 4 keynotes, nor is it mentioned in feature overviews. Certainly not a deal breaker, just more of an annoyance. It's odd that Apple hasn't given us this feature without having to jailbreak, as I'd think the coding for it is very minimal.

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Speaker Volume Very Low Even On Max Setting?

Jul 21, 2011

I've tried to increase the volume by going into the service code menu and replacing max volume setting to 100 but still it doesn't seem loud enough.Is there an app available which will increase the earpiece

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: Setting Ringtone Volume At Constant Level?

Oct 24, 2012

On the Galaxy S2 even though the ringtone volume is set to max, initially it starts off quietly and gradually increases in volume. Is there any way of changing this to ring at a constant level instead of starting quietly and gradually getting louder - the number of calls I've missed because of it.

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Galaxy S6 :: Earbuds Play / Pause Button Setting?

May 16, 2015

Is there a setting within the OS the controls the function of the play/pause buttons on headsets? The button on the corded earbuds that came with my S6 no longer works. Neither does the play/pause buttons on my LG Tones or other ear buds.

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Galaxy S5 :: Change Setting To Have All Photos Go To SD Card?

Sep 25, 2014

Is there a setting I need to change so all my photos go to the SD?

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Galaxy S6 :: Save Camera Photos DIRECTLY To Google Photos?

Jun 8, 2015

...and not have them save in the phone itself (in the "Gallery" app)?

I have them all backed up to Google Photos and don't need them also on my phone.

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Stop Volume Button From Changing Vibrate To Mute

Dec 12, 2015

The volume button adjusts the ringtone volume. When it is pushed all the way down, it switches to vibrate. If I accidentally push it once more, it switches to mute. I want the phone to always vibrate, regardless of whether the ringer is on or not. I don't want the volume button to adjust vibration.

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HTC One M7 :: Phone Camera Or Incorrect Setting

Oct 7, 2013

I have had my HTC One (AT&T and stock) for about 3 months and the camera has been working normally until this past weekend. I haven't taken a lot of pics with it but when I have used it, the camera always turned on and you could see what ever you were trying to take a picture of in the display. Then, I would touch the camera icon and it would take the picture. But now, when I turn the camera function on, it shows a static image of whatever it was that the lens was looking at when I turned the camera on. It no longer shows an active view of what I'm aiming the camera lens at. I can still hit the shutter button and it still takes a picture but I don't know what I took a picture of exactly until I touch the new picture to open it up in the display.

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BB Curve :: Increase (top One) Volume Button On The Side Of The Phone Does Not Work

May 19, 2011

The increase (top one) volume button on the side of the phone does not work. The decrease volume button work fine. For example, I open up media player, put on an mp3, but it is too low to be able to hear so I click the volume button to increase it but it just does nothing. I have threw my Blackberry once or twice in frustration since I got it for Christmas. I imagine this might have something to do with the fault but I don't know for sure.

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HTC One M8 :: Motion Launch Gestures - How To Disable Camera App Launch From Volume Button

Feb 4, 2015

I really love the Motion Launch gestures except the volume button that wakes the phone and launches the camera app.

Launching the camera app by mistake is annoying and it happens from time to time.

I tried Settings > Display & gestures > Motion Launch gestures but it looks like I'll have to disabled the whole thing.

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Galaxy S6 :: Camera Setting Closes Immediately After Open?

Apr 13, 2015

Having problems with camera settings closing right after it opens? I've tried clearing data/cache. rather annoying since I can't change and of the image and video settings.

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Lumia 950 :: Close Up Setting For Phone Camera

Feb 10, 2016

Am I missing something or does the Lumia 950/Windows 10 Mobile camera have no close up setting? In the past, as with all digital cameras, there was a "flower" icon that allowed the camera to focus on close up objects. I can't find said icon and the camera struggles to focus on anything close

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Galaxy S5 :: Volume Control Does Not Zoom Camera

Mar 18, 2015

volume control does not zoom the camera?

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BB Bold :: Volume Button Broken - Can Increase The Volume Of Music But Can't Decrease It

Jun 29, 2012

My volume button broke! I can increase the volume of my music but i cant decrease it! What can I do?PS I listen to music a lot so i need the button to work?

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IPhone :: 4s Volume Button Stuck & Volume Turns Up?

May 9, 2012

My iPhone 4s that I got back in November has two problems, One: the down volume button on the side of the phone is stuck and now doesn't work.

Two: The volume on my phone turns all the way up randomly daily and won't let me turn it back down, the volume icon hardly ever leave my screen.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Home Button And Side Button For Volume Control Both Are Not Working Properly

Jul 5, 2012

My buttons seemed to have stopped working properly. In order to adjust the volume using the side button, I have to shut down the phone and then restart it. It will work for a while and then stops working and I have to go thru the process again. The home button just works whenever it wants. It doesn't fix the problem when I restart the phone. I can slide my finger in a circle around the button and it still doesn't work.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Bold 9000 :: Photo Via Scroll Button And Volume Button?

Aug 1, 2010

I am having problems zooming in to a subject I wish to photo via the scroll button and the volume button. Any ideas?

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Lumia 950 :: Reset Just From Power Button - No Volume Down Button

Dec 10, 2015

On my Lumia 950, it will reset when I hold down the power button for 10 seconds but this should only happen when holding down both the volume down button and the power button at the same time. My Lumia 920, which is also running build 10.0.10586.29, can have just the power button held down and once I swipe away the power off prompt, it works normally and stays on just like I want.I would like to use my Qi enabled car mount but it needs to push down on the power button, causing it to constantly restart.

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Galaxy S5 :: Camera Taking Blurry Photos?

Sep 7, 2015

Galaxy s5's taking blurry photos. I have turned all modes off/on, battery pull,this seems to be a widespread problem .

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Galaxy S5 :: How To Transfer Camera Photos To Laptop

Jul 22, 2015

I changed my phone to a camera device on the phone itself so I could choose to import my pictures to my laptop. God forbid its that easy. I opened the folder full of my imported pictures and the folder is just full of random stock photos. None of which were actually on my device. It did manage to copy a few pictures that were actually on my device but even then, it made hundreds of random copies of the same 10 photos. Doing this on my old iphone would've taken 30 seconds. As soon as I my upgrade comes back around i'm most definitely going back to apple. I've had nothing but problems with this phone. I wouldn't even have had to upload these pictures to my laptop if I wasnt going on my 3RD device in the same year.

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Galaxy S5 :: Indoor Camera Taken Photos Almost Blurry

Apr 10, 2015

I was just wondering, does your S5 has shaky camera too ? When im indoors and take photos, when i zoom in they are almost all blurry. And it was not so low lighted situation. It was pretty bright actually. Outdoors it seems fine but indoors it's has more noise then my S3. Is this normal ? And front camera is definitely better on S3.

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Galaxy S5 :: Camera / Gallery - Grey Box Over Photos

Apr 22, 2014

Have an issue on certain photos taken on camera. The picture is at first fine, then suddenly a grey box appears over the photo. The preview pic on the bottom shows the full pic but when you look at the full photo the grey box appears. When you flip through the photo, the full photo appears very quickly then the grey box appears.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Camera Button On Side Of Phone

Feb 7, 2010

Sometimes my camera button will start the camera, sometimes it wont.Does anyone else have an erratic button?

I just cant work out why one moment it will work and the next it wont.This flipping phone will be the death of me..

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BB Torch :: Camera Button On The Side Of Phone Sticks?

Jul 9, 2012

The camera button on the side of my phone keeps pressing itself.. When the phone is unlocked, the camera would come up and start taking pictures without pressing anything. I changed the settings so that nothing happens when I press the button but it affects it when I type and when the phone is locked my phone will be constantly lit up..

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Double-clicking Of Home Button Does Not Launch Camera?

Apr 25, 2015

Occasionally my double-clicking of the home button does not launch my camera. To get that working again I have to go into setting turn off that feature and turn it back on.

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IPhone :: Volume Button As Shutter Button

Jun 16, 2010

I know this is probably against the rules to repost what I said in another thread, but I'M DESPERATE! I beg forgiveness and leniency. I need to get the word out! I feel so small. I even tried emailing jobs.

Originally Posted by AudiA4 View Post
"I'm not really surprised that Apple still didn't include a physical camera shutter button on iPhone 4 (for stills and video on/off) given their religious adherence to physical simplicity, BUT could Apple (or a third-party developer) provide a software update that would temporarily "reassign" one of the volume buttons as the shutter button only when the Camera or Video app is active? I absolutely HATE the soft button for the camera! It's the only thing on the whole touch-centric device that is a compromise to me."

I seriously, 100% and completely agree with you. I really believe in the touch screen. I love it for everything I do on there. I don't think physical keyboards are easier like some people keep crowing, but GOD, the on-screen camera button is SO EFFING TERRIBLE I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! It makes it so awkward to hold the phone and push the button. There is a level of deep-rooted frustration that pops up when using any piece of technology other than my iphone. The only time that frustrated feeling takes over with the iphone is when I have to use that on-screen button to take a picture. It's a pain in the ass, taking multiple pictures sucks, taking pictures quickly sucks, being unaware of my surrounding while i'm concentrating on threading the needle that is making sure i hit the button correctly sucks. It takes the fun out of photography, it takes the spontaneity away and negates the whole advantage of having a camera with you at all times.

Please somebody beg, borrow, or kidnap steve into making the Perfectly positioned to be a shutter button in a comfortable and funny way that just works. Volume button into a camera shutter / video start stop button when the camera button is open.or at least give me the option. I did some looking and the Camera Zoom 2 app has this as an option. Anybody know of any others? I don't like being stuck using a 3rd party camera app as I'd rather use the one that apple designed to work best with their camera. Maybe I'm just paranoid about other camera apps taking longer, and taking worse pictures, but I really want apple to make this an option.

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